Devil May Actually Cry. Resetera Going After Video Game VA For His Problematic Views.

29  2019-03-20 by Pepperglue

Devil May Cry is a stylish action game with a pretty big following because of the freedom you have in your combat, and the cheesy story and characters. The latest installment came out almost two weeks ago, 6 years after the disappointing reboot that caused quite a controversy back then.

Now to our hero. Reuben Langdon has been the voice and mocap actor for protagonist Dante since 2005. In his real life, Langdon is an UFO activist, and believes all kinds of new-agey stuff. Quite a crazy guy if you ask me.

Langdon recently appeared on a livechat with youtuber Toy Bounty Hunter in which he talked about BLM and PoundMeToo. This ruffled Resetera because he is not as receptive towards those two movements as they have liked.

Now game journalists are also ruffled, and they contacted Capcom for comment. Last time they had a shitty vocalist lost his spot in the game. Let's see if this will bring down the big star.

Resetera lin


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. Toy Bounty Hunter -,,

  3. Resetera link -,,

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Mayo Dante is not my Dante 🙄

Mayo Dante or Italian Dante. Not much of a choice here. Unless we're counting Mexican Donte.

victim blames by saying that women just need to tell him "No."

"No means No", is now victimizing women

imagine caring about the dub voice actors from an edgy teen bideo gaym

DMC is a westaboo game, his original voice is in english.

Imagine caring enough to know this.

Weebs only occupy the political extremes.

Their dumb gay anime obsession is reason enough to exile them from what we are trying to build.

they also only occupy the BMI extremes

they're all either fat or sickly underweight

Absolutely nothing will happen, you think Japs give a shit about their voice actors opinions? He's voiced the character since 05' Japan will happily keep the guy.

I hope not. I think Reuben Langdon is a little off in his head, but I do appreciate his work.

that is not a resetera link

Devil May Cry is a garbage series for retards too inept to play fighting games, and stupid faggots who think they're too cool for Dynasty Warriors.

What if I play all of them?

Devil May Cry is a stylish action game with a pretty big following because of the freedom you have

Devil May Cry

big following

Nigga what 😂😂

Okay, I meant "got themselves a niche in the market."