r/PewdiepieSubmissions is back, and they've got a whole host of new rules to make sure no more meanies go on shooting sprees

180  2019-03-18 by tgbz


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I'm gonna livestream myself breaking the world record for most brisket eaten in 15 minutes, and right before I start im gonna say, "subscribe to Malcolm Reed".

fuck you for linking that weird alien robot instead of our lord and savior

Like butter


Official r/drama YouTube channel

Look at that fat fuck. God, I want some brisket.

goddamit I am starving


Right before he entered this mosque, the attacker said "Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie." His goal was to divide people and cause conflicts in the world.

RIP mods

Wait can they still post the navy seal copy paste?

I'd argue very few people actually know he put that in his manifesto.

Been all over twitter though.

Can't believe they're trying to censor his manifesto. If you're radicalized by that you were already radicalized.

Im not gonna lie this is my favorite mass shooter

These memes are not only awful


really gets the old noggin a joggin

Did it help his subscriber count?

I actually asked this over in /r/morbidquestions.


tl;dr his sub count increased but no more than it usually does

nothing can beat the steady bot activity

idk but I subscribed immediately after watching the mp4

When you know your own user base too well.

Can someone explain Pewdiepie to me ? I know he played vidya and people liked watching him play it.

Then he had a fight with an Indian record label which led to his fan hacking a printer or something.

Then he became alt right or something.

What does he do ?

im no expert in pewds as i cant make it longer than 20 seconds into his videos without closing the tab, but i think he is just peak zoomercore, and nothing really beyond that, i think all the alt-right stuff is bluechecks pearl clutching at generic edginess.


What does this mean ? I sound like a retard now but I still don't know what he does in his videos ? Does he repeat jokes ? Give his hot takes on event s ?

by zoomercore i mean that his main demographic viewer is a zoomer, or that his content is very specifically tailored to the zoomer demographic. i think most of his videos have to do with gayming but he also makes more meta and meme videos as well, like i said, i cant physically watch his videos so im not 100% on his content.

OK thank you.

Pretty much what you said, he "reviews" memes and articles against him

Why do his fans love him so much ? Someone defaced a memorial, hacked a printer and now someone committed a shooting just for him.

During the last two years or so he changed his persona to a more "filthy frank" like and dropped gaming for memes and other personal stuff, than an Indian company named t-series threatened his first place has most subscribed so fans found ways to boost his popularity, including the defaced memorial

filthy frank

I don't know who this oriental with a grotesque expressionis though I've heard about him too.

His fans are a bit extreme. Thank you for this explanation.

His music is good tho.

Pewds makes music ?

No but Joji does

Who's that ?

He's already past the discount Filthy Frank phase given it's associated with his N-word incident.

People still care about that?

Yeah people are still holding the out of context Nazi jokes and Fiverr incident over his head while still assuming he's the same guy that plays Amnesia.


out of context

nigga what do you think they’re saying he did?

/r/pewdiepiesubmissions user


Yeah people are still holding the out of context Nazi jokes and Fiverr incident over his head

yes when u truely understand the context u will see that he was screeching n word at strangers because um




The out of context one I'm talking about is the one where he criticized media for cherry picking jokes to make people look bad followed by him watching Hitler in a British officer's uniform.

Yeah people still care he said nigger.


No one would have batted an eye if he said regular insults. Like saying "What a scum sucking idiot asshole that deserves to be gunned down like the degenerate he is" wouldn't even get as big of a reaction.

What a galaxy brain take from a PDP lover. Tell me more bby.

No one would have batted an eye if he said regular insults

Yes retard that is literally the entire point.

saying "What a scum sucking idiot asshole that deserves to be gunned down like the degenerate he is" wouldn't even get as big of a reaction

Why do you think that is?

Gaymers love bringing it up.

Yeah I've seen some post recently

what a fucking ni-

As with most things, it started out as harmless jokes and memes and everyone trying to one-up each other in a friendly way to see how far they could take this thing. Then as usual, some autists couldn't really discern the irony and sarcasm of the whole thing and took things way too far.

The "subscribe to PewDiePie" phrase lost all meaning at this point and is just a different form of "YOLO" for most of the recent dipshits.

Thank you for this. I remember YOLO, one rapper died whilst speeding under influence and he had tweeted the phrase.

Zoomercore doesnt mean anything, the zoomer/boomer/doomer memes are just buzzwords that people use when they cant properly explain something. Most redditest of memes

boomertier comment


dramacels absolutely SEETHING over made up words

To me the outrage about Pewdiepie is nearly exactly the same thing as the 80s Satanic Panic. Him dropping the n word once might as well be Ozzie Osborne eating a dove's head or KISS pyrotechnics/fake blood if we're being honest.

i think all the alt-right stuff is bluechecks pearl clutching at generic edginess.

that’s only half of it, the other half is whenever people talk about the dumb shit he does he spergs out and says there’s a media conspiracy to drag his stellar reputation through the mud

the two halves feed into each other, in a classic JonTron dynamic.

Notable fatass H3H3 literally said that the media was lying about him because they fear his power and how more people believe him than (((them))).

Sounds about right, that’s mayoids for ya

he makes videos on memes (meme review, lwiay) and drama (pew news). he used to make gaming videos but rarely does it anymore. i think he makes VR gaming videos from time to time?

he got caught in some controversies which i think is why some think he's alt right? (idk what alt right is i don't keep up with politics outside of my country's sorry)

the "fight" with the indian record label, t-series, is more for the memes. he's mentioned that he doesn't really care if he gets surpassed but he's amazed by people's attempts to get people to subscribe to him (like the printer hacking, buying billboards and what not). he's said that he's fine with it all as long as nobody does anything illegal. like when someone defaced a ww2 memorial.

for me personally, i enjoy watching felix because i feel like he's very genuine and down-to-earth whenever i watch his videos, like his book review. i also find myself laughing at his content. i haven't been watching him consistently though.

Thank you for this in depth explanation.

(idk what alt right is i don't keep up with politics outside of my country's sorry)

In all fairness, I don't think anyone know what alt-right means anymore.

He's basically just a dude that surged to popularity during the earlier days of youtube. Checkmarks hate him because he's sorta middle of the road politically from what I can tell and if there's one thing true tolerant lefties can't handle it's someone with an audience larger than them that isn't preaching radfem bullshit so they decided that it was time to unleash some hit pieces on him. Rightoids noticed that the checkmarks were trying to take him down (it didn't work) and decided that this was the perfect opportunity to fight the culture wars. Or in other words: Typical mayo retardation.

The whole "subscribe to pewdiepie" thing is more for the memes though, I guess. It's kinda become the zoomer version of the whole "fuck her right in the pussy" thing that dumb millenials were doing a few years back or something.

Ofocurde checkmarks hate anyone who isn't a loony like them.

zoomer version of the whole "fuck her right in the pussy" thing that dumb millenials were doing a few years back or something.

😂😂, great explanation.

pewds is a loony though. he thinks any criticism of him is a media conspiracy out to get him

What do the media criticise him for exactly ?

Paying some non-English-speaking poor people $5 to wave a sign that said “DEATH TO ALL JEWS” and broadcasting them doing so to an international audience of millions of children

Hypocritically arguing that jokes he makes are always fair game, but jokes at his expense are defamation

Shouting “nigger” on stream in a fit of rage

Really, really shitty content

Mostly though, refusing to take responsibility for anything, blaming media conspiracies for everything to an audience of impressionable children.

Shouting “nigger” on stream in a fit of rage

Who hasn't ? I say let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Hypocritically arguing that jokes he makes are always fair game, but jokes at his expense are defamation

Yeah he can fuck off then if he did that.

Paying some non-English-speaking poor people $5 to wave a sign that said “DEATH TO ALL JEWS” and broadcasting them doing so to an international audience of millions of children

Edgy fellow.

Yeah he can fuck off then if he did that.

didn't happen

It didn't ? The other guy said it did.

Most of the “Nazi” labels WERE jokes. It’s a funny joke.

God forbid someone think you are being ironic and not a a literal retard.

What, are jokes about Nazis off-limits or something?

no jokes are off limits. I just don't see libel as a comedy genre. (unless it's against someone I dislike, then it's totally ok)

What libel?

what does the word "joke" mean in your culture, and how does it apply to the pearl clutching article in the WSJ?

Lol the WSJ never called PewDiePie a Nazi you mong

wow rude

well don’t talk nonsense then

It’s 2016, people who are still capable of reflexively throwing out hard R’s are degenerates

Again, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I like using niggard. Am I degenerate you Nazi !?!?!

Also I believe it's 2015.

that’s not a hard r it’s a hard ard

😅 thank you for the clarification.


now you are just being a judgemental faggot

But not an inaccurate one.

Checkmarks hate him because he's sorta middle of the road politically

lol what the fuck are you talking about? are you thinking of Ethan Klein or something? Swedie doesn’t even talk about politics.

Rightoids noticed that the checkmarks were trying to take him down

yep, all those “leftoid checkmarks” at the Wall Street Journal who conspired to briefly mention that he paid some indians to wave “death to all jews” in the middle of a piece about youtube. makes sense

doesn’t even talk about politics.

aka further right than hitler, according to the progressives.

like whom

He did a school shooting I think

Love the fact that they think they're absolved by throwing in a link to a charity. Laziest charity drive eva

Lock it all down. Everything. No more freedom for anyone. Vote Yang.

Just delete the sub dont those kids have homework

It wasn't even funny to begin with.

Who guilds mod announcements?

Lol at all the virgins crying because they “can’t say subscribe to pewdiepie without feeling bad” it’s a fuckihg meme, just don’t say it

Honestly the best thing that the shooter ever did was kill that stupid fucking meme.

Truly the 50th victim.



Or just say it and tell anyone that cries to fuck off


I'm going to say the S word!

Was genuinely hoping to never see that sub ever again but here we are

I know. I was celebrating their banning

What is that subreddit about? From what I can tell, it's a fan club for some guy who reviews video games. Am I missing something?

it's for pewdiepie's lwiay series on youtube where he looks and reacts to fan creations, memes, or whatever is most upvoted for the week in the subreddit.

It's so cringe. He just sits there on the computer and reads (awful) memes out loud, then chuckles to himself for a moment while retarded 15 year olds praise him.

And sometimes Elon Musk is there.

Pretty sure Pewdiepie himself would get banned instantly under those rules.
