Plain-Jane-cels BTFO

150  2019-03-19 by MikeStoklasaAlcohol


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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damn she looks pretty hot to me. they probably just think her eyes are too round or some shit

She's a bottom shelf mayo tbh

i would lick her ass hole

You should lick the fungus off her toes too

imagine she comes home from a day of doing superhero fights etc getting sweaty af in her tight latex costume, and tells you to rub ointment on her athletes foot

How do I delete an entire comment chain?

Do you see what you started? Now it's too late to complain about it.

why do u ask

bottom shelf mayo

no need to be redundant

There's nothing plain about that blockhead

I find her facial features somewhere between male and female but they are really mundane to me.

I can see why people would label her attractive, but def not what I consider attractive. Gonna have to side with the Chinamen.

She just looks annoying to me.


That was already assumed

Solid 6/10

More like 9/10 by burger standards, you can see this phenomenon online constantly.

She’s only 9/10 for capeshitters and soyboys, other than that, she looks like just about any other girl.

They weirdly obsess over shemale troglodytes in their popular media, like that midget goblin with game of thrones who looks like her face was based on Disney's Quasimodo.

well the Chinamen get to see gorgeous Chinese girls every day. obviously they'll have higher standards

She is the generic kind of blonde that you think is attractive, but when pressed you can't actually name a single feature of her that is exceptional.


Praktisch. Gut.

Wait until you see her feet

I find her facial features somewhere between male and female but they are really mundane to me.


Brie Larson is the most generic looking white chick I've ever seen. She's basically a composite of every 24-27 y/o upper-middle-class white broad I've ever seen.

I've seen her IRL and she has zero star presence. Forgettable in almost every way... Basically invisible within her own entourage.

Plus, she just seems like a sardonic cunt in every interview I've ever seen with her.

Fuck Brie Larson. Dumb bitch.

We get it, you're an incel. Who hurt you?

sardonic cunt

So basically just your average reddit poster IRL?

Well she did want to hear more poc voices in film.

You fool, Asians are only POC when they’re spouting left leaning stuff.

Schrodingers POC

POC - Progressive Opinions, Chud

Lol how can the Chinese possibly be so based?

Thank you for supporting my right to ass n tiddies in my capeshit wank-fuel, 同志

tfw Deng Xiaoping will never cum in your butthole


its called a boi hole.

Dude bussy lmao

I can LARP as Deng Xiao Ping and bust in your bussy 😘

Literally one of the ugliest countries in the world bitching tho

nobody asked loser

Well Brie, the non-white-male movie reviewers have finally spoken and they all agree - you are a middle aged woman with no ass.

Thank you for elevating the conversation to this high watermark.

them titties tho

yeah they're also incredibly average, what a boring looking woman

Mediocre White Woman Falls Ass Backwards Into Success

Why do so many women relate to her? one local retard was heard to ask

Call a spade a spade. They're huge.

you and i have very different definitions of the word "huge"


i stand by my "incredibly average" assessment

/u/distortedlines might hate me for saying this, but...

Brie Larson makes Tay look feminine by comparison.

This is a reasonable statement.

Hey, Tay is pretty feminine

That's enough outta you, Darqwolf.

I thought ariana grande was the padawan pedo one the one for pedos

They're both built like adolescent boys. Keep your nasty buggery out of /r/Drama. This is a family subreddit.

Just an over the top boob job actually looks ridiculous if you look at the leaks

also her feet look like they went through a garbage disposal

It's bigger than just one movie. The alt-right trolls, deplorables and incels who called for a boycott - and a culture war - over Captain Marvel (as well as over James Gunn) are also the same group of people who support Donald Trump. In the past, those vermin knew their bigotry, misogyny, racism and xenophobia were unpopular, so they hid in their closets. During Trump's presidential campaign and after his election victory in 2016, they felt emboldened and empowered. So they all crawled out of their moms' basements to become a unified social and political force.

We want to beat back the alt-right trolls, deplorables and incels, to beat them back into their closets and basements. We want to demoralize them. Why do we want to beat them back into the closets and basements instead of trying to try to show them the "light" and convert them to the "light side""?

At any given moment, between 30 to 40 percent of the any given population in an industrial or post-industrial nation are right-wingers, i.e., only about 30-something percent of Germans supported Nazism just before World War II, but their strength came from their unity - and the political antipathy of the rest of the population. That 30 percent was enough to take over Germany - because they were unified and organized, while the rest of the population had become complacent and political antipathetic. This pattern has repeated over and over again in modern history of how right-wingers were able to take over a country.

We can't persuade them. We can't reason with them. We can't change them. We can't covert them. The best we can do is to (a) demoralize them, to beat them back into the closets and basements, so that they can't unite and unify into an empowered social and political force, (b) get the rest of the population to engage in social and political activism, because the extreme right is always outnumbered by the masses; right-wing rises only when everyone else has become socially and politically antipathetic.

Basically, right-wingers will always exist as a one-third minority in any modern society, (another one-third in the various spectrum in the middle, and another one-third in the far left.) The problem of the the alt-right and far-right has become even bigger in America: as the nationalistic right has risen, even the "moderate" right has been forced to move to the further right out of party loyalty, tribalism and intimidation. We want to keep the far-right in-checked and marginalized so they can never become a persistent threat to anyone and everyone else. IMO if we can demoralize and marginalize them enough, their unity and strength will be broken.

My feelings towards the alt-right trolls/incels and feminists/SJW is similar to how Beorn in the Hobbit felt about dwarves and orcs: he disliked dwarves but he hated orcs even more, so he helped the dwarves against orcs. I dislike modern feminists and SJW, but I hate the alt-right trolls, incels, Trump supporters even more. That is why why I want Captain Marvel to win. That is why I am so happy that James Gunn is rehired even though I did not even particularly enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 all that much. The alt-right trolls, deplorables and incels need to suffer one defeat and humiliation after another, so that they will be beaten back and crawl back into their moms' basements and hide/stay there.

Not even the bathing suit version of Captain Marval would have made a difference due to the fact that this basic mayo has a pancake ass.

Are asians toxic white males now?

Asian soylets have always been angrier and more pathetic than mayo numales.

The Chinese are just angry incels

It's over for Sino-cells.

the marvel dudes are all a-grade studs - rah, hemsworth, evans - it would have made sense for marvel to cast a hottie as captain marvel

casting an irritant scold with 7 looks to be the new de facto leader of the avengers was as strong a signal as any that the mcu is heading somewhere new and likely tedious

Should've been Emily Blunt tbh

Kim Kardashian

Chinks don't like sentient arses.

Better to keep her out of capeshit tbh

Didn't she do that one movie with Tom Cruise though? Does that count as capeshit?

No, it was a sci-fi, no superheroes or anything like that.

Most sci fi block busters are not very different from capeshit

the marvel dudes are all a-grade studs - rah, hemsworth, evans - it would have made sense for marvel to cast a hottie as captain marvel

One of the many ironies of modern feminism is that even in productions strictly controlled by women it ruthlessly controls how women can be presented lest they be attacked. Just look at the blow back that Gillian Flynn received for writing 'Gone Girl'. She was accused of everything from killing feminism to being a blatant misogynist because she happened to write a female as a scary sociopath.

Anyway, the point being that depictions of female characters today are even more tightly controlled than they were 80 years ago in terms of what we can be presented with on screen. At least back then they could occasionally get a rule-breaker like Mae West, who once famously remarked "I believe in censorship. I made a fortune out of it." These days it's looking more and more likely that the only thing we'll ever be presented with is whatever ticks some ever changing political correctness checklist.

Marvel should have been Kat Graham with the camera angels done to make her look like a 6'1 Amazonian.

Nothing marvellous about a short mayo.

Is it so bad to want to look at attractive people on screen?

“Why must the superheroes look sublimely beautiful? This face looks tough. It’s exactly what Captain Marvel calls for,” wrote one Weibo user.

Another said, “I wish we can all avoid double standards. Is Tony Stark young? Is he well-built? Do you all like him because of his muscles?”

I mean, fuck, no homo but RDJ is quite fucking attractive (manlet though). The whole Avengers cast is attractive. I'm not saying Brie is not attractive, she just isn't ScarJo or Elizabeth Olsen.

manlet though

😢 It's over

implying it ever began

When did spiderman get so ripe

Brie Larson in cuter then commie mommy, don’t @ me

Volcel if you wouldn't

It's gotta be a clashing of beauty standards or something. She looks incredibly mediocre to me as someone coming from asia, yet some burgers will defend her as an 8/10

At least that's my best guess, because I can't fathom how anyone would find her genuinely "attractive" otherwise

Also literally every marvel movie before had the main character as a total hunk (Thor, etc) or at least cutely charismatic (Peter Parker, except the one movie). This woman had neither sex appeal nor charisma to make up for it, and like 4 facial expressions half of which looked constipated

I would

Is it because you have a thing for blondes, or just cause you're thirsty?

Surely it aint her middle aged yoga instructor body

Its because I'm a lonely misanthrope rrrrreeeeeeee

Women are overrated 🤐

Literally the only exclusive thing I can think of that a long term relationship woman can bring you is cuddles on demand, and maybe financial support (if you're a neet)

Cope. I'll take cuddles. I can jack off with my dick (or buy decent escorts) but I can't jack off my heart and soul.

Awww, you dick, you were just waiting to "cope" me this whole time lmao

I'll take cuddles. I can jack off with my dick (or buy decent escorts) but I can't jack off my heart and soul.

Hallmark quality writing this.

square jaw fetish

I think she is pretty. Then again, I find most mayo women attractive.

Why did they choose her to be their champion of diversity? She’s the most basic looking white girl out there.

Because no one obsesses over issues of diversity more than basic white girls, duh. They're simply aware of who they're trying to pander to.

She's pretty, but not modeled after the Captian Marvel in the comics, who is more of a battle-hardened short haired blonde in her late 30s / early 40s.

But who gives a shit? Fucking watch the movie or don't.

She's not unpreposessing with regards to your average vapid mayo but her mordant 'woke' comments which demonstrates her self righteousness and inelegant comportment only compounds her repulsion.

She's not physically compelling enough to justify the exalted praise. She's every white woman's delusion that what they can in physical appeal, they can compensate for with 'prodigious' strength. There's a conspicuous distinction between what constitutes as feminine in China and America.

POC voices condemn you, Bree, as undistinguished.

Lmao gotta love how disney is now split between pandering to the wokecels and the based chinamen

not too surprising tbh, chinese people in general have strange beauty standards (ignoring the fact that Brie looks like a man in drag) to the point where they were pissed that some model with freckles was used in an advertisement and that it was contributing to the 'uglification' of china.

ignoring the fact that Brie looks like a man in drag

The only time I've found her even partly attractive was the Scott Pilgrim film, and even then I never fantasized about disappointing her with my small penis and lack of stamina.

She’s pretty

This face looks tough.

No. No it fucking doesnt lmao

chinese critics are hilarious remember when they said black panther was "too dark"

Eh, I expected it to be harsher. Comments are quite mediocre, just like the movie from what I have heard.

Chinese netizens are incredibly harsh with their words. Such is the natural outcome of wiggling through their censors.

All of China confirmed for Creepy Incels. WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH BRE LARSON CHINA!? We. HAVE. TO. STOP. THIS. (SOB) (SOB)