It’s official, ChapoTrapHouse is mainstream now

88  2019-03-20 by Feedbackplz


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Good, out of all things them being flooded by "normal" people will castrate Chapo more than anything.

You think. It'll just turn more people into chapo because FUCK DRUMPF means you must side with third world dictators.

Remember, the soft minds of Reddit love Iran (muh coup), WMD Bush, Saddam and Gaddafi.

Thus I wouldn't count on them at all.

Triggered into mass suicides

political prisoner Lula

God fucking damn it, they then proceed to complete ignore the actual political prisoners from Venezuela, god damn fuck this people.

Yes I'm seething.

Don’t seethe. Breathe.

These people will forget South America exists in a couple weeks.

These people will forget South America exists in a couple weeks.

Inshallah we all will

These people will forget South America exists in a couple weeks.

So they'll basically be like the entire rest of the world?

Yes the opposition forced him to take those bribes from an oil company to build a new beach house!

When a party does shitty things and loses an election it’s a coup now.

"It must be a conspiracy! My side is infallible!"




These are not my friends.

zooms into photo

notices GPI patch

Googles GPI

Literally a US based private security company specializing in high value protection

Can’t be that Brazil needed to hire professionals to not bungle things up, gotta be a conspiracy!

This will be good for Dramacoin!

lmao why is everyone so shocked that American intelligence agencies engage in espionage?

"Obama man good"

Chapo is not a sub that should be featured here. The blatant ableism and misogyny is off the charts.

[Posts on CB2]

Oh boy. This person is actually serious.

The idea that there are people out there who are even gayer and more annoying than CTH users is deeply unsettling

Be free. They are good for drama. Who needs a main reddit account anyway? Just make a new one and ping him.

That's why CTH started, honestly

The bulk of this happened in the 2009-2013 time period. So just to be clear, we are supposed to believe the NSA, under the direction of Barak Obama, paved the path for Bolsonaro - an extreme right wing politician - to come to power in elections scheduled for two years after the end of Obama's term.

That's it.

Chapotard rekt epic style with facts and logic 😎.

i'm shocked that r/bestof of all places allows a link from the gibbering mental patients of chapo.

this is my shocked face. No really. I am totally shocked by this turn of events.

Another instance of r/bestof devolving into shameless agenda-posting instead of quality content.

I am both perfectly willing to believe that bolsorano was supported by burgerland, and that all evidenced presented by the chapo is absolute bullshit.

its /r/chapotraphouse they aren't known for their intelligence.

Imagine understating it that much

I wonder if these tankie morons realise that they are slowly being seen as the alt-right shitposters are seen. KEEP IT UP, CHARPOLARP IS EFFECTIVE PRAXIS