Political predictions and the catch 22 of suppressing a minority to retain power

3  2019-03-18 by TheCummining

This sub does not deserve this post. But considering it's the only large subreddit that's humble and not a bunch of arrogant pricks thinking they know how the world works because they're taking 9 AP's, here we are.

You ever wonder why impoverished countries have the highest birth rates while the wealthiest countries not only have the lowest birth rates but sometimes even declining birth rates. There are many theories out there, and while all of them have a certain element of truth, they all circle around the real reason behind this trend. And that is demonstrated in the following case study:

George, a white child, was born on the North Side of Chicago. Evanston, Illinois to be exact. Georgie boy was raised in a safe and happy neighborhood with plenty of after school programs, job offerings, and things to do like play on the beach and ding dong ditch his neighbors. At 13 George experienced puberty and a huge influx in testosterone. He started looking at girls differently, masturbating incessantly day in and day out. Fortunately George was inculcated with the lesson that condoms are necessary and that if you have sex without a condom you are fucked for the rest of your life. George had the chess club, rowing, and tennis with the other kids to distract him while he grew up, got into UChicago, and developed a solid education and credentials before losing his virginity to the librarian. George ended up marrying a fellow UChicago classmate and together they run Fuckmoney LLC, a billion dollar asset manager. George plans on attending law school and his wife Cindy does charity work on the South Side of Chicago. They plan to have kids after they are established in their careers. George and Cindy, at 35 and 33 respectively, have a baby girl. Two years later they have a baby boy. The cycle repeats with these two kids as they grow up and are raised on the North Side of Chicago.

James, a black child, was born on the South Side of Chicago. Not Hyde Park, to be exact. James was born in an urban project, between two rival gangs. James was born to a single mother and does not know his father. James goes to school where the cool kids pressure him into taking ectasy in the school bathroom. Not like they're gonna get caught, that school hasn't been properly funded since the 90's. James is now 16 and applies for a job at the local Target. But Target closed their last store on the South Side, meaning James no longer can get a job. James hears that the local gang is hiring hustlers to expand their distribution of meth, and so James signs up. At this point James has hit puberty and is horny af. James fucks a girl in the bathroom, the same one where he took his first shot of ecstasy. James then goes on to fuck another girl. And another. And another. James doesn't use a condom because it doesn't have the same sensation. Then one of the girls texts him and says she's pregnant. James doesn't believe her. James says she's a slut and she's had sex with others and it could be their kid. James gaslights her and she leaves him alone, thinking she may be wrong. Two more girls James had sex with are pregnant, and no one knows who is the father and what to do about these children. James drops out of high school, unable to make it as a corner hustler distributing drugs, and winds up getting a minimum wage private security job detail for Fuckmoney LLC and their office in Chicago's downtown Loop. James' kids, of which he has no idea who they are and what they are up to, grow up and are raised on the South Side of Chicago.


This happens time and time again. Group A is better off in every way, and has a lower birthrate. Group B is worse off in every way, and has a higher birthrate. Group B grows rapidly because they are worse off, Group A sees correllation as causation and that Group B is in gangs not because of their upbringing but because they are Group B, and so Group A, in an order to retain their better lifestyle, suppresses Group B even more, which leads to a larger birthrate and on and on and on until the power dynamic shifts as Group B has raw numbers more than Group A.

This is what is happening in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Israelis are suppressing the Palestinians in the West Bank with those settlements choking off Palestinian population centers. The Palestinian population, a poor undereducated group, has an exploding birthrate and now has a larger population than Israel. This freaks out the far right government in Israel who then continues the suppression of the West Bank in an attempt to end this trend, but it only exasperates it and the birthrate with Palestinians continues to increase as the Jewish birthrate in Israel doesn't catchup as the Jewish population in Israel is better educated, has better communities to raise their children, and better means of not having young men impregnating all these fellow young women growing up.



It's something of a catch 22: when a minority group gets suppressed, it doesn't make their group decline and go away, rather it has the exact opposite impact and they grow fast, making them more powerful with sheer population numbers. But no majority group wants to relinquish power and equal opportunity voluntarily, even though that's the best way for everyone to be better off. George grows up seeing James and all the gang members are black, and so George correllates that black people join gangs because they are black, not because they grew up on the disenfranchised South Side of Chicago. James grows up with an inferiority complex, seeing white people in positions of power. James correllates that white people are smart, capable, and worth emulation, not because they grew up on the wealthy North Side of Chicago and had all the opportunities and empowerment in the world growing up. This dynamic is also what sparks genocides, but fortunately America has enough rule of law to not overtly send minorities to concentration camps and instead let their policemen shoot them in the streets without repurcussion whatsoever. FUCK THE POLICE THOSE IGNORANT RACIST POWERTRIPPING CORRUPT MOTHERFUCKERS DESERVE TO ROT IN PRISON. If there is ever a politician whose platform is to gut the pensions of the police, please send their info my way and I will devote my life to campaigning for them and doing everything in my power to get them elected.

As young people get educated they understand and appreciate the unhealthy dynamics of inequality, segregation, and oppression targeting racial minorities. More importantly, they and their families get fucked over by an even wealthier and more powerful smaller group of people within the majority population. For America this is the tech and finance class, getting billions of dollars, and yet getting away with things like financial crises and data breaches. So then as more and more people get left out, even majority white people, they dynamics of power shift. Equality of opportunity leads to other thoughts of equality. Fractures arise in political institutions as Obama (black) beats McCain, Trump (anti establishment) beats Clinton, and AOC (equality for all) beats Crowley. And what may have sparked a bloody revolution by a proletariat to overthrow the bourgeois due to feelings of powerlessness becomes a civil revolution in the ballot box.

We are living in historic times. The election of 2020 will be the most pivotal election in US history, as a political system created by white men for white men 200 years ago buckles under the pressure of everyone and anyone who wants and understands the need for a system which equalizes things like opportunity, safety, and economic prosperity.


Whattup Darqwolff

Ayoo soyboy!!

Jesus Christ youโ€™re a moron.


This but unironically


shot of ecstacy

Shut yo boomer ass up

Basketballs are too stupid to put their dicks away

This is the fault of hard-working white people


lmao bottom text


Exacerbates you drooling retard

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