Radicalized cat goes full Tarrant on 7 shitbulls, sending one to the vet and their owner to the ER

181  2019-03-20 by i_am_thot


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Pic of the cat?

Invisible slam dunk!

Is that white spot supposed to look like eyes like moth wings so other tigers don't jump on them?

the only other big cat that doesn't mind getting wet is the black panther

Eh, I've seen the video of the fucking navy seal jaguars diving into the water and coming out carrying a croc that it skullfucked with its canines.

Panthers are just a coat variation of jaguars. Also that was a caiman, not a crocodile.

Yeah but you dont see cats fucking white women

fucking white women

Gross Chalk that one up as a loss for the dogfags

Based pussy.

“Usually you don’t get seven dogs walking. It’s pretty intimidating, even if you were a pedestrian on the sidewalk pushing a stroller or something,” Del Thompson told CNN affiliate CITV.

Cat was protecting itself from an intimidating group of thugs. They probably were up to something.

I told the judge the same thing when I just started attacking this vicious street gang of negroes. Turns out they were boy scouts selling pretzels door to door, and I ended up doing fifteen years in the mental ward for my acute paranoia.

I'm tired of these actavis judges

Heh, imagine if you had kavanaugh as your judge, you’d probably get a medal and a free six pack LOL!!!!!

Let's be real, it would be a 30 rack and 5 or 6 would be missing.

He likes beer. Do you like beer ?


We drank beer boys and girls.

Is this a new euphemism for pedophilia?

13% of the dog population, 50% of the dead children?

more like 70%

Oh man, that cat must have been radicalised by the evil anti pibble extremists of r/drama. Those bastards deserve to get banned!

It would be an improvement over the seriousposting vermin.

No /r/dogfree did it

Meow Meow... it was self defence!

How tf did those dogs not literally tear the cat to pieces

Apparently these pibbles actually were good boys who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

They literally dindu nuffin

nuffin ruffin 😹😹😹

The reason you hear about Pitbulls mauling someone is that Pits are really bred for pain tolerance. My dog, an anklebiting little bastard, once attacked a pitbull and it just stood there wagging her tail. If the dog is trained not to tear smaller creatures, it won't.

Did you know that pitbulls are literally genetically engineered Soviet super soldiers and the descendants of an ancient species of dwarves?

Nothing fucks with foid pussy. Look up grizzly vs. Mountain lion. 1000 lb grizzly submits to 180 lb. Pussy with kittens. Dont fuck with wild pussy

Hi, elksandturkeys!

I thought I'd stop by to offer you a robot hug, and to wish you a wonderful day!


Thanks bot.

can i ahve one too

You have to say some slur or whatever to have it reply iirc. Some weird attempt at defusing usage of bad words

Nothing fucks with foid pussy. Look up grizzly vs. Mountain lion. 1000 lb grizzly submits to 180 lb. Pussy with kittens. Dont fuck with wild pussy

Sounds like one fuckin nice kitty

I was wondering for so fucking long if your name was a TPB reference and I'm pretty sure this counts as proof

Way she goes

Capes come in all kinds.

jamie pull up that video of that cat fucking up that bear

It's on censoredtube

Probably too used to prey not fighting back e.g. small children.

I have a pit bull. One of our cats hates dogs.

When we first got her, he'd startle her and she'd attack. Every time, she got her claws on his face and he was so startled that he couldn't react. He just sat there getting his snout beat on like a speed bag.

Downvoted for having a shitbull.

Upvoted because you jerk it to feet.

Reported for kink shaming.

Upvoting isn't kinkshaming. I'm celebrating your degeneracy.

Reported for mansplaining.

Reported for low levels of melanin.

They were slowed down and tired from the previous maulings of the day

An angry cat will fuck you up, those fuckers are pure DEX build.

The cat would be the best assassin. Casually walk up to the target use the claws grab the clothes to quickly run up their back and then use the front claws to tear out the blood vessels on both sides of the neck. In the dark you’d be dead before you knew you were in danger.

Hmmm, can you patent an illegal thing?

lol fags


Cry more bitch

If you're gonna go ezmode then why half ass alit and not just go full FTH


brainlets smh

This is why cats fuck you up

Not going full INT is your problem.

Imagine going INT after daddy Miyazaki went through the bussies of all sorceries with a Great Club.


Buddy just...

??? Miyazaki's the lead dev for Dark Souls

So what? He is a dirty chink.

This isn't a fair comparison, the owner of the cat was 78. The cat could be significantly older than the dogs so it would be a much higher level. Putting a high level build against small group of newer low level players in a PvP zone is extremely unethical. I'd like to see how that cat does against a level 69 werewolf build.

We need to stop breeding cats. They're responsible for a disproportionate amount of attacks on innocent pibbles.

Breed more tbh

Nobody puts Baby in the corner.

Based feline

Oh how the turns have tabled.

Cats are the pet of peace!

This cat wouldn't happen to live in New Zealand by chance?

Kitty had just marathoned the Death Wish series and decided to go out and clean the thugs out of her own neighborhood.

Blessed be the cat of peace for dogs are haram! Inshallah

Anyone got a link to the gopro footage or the cat's manifesto?

Best post in months!!!!!

end animal ownership.

You call yourself a pet owner? that's speciesism, it's literally slave ownership.

Off yourself if you ever feel lonely, don't adopt, they're ANIMALS, they don't need you to come and save them.


I hope you print these and hand them out @ my funeral 💀🎈🎉

I couldn't imagine life without you. I'd get buried in your pyramid.

Then who'll decorate my pyramid walls with emojis??? 😿

Australia soon to ban video. Admins on post watch.


Imagine a cat being more based than 90% of people

based feline get shutbull blasted

The real false flag

It was a premptive strike -- the cat knew eventually there would be a public school chewing or drive by gnawing.

Anybody dumb enough to walk 7 shitbulls at once deserves immediate euthanasia.

What does 'full Tarrant' mean?

what drove the cat to be this way? socioeconomic factors must have influenced this, that cat was probably abused and decided to harm those poor pitties