REMINDER: Downvotes are not for disagreeing

0  2019-03-20 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

They are for making sure refugees can’t comment until they agree with our ideology. So when you see a comment that isn’t pro-mayocide you need to make sure to downvote them so they have to wait until they can comment again.

Do your part and remove wrong thinking.


Because the beauty of the white Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.

Downvotes are also for those who deny the mayocide

Perfect example

I think we can make an exception for denying the mayocide


Downvotes are for meme mods like u/MasterLawlz not comments

Mayocide now, mayocide forever

This but unironically 🦔

wanna get bleached in the gussy

REMINDER: One is the loneliest number

Downvotes are just another form of encouragement.

This is the best strategy. You have clearly earned your username.

Getting a meme cross on a comment is the best form of encouragement

Sad punching up.

Only pussies downvote things they disagree with. Alpha males such as myself [no comment] report every post that even slightly disagrees with their worldview.

Be especially mean to refugees, and explain nothing but bussy and mayocide.

Can we get a comprehensive voting guide? I know how to vote on mayocide, but what about [current event], recent account suspensions, and the latest Kanye/Taylor Swift beef?

Based and redditpilled



choose one

Don't worry I only downvote Lawlzposts