Bye Ed

179  2019-03-18 by Momruepari


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about β€œblood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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LMAO snappy is raising another mans bastard and his wife's son is probably Ed's reincarnation.

I wonder what he'll be reincarnated as? Fortunately theres not much worse than being Indian

Indian Drama subscriber.



If I had the choice I would rather listen to my dad rail my mom raw all night long than listen to her watch Big Bang Theory.

I refuse to believe the ban is permanent 😣😣😣

😴 😴 😴



Hold the fuck up, this feels really familiar. Didn't we already say our goodbyes when he was announced dead a couple months ago?

That was /u/dratamard2

Dude, I think he might literally be dead

That or jail

Man, it's like fucking Bottomlulz all over again

My heart can only take so much 😒

Why would he be in jail? Knowing this place it would be assault or rape

Nah, that was u/MasterLawlz

Yeah, you're right, guess it's Ed's turn now. Can we do the Tay posting one in next?

DistortedLoans I believe


Pakistanis did this.

Wait what happened? How did Ed get banned?

He got perma'ed for calling someone a dog fucker.

Was he right?

He probably is that's why he got banned

Link to comment?

We can't even call dog fuckers as dog fuckers now? Fuck this sub, tbqh. Whitney Wisconsin didn't die for this shit

how are you not gonna use the edit of this image with youngkingdave in the background

Smokin' big doinks in heaven now πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

he's in there

Kimbo Slice died? Damn I didn’t know.

Succeeded of course by his 15 kids all named Kevin or Kevina. The population of black people named β€œKevin” increased by ~25% on his account, truly a legend.

sorry i can tell this is FAKE AND OLD because it does not include john mccain in the heaven picture

if this was taken recently john mccain would be there ergo this is FAKE NEWS


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

>implying Ed will go to heaven