If the shooter was Asian he woukd have scored higher on the practical exam

107  2019-03-19 by Scramble187


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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If we're talking about the minority of mediocre white dudes who chimp out over seeing black people on TV or a movie, or white genocide because gaymers finally get to shoot redneck bad guys after more than a decade of shooting ay-rabs and russians, sure. The asian subs are still school shooter breeding grounds though.

The title was in response to OPs statement

I wonder how much higher the death count would have been if he was subjected to the systematic handicaps Asian makes face every day.

Oh, I only read the title in the linked thread and instinctually dipped out before I was contaminated with their derangement. Asians dominate the leaderboards of all kinds of games, I'm sure they would make great school shooters, if they had whatever it is makes white people love school shootings so much.

The statistics will show that the overwhelming majority of mass shootings are committed by WMs

I hate it when people try to emasculate asian men by pretending that Korean-Americans aren't vastly over-represented in mass shooting high scores. Also dude Woo Bum-Kon lmao.

His rampage remained the deadliest known mass murder committed by a lone gunman in modern history until the Norway attacks of July 22, 2011

Det er typisk norsk å være god

basert og rødpillet

TBH this guy had the right idea. If I ever decide I want a high score, I'm not going to go for it in an urban environment where there are armed policemen all around and the entire place is constricted so people can hide easily and I constantly have to watch corners. I'll go out in the countryside, in a state where plebs don't have guns then btfo village after village, biking my way from one to the other. It would've been optimal if cell phones weren't a thing but w/e, even with them I think it'll be sometime before the alarm is raised and rural cops are so comically incompetent I'll have time even then.

White men are the second most overrepresented mass shooters after black men.

White men are actually massively underrepresented. Media tries to spin things differently of course

31% of the population commits 63% of mass shootings, they aren't underrepresented in the least.

not globally

Look at that C O P E

Global stats are impossible to know but i'm pretty sure white men still commit a higher portion of shootings than they make up in percentage of population.

What kind of Asian was the Virginia tech guy.

He was from the glorious Korean master race of course.

Elliot Rodger was a shit shooter.

What about the Virginia Tech guy?

This is just the wrong arena in which to attempt to establish racial supremacy.

You shouldn't be doing that in the first place, mind you, but this is like arguing that your team molests the most children and gives them the most intractable PTSD from it.

Alcohol really should be banned or restricted heavily. The amount consumed is just too much.


Of course orientals are jelly.

because alcohol is so ingrained in the culture.





It's OK I doubt they've ever been to Asia.

Isn't it a proud Nippon tradition to get absolutely shitfaced from 6-7pm and then head back to the office to work another 4-5 hours?

As if these people are actually Nipponese. They're closer to Wheebs.

Theyre all chinks. Koreans, japanese, south-east asians act like decent human beings and are thus treated quite well. Chinese however exhibit all the worst traits of mayos and are treated accordingly.

So you think the Chinese are the trouble makers ?

How can you tell ?

The lack of anything resembling culture or manners.

That makes sense. Thanks Chairman Mao !

For the love of Confucius, our most famous poet in China only ever wrote while shitfaced and is reputed to have drowned when he got so drunk that he tried to grab the reflection of the moon in a lake.

You assume these people are Chinese and not chinks.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that Asian men should take what is rightfully theirs, through any means necessary.

Finally the mayocide.

I bet 99% of all whites would kill themselves before the age of 25 when living the simulation of an Asian man in the west

There are plenty of mayos that can't get a girlfriend by age 25. They just blame their anxiety.

Cereal time!

I think they are just blaming their shortcomings solely on race. Does being an non Mayo hard in the dating scene? Absolutely! All data suggests that BUT there’s a limit to that, of course. How come most men of any race can still find someone despite not being attractive or rich or funny?

They have the same mindset as incels i.e. there’s a system keeping them down and nothing is really their fault. They blame external forces such as Asian women because we do very well in the dating scene.

It’s the rage of “why do our counterparts do so well?” I highly doubt many of them actually care about yellow fever or Asian women being viewed as nothing but sexual objects since this is something they want for themselves. They “advocate” for sexy Asian men to be represented in the media. They want to be seen as attractive and sexualized.

I also doubt that they really care for “white worship”. Some of them do and are consistent but many think it’s a win to date a white woman. Doing the exact same thing they are accusing Asian women of.

It’s just all around bitterness which doesn’t help with increasing attractiveness at all. Their arguments contradict one another and it’s hard for me to take them seriously. They almost made me want to date mayos and that’s saying a lot! I still won’t though 🤮

I was nearing inceldom and then quit drinking and worked out for over a year, now i punch far above what i would consider my range and freak the fuck out about how hot my dates are.

Good for you! I love hearing stories like that.

Real struggle is finding someone else at least mildly into nerdshit, last girl i met like that had a bigger moustache than me, just goddamn girl i could not stop looking at it.

I think it’s hard to find a girl who’s into geeky stuff and also looks good. I know it’s a stereotype but they exist for a reason!

Even though I am a woman, I’m still trying to figure out how most women operate lol For example, I used to get a lot of shit from my female classmates for playing Dota. They would say low key demeaning stuff like, “are you playing this because of the guys in our class?” Like fuck, no. They are noobs. I’ve been playing Dota longer than most players. I was the highest level out of all. The guys wanted me to play with them because they want to level up faster. I’ve never gotten this type of gaming related sexist comment from any guy ever. Not even online when playing Dota and that’s saying a lot because Dota community is toxic.

Then, I joined a field filled with Toxic Masculinity 🙄🙄 aka programming. I’m expected not to take care of my looks. One time I was browsing on Sephora and a female colleague from another department saw that and commented, “oh, so you do girl things too?” WTF? Bitch, I do 10 step Korean skincare and I often have a sheet mask on when I play Dota. When I put on a little makeup and dress up, I get looks. I was constantly told by women at work how boring my job looked. I had a higher up woman ignored me completely and asked for other men in my department for tech related help even through I was assigned to her project. Never have I ever beeb belittled by my male colleagues. All I’ve received is encouragement. So much toxic masculinity!!!

There was this one woman that I specifically disliked because she really disliked me lol She wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence but would talk to all the other guys in my department. I got a really good job offer and she works there too. When she saw me, her face was priceless. The “OMG! This bitch is back again!” face.

And people ask why I hang out with guys more. Because of bullshit like this.

I guess my point is 😆 women are peer pressured by other women to put ourselves in boxes. I think it’s a complete myth that most men don’t want women in male spaces like gaming and nerdy stuff because there’s no logic to why a bunch of straight men would aggressively reject a potential sea of women who are into the same shit as they do.

jesus christ was that some original pasta?

Dude, this is nothing. I’ve lost count on how many times I got the longpost bot. I think I even reached word limit couple of times.

It’s just the PMS and insomnia 😫

yet you will never replace snally as top foid.

You’ve got it all wrong. I want to replace MasterLawz. I’ll take his doggie too.

Cool story becky now show bobs or gtfo

I'm not interested in your speedrun videos.

Hey, even I wouldn’t sink that low.

Would that be because you'd enter into Earth's orbit if you tried?

Jesus, another gamer girl

Why would normal people hang out here? smh

Go home gamer girl!

MYAAARGH! I hate gamer girls

What sheet masks do you use? 😍

it's tough being a real woman among an ocean of foids

Fortunately I know from watching k-dramas that a woman's real enemy isn't men, it's her goddamn mother-in-law. 😒

Is this real or is this a guy jerking off again?

Why though? Do you think women are trawling for men who like mimosa brunches? Just find someone who can tolerate your weird hobbies.

Lmao, they literally crowdfunded a porno with an Asian guy and a white woman

They are really just insane levels of butthurt. I even agree with them that portrayals in media could be better l, but they know in their hearts that poor media potrays of Asians aren’t the real reason their not gettin laid.

I bet 99% of them would go back to Asia if living in the West was that bad enough to induce suicide.

There are plenty of mayos that can't get a girlfriend by age 25. They just blame their anxiety.

In reality it's their own fault for being ugly

Hey there are plenty of decent looking social retards out there.

What about General Cho?

Ye, but Asian males don't have enough testosterone to actually go berserk. That's why the supreme gentleman was a hapa.

Can we get them a fresh shipment of Hentai so they can stop with the sob story for a while?