Why is everyone in this sub so arrogant?

3  2019-03-20 by CS8E

They all have a superiority complex and are arrogant af, what happened ?


I feel like it is a persona. I am not that arrogant. I think this subreddit calls for it since there are no filters and lack of pc crap.

You kinda have to be thick skin to tolerate everyone around here

There's a difference between "having thick skin" and just being an asshole

People often mistake being right with being an asshole. Embrace centrism it is the natural state.

Thats the typical elitist attitude that I'm talking about

This sub is about assholes. Assholes need thick skin or else you get asteroids. I’m very knowledgeable about these things but I don’t mind helping out those less privileged. 😊🤓☄️

I haven't met an asshole on here yet ironically... unless you correcting me was an asshole move :)

Well obviously because the rest of Reddit is filled with stupid plebs. Why shouldn't everyone here feel superior?

You're proving my point right now

Well, this subreddit tends to poke fun of dumb logic in other subreddits, so it's hard not to feel superior lol

The same reason why in court cases it is the job of the defense attorney and the prosecutor to defend or attack, respectively, without question the defendant.

To mask our cripplingly low self-esteem.

It's called having confidence. Something neutered soyboys like you wouldn't understand.

Soyboy? I'm a proud meat eater

This gaping open sewer of a shit hole is the least shit place on reddit. Its halcyon days are passed but we're still radical centrists so that alone makes us better than all the other retarded cunts on this retarded website.