r/worldpolitics is criminally underrepresented here.

184  2019-03-20 by DoctahDank


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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So many triggered incels at my comments.

Totally worth it.

Im still getting PMs from pissed off TD incels, lol

Please mod us daddy

Doing the lords work Rupert

Hell yeah

“Incel” is the leftoid equivalent of “cuck”.

And alt right extremists is the equivalent of muslim extremists, they're one and the same!

Based and centerpilled.

Radical Centrists rise up

Nah, those two are pretty closer on the political spectrum.

This but unironically

Her name was ebba akerlund

Explosive take

No that was the MAGABomber

Now thats what I call a home run

That's not true, at least I can see when alt right women are hot

You were the kid that saw apples and oranges and thought they were the same thing.

tbh they pretty much are

Damn you all are so unoriginal, low energy sad

Were you trying to be ironical or what?

I mean, yeah, both are right-wing extremists.

Nah a cuck has a gf and boyfriend. Incel has nuffing

cucked and incelpilled


Please post bussy 😍😍😍

Good work comrade

Can someone mod him or at least flair him destroyer of daddytards

I want whatever you ingested so I too can reee in a manic episode for hours on end.

Just watch alt right extremists kill muslims jews and Americans, that should get your motor going


Sure gets my motor going 😎🍆

I watched the video. Didn’t do much for me.

Same. I came pretty quick, but didn't quite get what this guy got out of it.

Solid work out there, keep fighting the good fight.

We need more of you here to drive away DDF.

If my girlfriend fucks other men then by proxy I am no longer a virgin.

You go girl!

Awww sweeting you're so emotional, relax

Imagine being so wound up and emotional that you can't even manage to type "sweetie" correctly.

Imagine thinking i care, lol 😂

Cared enough to reply, sweetie.

It's /r/politicalhumor for non-burger politics.

Which is just as good as burger politics lately.

Countries seem to be trying to out-retard one another.

That's been world politics since the concept of a nation existed.

Surely the Carthaginians were complaining about how fucking retarded their leaders were as they were getting their bussys invaded by Romans.

mfw delenda est

Surely the Carthaginians were complaining about how fucking retarded their leaders were as they were getting their supple bussys invaded by Romans.

Tbf, they were. Hanno II bullshit after cannae was the reason Hannibal ended up losing, and carthago ended up getting rased.

supple bussys

blow the romans out multiple times but still can't take their horse shit infested city

hannibal was a cuck and it warms my heart to know kids are still learning of his cucked ways, thousands of years later

The Seljuk empire was by far the most retarded empire of all time, change my mind. What a bunch of dumbasses can't stand the fuckers.

I'l love to hear you explain why it was.

Getting cucked by the descendants of the people you conquered is why

Congrats on sucsessfully explaining geopolitics.

Donald Trump is a retard with the power to make other people retarded.

His press conferences do get better when you overlay the 1990s X-Men cartoon theme.

Looks like it’s just r/politicalhumor with the emphasis on Trump and Israel.

for as much as international users hate burger politics they sure can’t seem to get away from constantly mentioning them

It’s like 90% burger politics though

Imagine caring about any country smaller than 3.5 million sq miles.

Imagine caring about any universe younger than 30 billion years.

non burger politics

Sir, i respectfully disagree.

Most of the posts there are about Drumf and how he is ruining the world.

That is a lot of sperg right there.

worldpolitics is r/politics for people who want to ignore headlines about other nations, but feel like they can't ignore them actively when there aren't any being posted.

This guy has a higher powerlevel then all dramatards combine

Eh honestly it's pretty weak bait. Anyone who got super butthurt over it is a raging autist.

Well yeah, trumpbois lol

Its just so easy to piss off the TD simpletons, can't help it they're a bunch of morons.

In my experience it's easier to goad a reaction of chapocels than anyone else.

Chapocels are the lowest hanging fruit.

The problem with td is that they're probably the most npc people of them all. While they do have varied arguments, they're always exactly what was spoofed by daddy, they're just npcs getting patched every time he opens Twitter.

That sub is always a fucking warzone.

It has basically 0 moderation and sorts by controversial by default. We should mod their modteam here. They’re based af.

Not sure why this sub doesn't do that TBH.

It's just cojoco. One of the last free speech warrior left on the site.

You have to give Orange Man credit for one thing. No one can trigger and Redditors like him.

He made WMD Bush loveable to these retards. Who can cause more cognitive dissonance than Daddy ? Tell me.

I know that there's a ton of astroturfing that goes on in political subreddits but that place has always seemed extra suspicious. I've seen posts where just about every top level comment will be criticizing the context but they also each have upwards of 50 downvotes.

Could you imagine if DJT tried to don a hijab, though? People would go nuts and that's an understatement.

that would still be a loss for him, because OBVIOUSLY he only did it to pander to leftists, and not out of sincerity like that one NZ lady

also cultural appropriation or “parodying” muslims or some other kind of negative association

To be fair, I don't think men are supposed to wear hijabs, only women. But it's still a hilarious image.

It would just make Trump the first female and trans president. They would be able to claim any criticism of the administration was because of sexism and transphobia.

Fuck can you imagine the drama if Donald Trump came out as trans

Tell that to Canada’s favourite drama teacher

When are you lot prosecuting that man ?

The Red scalped him in her testimony so come on, get on with it.

We needed the weed man, we ready to move on fam

So he won't be prosecuted ? Isn't weed legal already. Do you fear the rightoids who'll ban it ?

A big pull to vote him in was to legalize weed but he went full lefty. Never go full lefty. His opponent at the time Harper was using propaganda tools in main stream media to frame weed as extremely unhealthy and dangerous. Canadians love weed so this didn’t works. Also Harper defunded our scientific research that gathered evidence that went against his policies. The general public saw through this and wanted him out. Unfortunately the liberals have never been able to handle finances well so we need to go back to some conservative stability. Conservatives have started winning local elections and are bringing policies back to the center. Like lost governments all the strings are being pulled by corporations behind the scenes which still needs to be addressed by politicians. This hasn’t happened as of yet.

Never go full lefty.

That's right. His pappy was a leftie ?

Great explanation 👍. Thank you.

Now many of us are going against the Borneo’s and plan to create a Cacophony Society

Good. Some people need to sensible atleast.

lol @ a 100% self-serving leftist slime-bag's "sincerity" based virtue signaling.

Guaranteed he'd say something completely dumb as shit while doing so

Your comment history looks really stressful 🤭

You should read my diary

looks gay




What would happen if DJT donned a wig and came out as transgender?

It would be a blessed day for r/drama

He already did that to avoid Vietnam.

Not the war, just hated the climate there in the 90s.


no need for elections anymore (?)

right still loves him because he is still trump and can not do wrong

left loves her because they can not not love transgender person.

put a crown on his/her head and we can all move on with our lives

Who tf says that type of thing to a stranger?

This person needs to stay away from /r/drama if he thinks the linked comment is too mean lol

Love how outta 2300 comments, none have over 100 upvotes. Both sides equally triggered.

You know who else wanted to ban guns?


“Your parents are doing are bad job” “No yours are”

After putting on the hijab she also underwent female circumcision to show solidarity with muslims

Political drama is fucking boring on reddit. If 4chan wasn't blocked at work I wouldn't even use this cuckfilled site.

Didn't world politics use to be an alt-right/Nazi hub real talk? I remember wanting to find a better political subreddit than politics and conservative and thought I remembered seeing people denying the holocaust and shit in there

That was /r/european

That was r/uncensorednews

It swings back and forth

The best sub on reddit. Quality spergouts everywhere.

Culturally homogenous island of five million that asked permission for its independence


Culturally diverse continent-spanning superpower of three hundred million that became independent through rebellion

These countries can be relevantly compared.

lmao at the fucking headscarf. say what you will about leafs, but at least when our PM dressed like a fucking clown he was ridiculed for it.

Next time a Muslim spreads some mayo on a sandwich I expect someone to wear a cowboy hat and ass less chaps.