The real cringe is in the comments as Cringetopia debates whether it's weird to call your boyfriend daddy

15  2019-03-19 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


Jews did this


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Daddy in sex is like "sir" in the recruiting/business.

Once in a while it's maybe ok. Through every fucking word it's vomit-inducing. "Sir please respond to me sir thank you sir We in Delhi offer you an epic project sir that will sir give you exposure sir"

South Asians also use "dear".

When I used to play Gunz as a kid, the worst word to annoy was the one named "pinoy".

People from Phillipines were the most smug, tryhard, "muh skill" teens i've ever encountered online. And I am Russian and adjusted to polaks and huehuezilians.

And all the clans about "pinoy power" "azn this", "azn that"... Won't fucking be surprised that these people sit on aznidentity nowadays.

Youre not fucking properly unless she is calling you "black daddy"


Trans bussy is women bussy.

My ex gf started calling me daddy within a week of dating. Didn't last very long.

Man that girl came from such a broken family.


There’s your first problem

I've failed the buss by going for the guss 😔

Ageplay is now pedophilia i guess

Latinas have been calling their sexual partners papi for ever and white people love that shit

Because they don’t say “baby,” which I agree is weird.