Q predicted this: Minecraft Daddy says punch commies. Yikes!

188  2019-03-20 by marty_eraser


Jews did this


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Having fuck you money has to be amazing, no need to virtue signal of pander

You already don’t have to do that

Yeah but he’s not rich.

Your mom makes you virtue signal for your tendies?

On this doll show me where the virtue signaled you

Does he actually have fuck you money though? I know if you’re smart about it you can live your whole life off of whatever he made, but if he’s just spending it and shitposting without any income the gravy train might run out? I hope it doesn’t, of course, and the guy is smart, but I can’t help but wonder whether his wealth is more of a meme than reality.

Lmao the guys a billionaire

He got like 1.6 billions from minecraft, one person who spends most of his time shitposting probably isn't even spending the interest that money generates.

he can spend $100k every day and never go broke

You're seriously underestimating how much a billion dollars is.

It's a lot. A fucking lot. People are just generally bad at picturing very large numbers.

Imagine someone gave you a million dollars and told you to spend $1,000 every day and come back when you ran out of money. You would return, with no money left, in three years. If someone then gave you a billion dollars and you spent $1,000 each day, you would be spending for about 2,740 years before you went broke.

3 times a thousand is 3 thousand, thanks for enlightening me

I should’ve looked into it more, I didn’t realize he got that much. Thought it was like 10 mil.

Don't insult daddy Notch like this!!

Notch really likes stirring the pot. Maybe if drama adopts the SJW caricature he'll come back 🤔

I'd be willing to bet he still lurks here tbh...



You can ping him you know.


The only right-wing policy is to trigger the libs. Doesn’t matter how even

How much he has changed. He used to support quin on pateron but now he alt-right.

He says some alt right trollish things but I think he's more turned off by the extreme idpol and outrage culture that permeates Twitter. It's easy to fall into that negative space when most of your interaction with strangers is on social media

and i bet you wish you didn't sell out your friends and employees, who actually made your game good, for billions, that you used to buy a house full of rotting candy and get angry online all day this gay communist hates your guts, notch.

Maybe Chechnya and Russia where on the right track with those camps. 🤔

he pretty much made the game by himself, before it got big enough to hire his friends

Yeah he got feedback on /v/ and ripped off Dwarf Fortress but he made the game himself.

he ripped off infiniminer, not autism fortress

He did say that DF was one of his inspirations though

The same can be said for every nerd trying to build a "procedurally-generated" game. DF is like the ur version of that concept.

why are they always so angry about the candy he bought lol

Plus, candy doesn't rot.

The house came with candy,they’re mad they don’t get any.

He's living in their heads rent free at this point, especially as of later after the IQ shit and QAnon. No matter what he says there are gonna be people in the replies trying to "own" him. Sure it's a little sad that this is his entertainment but he's great for drama so I won't complain.

im pretty sure its because their only tactic for people they dont like is to get them banned from social media or fired or punished or something and it doesnt work on him

I'm not really sure the Twitter Woke Folk come out looking worse from this. If it weren't for Notch they'd be haranguing some other right wing dork on Twitter.

Notch on the other hand has Monopoly Man money and could be doing anything he wants yet this is how he chooses to spend his time.

What if this is what he wants? People are different, you never know what you'd for your daily entertainment if you were that rich.

You mean to shitpost online while sitting upon a dragon's hoard of money? I just do it while sitting on a comfy chair

Yeah, why not?

I'd much rather be a billionaire shitposter, than a poor one.

People are different

Yeah, and his thing that makes him different is being an unfuckable autist who has more money then god but would rather shitpost all day than use it for anything

You say "but" like it's a bad thing.

It is.

If you're shitposting on Twitter from a yacht, it becomes monumentally less pathetic than some cringelord communist shitposting from his parents' basement.

If you think that's what Notch is doing you're living in your own fantasy and not Notch's reality lol

He doesn't have a yacht anymore?

I use my imaginary yacht more than he uses his

Rich people don't use their hatches all too often because its value goes down .. i think. It's definitely not like having a huge mansion.

What's that about?

Having a wall of candy is cringe af. Sounds like something a five year old would do if they won the lottery

Before tax, my dividends from Mojang for 2011 was about three million dollars. I chose to distribute that to the other employees. God Id be butthurt if someone accused me of being a bad boss when he probably made half of his company into millionaires

That stupid homo would get killed by his fellow commies for being gay

I'd like to thank Notch for spending his time saying dumb shit on twitter which makes the average twitter user seethe and brings us frequent drama of various quality.

It’s not just that,he’s right leaning,but they can literally do fucking nothing to him. He could join the black Santa parade and all they could do is scream and reeee about it.

He doesn't visit us anymore, but still steers content our way. Drama saint.

I like to believe that he still visits us, looking for these threads. When he sees it, he just smiles, upvotes and moves on.

Always teach your kids, commies get the left paw, nazis get the right paw. That's the American way.

Centrism saves the day. Again

Centrists get the headbutt, obviously.

Centrists get the headbutt

Fucking centrists.

They ruined centrism.

Poland likes this

America is a centrist paradise.

Equals lefsets. and right. That's what I always use to say.


so... bash the bolsh?

Poke the volk

Dent the cent

3 words and the same faggots who try to use "No ur the snowflake consuvitards!!" lose their fucking minds.

I mean 'punch a nazi' made retardlicans go apeshit.

Right at the very top:

"commies" aren't the ones shooting up mosques and synagogues

When actual commies existed, they oppressed the shit out of Muslims and Jews and racked up body counts in the hundreds of thousands at least, but fuck that, there's a topic that's trending on twitter today! All of human history before that doesn't matter.

China still does...

China isn't communist tho

n0t rEaL c0mMuNi5m

It isn't though. If anything, China is the perfect example of hyper capitalism.

By extending that logic, you get a perfect commie defense. Soviet union wasn't real communism but just tyrannical state capitalism.

Mate, China's govt hasn't even pretended to be communist in decades.

What communist economic traits does China's government possess? Name one.

Can you actually articulate how China is communist besides being ruled by the Communist party of China? Like something actually concrete about it?

I really don’t want to join this fight, but this comment is funny

It sounds ironic lmao

When ya get downvoted on drama you really need to take the step from retardation to full retardation.

He's already there.

It’s not communism because it’s shitty, inconsistent, totalitarian, brutal, and the only working part of their economy is the capitalism the rulers allow to exist? That’s pretty much the definition of real communism.

That is a fantastically retarded way to describe Chinese economy.

I’ve done lots of business in China it’s pretty on point. They are definitely not hyper capitalist, the right to “own” any property is at the whim of the government with no recourse.

ItS In ThE NaMe

The no true Scott defense. Next up, real communism has never been attempted at a large scale.


If I self-diagnose myself as having cancer, that doesn't mean I hve cancer.

playing into basic commie defense. just because 2 major propaganda machines (US and Sov union) claimed sov-union is communist, doesnt mean it truly is communism.

If China is a real commie country then are DPPK and DRC FINALLY real democratic republics? 🤔

It’s not full fledged communism, it’s a communist government that dictates heavily how it’s capitalist market operates and where money goes. Not to mention the organ harvesting or the Muslim camps or the social credit system or the mass surveillance.

Maybe it’s not 100% communism, but it sure is the kin of a communist government.

It's communism without the usual micro-managing.

It's simply a capitalist country which is governed by a semi-dictatorship. I don't think they even try to be communists anymore. At least not since they got a taste of capitalism and it lifted a fuckton of Chinese out of poverty.

It doesn't even have the veneer of communism anymore man. It's an oligarchy

it’s a communist government that dictates heavily how it’s capitalist market operates


Some folks have a disconnect.

He said it! He said the line!

nOt REal GoMmuNism

"commies" aren't the ones shooting up mosques and synagogues

Meanwhile, in China

I smell seriousposting. To the gulag you filthy rightoid trumpkin

That wasn’t a function of communism though, that was a Russian cultural value. Communism doesn’t depend on killing Jews.

/u/xNotch pretty please give drama a shout out on twitter

No. Inviting normies is ruining the sub.

It's already dead, hombre

Notch is right though





#JeSuisEggTeen 🥚

when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro | he/him

can twitter fags get any more autistic?

Jorn Hansen dropping red pills,is Europe starting to uncuck itself?

Taking bets on when the second American civil war goes live, will totally learn how to do odds by then !

This but unironically

"Punsh a Nazi" Twitter: Yas Qween these people deserve it! 💅👑💁

"Punsh a commie" Twitter: REEEEEEEEEEE

Notch come back, we need you.

There's something truly bizarre about watching an actual billionaire shitpost on Twitter like any average loser

In a way it humanizes the rich more than anything I've ever seen

What about when Trumps shitposts

actual billionaire

"commies" aren't the ones shooting up mosques and synagogues, but you don't care about that do you

No commies are putting Muslims in concentration camps. But you dont care about that

Notch is going be the next white male that go on a mass shooting spree.

Remember: You have to do a good deed every day. So, punch a commie every day.