Breaking News: Trump likes authoritarian leader.

1  2019-03-20 by SadFretful


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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I'm starting to think some people don't know what the word authoritarian means.

Authoritarian doesn’t nessecarily = dictator you smooth brain American racist. Generally it has often been used to refer to that but authoritarian leaders have in the past been elected legitimately and then gradually taken over.

Thank you for the confirmation of my statement while samefagging your own submission.

Nope you disgusting rapist, authoritarian can be applied to Bolsonaro. Registered sex offender dazivostri has never heard of the Congo it seems or Bismarck or the many other leaders who became more authoritarian over time.

Dear mom, I yelled about Drumpfo on the internet again.

PS Tell dad I still hate him.

Lol even movies circle jerk doesn’t like you Dazivostri is a racist

Rejected from capetard circlejerks. Whatever will I do, samefag?

Dazivostri is a plagiarist who has confessed to being a racist.

Another take from a high school student.

Yikes! Ashleychud is a pedophile.

based and cevichepilled

...i dunno if ceviche is brazillian

All I know is it's fish and it's icky.

Name another civilised leader who's as redpilled as Bolsie here ? I'll wait.

55% up voted.

Daddy's Defence Force working the night shift.