Accidentally got a white supremacist motto tattoo.

59  2019-03-18 by Morgoff


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Is the whole internet retarded now? If a white supremacist shot up a building and said "Bah-dah-dah-dah I'm loving it" is McDonalds a white supremacist organization?

You haven’t noticed that Ronny McDoggle wears whiteface?

Quarter-pounder is a hate symbol

Quarter = 1/4

1/4 looks like 14

14 = 14 words = hate speech

Therefore a quarter pounder is a hate speech pounder

I prefer the 3/5ther

I prefer the 666 Pounder

guitar riff

That's obvious to everyone who sees you even for a second, burgermeister

You really got that faggot, didn't you?

Don't inspire the future shooters reading on here man....

....Can't tell if serious

"Breaking news....."

I guess I was the retard all along. I should have known since I'm using the internet.

Hey kid! Keep your head up high. Don't be so hard on yourself

Let the power of black gospel lift you up, child:


At the risk of changing the subject, that's such a bad episode. He possesses the retard's body and then saves a bunch of lives and everyone decides that the retard is really smart after all. So what happens after he leaves? He's just raised the expectations that everyone else will have on the tard while he flies off to another universe, not having to deal with the consequences of his actions.

Huh, I've never seen the show but you'd think they would have done something to tie up that obviously loose end.

I haven't watched much of it but I happened to see that episode. He inhabits the tard's body, gets into a big fight with the Longshoreman's Union in the 1950s, and outwits them. It's a perfect example of how "you never go full retard" in entertainment.

Such a retarded take


Last time I check McDonald’s doesn’t hang out with retarded conservative dudes who are known to branch into racist shit. But what do you know pewdiepie does too. Also he’s free with saying the n word sooooo

Hmm, elaborate.

Shut up nerd

Are you gonna cry?

Pfffffffffffff, I just checked Moonman's know your meme page and every single video is pulled by youtube. Truly he was the most racist tank engine of them all.

I see mayo IQ is dropping

if mcdonalds spouts n-bombs, believes in white genocide, and prompts people to "kill all Jews" in their advertisements then yea I'd say mickey D's is pretty nazi

Is the whole internet retarded now?

Well, at least you answered my question.

what no he didn’t

that’s just... some guy

Don't forget you also replied

i’m even summer a guy than he is

...Do you still doubt my question has been answered?


goddamn, ghosties are really closin' the IQ gap!

The problem with not paying attention in school is you can't understand what's going on when things like these happen

Now I am thirty six and simply told that there must be something wrong with me and they can't help me unless I seek mental help.

Everyone here is just completely retarded and I love it.

Well I'm thirty-eight now so that mean you went back two years into my post history? Great job, kiddo. What motivated you to do that? Don't worry, I got a lot better.

What, finally landed that fast food job you couldn't get?

Slow down you haven't given me enough time to pagedown through my profile to find those comments. If fast food worker is what you thought of me you didn't do enough reading. I guess this is where I encourage you to learn what projection is

Projection? What's that?


Is that like when you don't understand the internet cause you're 40 but you say everyone else doesn't?

How did you find those old posts I made but not read enough to know I'm a computer programmer? Projection is when you accuse others of what you are guilty. Like when you tell someone who has written an operating system and network stack that they probably don't know much about the Internet. I can tell you're trying really hard to troll but if you want get better you're going to have to learn some reading comprehension.

Don't you have to be employed to call yourself a computer programmer?

Uh.... no? Not sure what you are trying to get at. Are you saying that because you're unemployed?

You couldn't get a fast food job but you want me to believe you're employed now? lol k

Because I was overqualified genius. You might want to consider why it's so hard for you to make me feel bad.

Any half-intelligent person would just leave the part where they're overqualified off of the resume. You couldn't figure that out, which ironically makes you perfectly qualified for a fast food job.

Uh you don't use a resume when you apply for fast food jobs. You're trying and failing to make fun of somebody better than you I assume. I don't understand the whole point of this, does saying dumb things make you feel good? What kind of child doesn't know what skills you need to work in the fast food industry?

Any half-intelligent person would just leave the part where they're overqualified off of the resume application

My bad, I'm not a loser who has to apply for fast food jobs.

McDonald’s IS a white supremacist organization

You know the CEO was a black guy up til 2015, right?

the CEO of America was a black guy for 8 years, what’s that supposed to prove?

How's that autism, champ?


*Aspergers, my bad

nah “autism” is still technically right

Someone needs to yell “ wubba lubba dub dub” next time they shoot up a place.

If a white supremacist shot up a building and said "Bah-dah-dah-dah I'm loving it" is McDonalds a white supremacist organization?

it would definitely confirm that anyone with a "Bah-dah-dah-dah I'm loving it" tattoo is a doctor who phone booth

If a white supremacist shot up a building and said "Bah-dah-dah-dah I'm loving it" is McDonalds a white supremacist organization?

Already happened, near enough. A satirical piece on a far-right website made people think that about a big American pizza corporation.

Have you seen how much mayo they put on shit? It’s suspect.

Fuck, I thought it was going to be something like an iron cross, black sun, or maybe even a benevolent swastika. Any of those would be better than a streamer meme.

I was hoping for an 88 because she was born in 88

Everyone born in 88 is a de facto white supremacist. Especially the black people.

Phew, missed it by a year.

That's not the worst thing she's got on her body. 🤢

I have a degree in psychology and I require you to elaborate and go further into that statement of yours

Well I just think that if you ran a high-powered magnet over her to rip out all the metal and then pressure-washed the makeup, you might actually find someone attractive under all of it.

It makes me feel helpless because I can't change millenial culture. All I can do is just drink another Monster and wish it was summer so there was more grass to mow.

I just wanna grill

Fuck, you guys... I get you. I really do.

I just want to take a week off from work and like... build a deck. Maybe pressure wash my drive way. Take the kids out for ice cream.

WELL, shots were definitely fired here lol

A real psychologist would give more helpful advice like "keep yourself safe".

No, a real psychologist would gaslight you by asking you what you think this all means... why you feel this way? is there another way of looking at this? Perhaps it is your anxiety distorting your perceptions

Perhaps it is your anxiety distorting your perceptions

Maybe an excess of faggotry has impeded your clinical detachment. It's time to resign yourself from this case.


Hey doc, long time no see!

Dr. Troi get out of my head!!! 😤😤😤

Where are you living, that you can't find good Christian virgin girls to join your Minecraft server? Guess your underage waifu will have to do.

I unironically want to chill and mow a lawn

Well I just think that if you ran a high-powered magnet over her to rip out all the metal and then pressure-washed the makeup, you might actually find someone attractive under all of it.

It makes me feel helpless because I can't change millenial culture. All I can do is just drink another Monster and wish it was summer so there was more grass to mow.

I literally cant even...

This isn't millennial culture, fuckwit. This is your garden variety Gen X style goth raver bullshit.

It's almost cute how retro it is.

Why do you think that? How does it make you feel? Why?

Nose piercing. It make me feels like she is a cow. Why is thgat bad ? Because foid+beastiality is bad.

You need to go balls deeper. Why is bestiality bad?

Because it's close to being a furry and that's disgusting.

Imagine permanently defacing your body with shit-tier memes because of daddy issues lmao

And people think Terry crews was wrong

Blue checkmarks aren't "people"

smh, thots man

The only thing I regret is making a fucming Twitter and opening myself up to be contacted by you human fucking scum.

Odd, I was under the impression that twitter was voluntary, even after you've made an account.

Regret wouldn't make much sense for something involuntary

Gunna have to agree with you here. That guy is obviously a retard who can't read.

This is why children need a good father and mother

I got sub to @pewdiepie tattooed on my foot two weeks ago half as a joke half bc I respect how successful he has been as a creator.

if this is you, you deserve whatever happens to you

>YouTube creator

That's a yikes from me, sweaty.

Honestly I can't believe twitter has a better reputation than 4chan.

we must secure the existence of our channel and a future for pewdiepie subscribers

I don't think I've ever liked anything in my entire life enough that I think it's important enough to ink on my body, and this bitch is out there tattooing the meme of the week on her foot

we really do live in a society

Ok this is funny but does she have any nudes?

She looks like the kind of girl that would bite her bf's dick off over a mild disagreement

Which also means that she's the kind of girl who sucks dick.

You’d think she’d be happy, I’m not sure, but I think she might like getting attention from people.