A tale of one goat fucker.

118  2019-03-18 by IDFSHILL



My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Mr goat himself is a 35+ year old f... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  3. Steve has long been accused of fuck... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  4. the plot thickened after a video su... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  5. spoiler alert: the video exists. - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  6. Steve then decided to double down o... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  7. You can also find many videos of St... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  8. this is, of course, only the tip of... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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... perfection



Yeah... that's definitely something... 😟

Pizza, nice longpost

Both stickies are about beastiality


2019 is year of the Earth pig.

isn't reddit FUN

The next step in the LARP

How can it be "legal" to kill animals and consume their flesh but making sweet, gentle, passionate love to a beautiful animal remains unjustly illegal?

The animal I'm referring to is your mom, of course.

hey you seem to up on these guys, do you remember the gay bronie who was making a portal to the ponyverse and he worked at a liquor store and drank a lot, what ever happened to him?

Not sure who you're talking about.

he yelled APPOLOGIZE with his knife and they call the cops him, he was making the portal to go to ponyland and use a potion to turn straight, he had boyfriend male pony.

He wrote a bunch of fanfics he thought were real

So what happened to him?

A conNEIGHseur?

Never heard of this. Did you really watch all 21 minutes of the video you investigated?

I skipped through, got as far as him telling the inflatable goat he wants to "cum inside of it" before shutting it off.

Glad you bailed in time.

What does this have to do with the cobraverse guy? Do they know each other?

Yes, they are/were friends. That's where Steve came from, but there seems to be a steve/cobra split with the alt-right siding with Steve and everyone else with Cobra.

there seems to be a steve/cobra split with the alt-right siding with Steve and everyone else with Cobra.

idpol seeps into everything

fuck yah saving this for later, thanks OP 😉

what a fucking fucker

Our prophet Ibn-al-PizzaShill brings us good effortposts.

I'm just a humble /r/drama journalist, without my sources I'd have nothing. A special shout out to my ex, she provided me with the lead.

This is a Snally-tier post. Well done PS.

This is the biggest wtf story i've heard holy shit

Mr goat himself is a 35+ year old furry that often streams with a goat or dragon suit, along with his 18 year old soon to be wife which appears to be a homeless teenager he groomed

Massive incel cope lmao, the girl went to his arms because of how alpha he is .

Keep seething bitter virgin.

Maybe if Pizza picked up a couple shifts at the local Walgreens like his parents insist, he too could afford that bitchin pussymagnet fursuit.

Bloody marvelous.

That is one creepy dude.

For the love of god, someone please tell me the fuck the Cobraverse is. Is this the capeshit made for white trash that can't afford movie tickets and Pop Funkos?

this is a nice effort post but I'm not clicking any of thoe links cuz I dont wanna get AIDS

That mangy goat fursuit is the stuff of nightmares.

Also, how bad is it when someone defends you by saying at least you don't fuck dead people.

And they say middle-age was evil and gross

I don’t get creeped out easily but that guy is kind of creepy. How does he have fans?

Even if you ignore the worst things about him or don’t know, his videos are unedited and really low quality. He leaves in footage where he’s messing around with the camera and doesn’t know what to say. Also when he’s not wearing the furry costume he just stares at the camera without blinking and talks in a really odd cadence.

I just don’t understand how humans like this exist.

Other sick fuck like him are his fans

it would appear that this things eyes point away from each other

the plot thickened after a video surfaced of Steve begging his fans to not watch a video that may or may not exist of him fucking an inflatable goat.

spoiler alert: the video exists. This is a 21 minute long video of Steve fucking an inflatable goat while talking to it, be warned.

LMAO. Great effortpost, pizza.

Wtf why was this taken down?

It's up again.

Thanks pizza booboo!

What the fuck is this? I'm from the /r/kingcobrajfs subreddit. How do you know all of this info?

there are millions of goat fuckers in the US, most of which are mayo Americans.

But of course

That segment on Momo tho

So all the best bits of Islam without the boring prayers. Truly enlightened.

I fucked a sheep

I fucked a goat

I rammed my cock right down its throat

That guy definitely mods at /r/PoliticalHumor

Thanks for this. It makes me feel better to be the non-goat-fucking simpleton that I am.

I wondered how long it would take for cobra shit to start branching off into the normiesphere. He's my favorite lolcow right now.

Oh my. Another kero. As a furry (a non suiter), I'm really disappointed. Thankfully this isn't what everyone in the fandom does.

>this isn't what everyone in the fandom does.

(x) doubt

Boy stfu. Saying all furries are zoophiles because you've seen a single furry being one is like saying vaccines cause autism because you've seen an autistic kid who was vaccinated

Finally found the comment that gave me this godly quote.