Redditors and bad hygiene, name a more iconic duo. Apparently OP is an asshole for wanting his gf to change her bra after wearing it for 3 days straight, and even after saying that it stinks, women tell him he's in the wrong.

196  2019-03-21 by Akai_Hana


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Women are so gross

"AND too much washing SHORTENS THE LIFE OF THE BRA," I announce sanctimoniously, dropping it back on the floor.

She's bragging about keeping her clothes on the floor

The absolute state of foids


Or she could just have multiple of the same bra. I have like 5 identical bras (maybe that's just my inner autism tho).

Do you also name them?

Naming inanimate objects is mayo nonsense

I have 34 bras but no duplicates yet. I think when I get one I'll know it's time to stop.

I have 34 bras but no duplicates yet.

All from hookers you've murdered, right?

Discriminating against sex workers like that would be super yucky.

Yes it's ridiculous to think you would wear a new bra every day but

Bras can be worn for weeks without washing. Think it through - they're not touching any part of the body that actually gets particularly sweaty or stinky.

No, boob sweat is still real.

You can definitely go a few weeks between washes if you rotate your bras. But something tells me the person who wrote that comment is referring to wearing the same one continuously for several weeks which is disgusting.

if you rotate your bras

but the boobies fall out

An insidious turn of events.

I don't see an issue, everyone wins if that happens.

Though everyone loses if that happens with redditors

I can smell this picture.

reminds me of Dachau

Lot to unpack here

Looks like normal day for the colonialists.

Black girl, on the right: "WTF am i doing here"

oh wow


wtf???? weeks? I feel gross wearing the same bra 2 days in a row.


Gussy/fatties get out of my rDrama!!!

Not to mention it’s close to armpit area. These gussies think they are East Asians who don’t have the stinky gene.

These people have never worn a bra outside in the summer for longer than the 5 minutes it takes to get from the train station to their Starbucks.

boob sweat is still real.

and sexy.

well, when it's fresh. 3 day old titty sweat in a bra, not so much.

I really hope that’s men larping about being women. I would never go a week without changing my bra! 😖

Also I’ve never spent 50$ on a bra. Bras that expensive exist but you can get a much more affordable one at wal mart or even the expensive brand name ones at good will...

Fat people clothes cost more, maybe that's also why they're saying they don't wash them.

I would never go a week without changing my bra!

Weird. I don’t wear bras but the girl I’m currently with definitely will wear a work bra for a week straight if she feels like it. Then again I doubt she sweats much being in an office 8+ hours a day mostly sitting.

Also I’ve never spent 50$ on a bra. Bras that expensive exist but you can get a much more affordable one at wal mart or even the expensive brand name ones at good will...

Smh. Even if you’re part of the IBTC you should treat yourself or make your boyfriend treat you.

Buying a 50 dollar bra isn’t a treat.

Buying 50 burritos is, though. 🌯

mmmmmm...burritos fix everything. I just brought home a California burrito. San Diego has the best taco shops


Then again I doubt she sweats much being in an office 8+ hours a day mostly sitting.

You'd think, but my undershirt pits always smell after a single work day. Maybe I'm just disgusting.

Something about office attire just makes me sweat. If I’m in a t-shirt or even at the gym or running I hardly sweat. If I put on a button up shirt though it’s like a river. I don’t get it.

wearing a used bra from Goodwill

I hope you're genuinely poor and not just a cheapskate because wearing another woman's bra is nasty

I have a washing machine. I guess unlike the majority of the posters in the aita thread lol

Yeah but you don't know how often the previous owner washed it. Judging by the AITA comments, it seems like there's a decent chance the previous owner let it get absolutely disgusting between washes.


The thought of my bra being on some rando's sweaty tits/pits is not something that can be washed away with soap and water 🤮🤮🤮

I'm sure somewhere out there, someone is very turned on by that idea.

Yeah the same type of people who sniff panties lol

Unironically sniffing underwear is 🤮🤮🤮

Who does it ironically?

I do because I don't kinkshame 😎

If someone wants me to sniff their shit stain, I will 😇


Me, nibba

Then don’t donate your bras and you’ll probably never have to worry about it again. 😅

I’m not sure what you would buy bras in goodwill for besides the most obvious and practical use. I guess you could wear it on your head like a hat but it wouldn’t look very cute lol

Buy your bras at a store and don't be a cheapo. At least that way you know that only Asian sweatshop workers have handled them before you.

See, when you buy the bra you just ask the cashier whether it was donated by a r/drama user.

What you do with that information is up to you.

you can get a much more affordable one at wal mart

lmao, booblet.

Booblet is kind of a cute word. 🥰


Of course I’m coping, you insulted me. 😪🤧

Honesty is an interesting policy round these parts.

Only truth hurt. 😈

The real booblets have to get eastern European or Asian bras

Of course this hate forum is par for the course in attacking womyn again.

Men are always sweaty and smell way worse than womyn. She has just as much freedom to smell as men. It's called the fourteenth amendmentsweetie, read it sometime.

Of course bras are just tools of the patriarchy to literally bind and constrain a womyn. This is why I free-tit it always.

is this pasta or just bad bait?

whats the difference

Custom made pasta, I think.

man, there are some dirty, dirty bitches on that sub. I saw the post where she didnt even know how to clean her snatch. I am a woman..and I did not know how gross other women are until I joined the Navy. Their berthings were always dirtier than the mens. , lol. Women need to bathe daily...maybe I think that because I am Japanese and we fucking LOVE baths. Baths cure everything.

I love Japanese women. Will you be my waifu?

There are times that I start to seriously reconsider my regular visiting of this sub and reading this comment just shot to at least top 3 of them.

No breaks on this sushi train.

your personal safety must be maintained

You wouldn't believe the excuses people come up with to defend being dirty whores. It's really not hard to go hop in the shower and wash your ass, but these people make it seem like it's equivalent to climbing a mountain.

Did you save that just for a moment like this?


Nigga u crazy


Any word from the admins about your last account?


😴😴😴 old

I didn’t need to go to the Navy for that. Using public women bathrooms have really opened my eyes.

There's blood on the floor. All the time.

Christ, I was assigned to my departments 3M shop during my TAD duty on my ship and the women’s bathrooms were fucking gross. Definitely an eye opening revelation to 19 year old me.

Oh God damn are the female berthings gross. Thank fuck I got moved from a ddg to an ffg after only a month. Even after we crossed the line and hung all our discusting clothes in the berthing, it was 1000x more sanitary in that head than what I remembered being on a ddg.

Based foid

I am a woman

I am Japanese

Hey girl wassup

Like 50% of womens vags stink.

Yes, you could wear the bra a couple of times without washing it IF YOU DID NOT STINK!

Redditors aren't known for their hygiene

Oh my god

You can wear a bra for weeks before washing it. Washing them is a pain in the as5 and takes an evening. I take it a bit further and wash bras like four times a year. It's bra washing night.

Even if she has like 30 that's still 3 days per one. And let's be real she ain't got 30.

Redditors are disgusting.

Takes an whole evening to wash a bra? Wtf lol. My girlfriend just puts them in a mesh bag and puts them in the washer. How is that a whole “evenings” worth of work.

Putting the bras in a bag and chucking them in the wash costs so many spoons she can't do anything else all evening

Oh no, not the spoons theory

That turned up in my FB feed yesterday. I just said " I haven't got a single spoon to give about this". Retarded s***. And hey, it turns out my phone has a profanity filter.

Your phone is cucked.

WTF is the spoon theory and why do I already know it's some weak mayo "muh mental health" bullshit

For people with autism, I think

It's very chronic illness, usually chronic pain

Repill me on spions

It's a physical representation of how many fucks you can muster in a given day.

A representation of the amount of energy someone with a chronic illness has

i remember this huge thread on reddit about how you never need to wash jeans, like ever. and they talked about keeping them in the freezer to "kill the germs" instead of washing them.

so yes, they literally had pants they owned for years, never ever fucking washed them, AND had them in their freezer with food. redditors are fucking sickening.

I wash my jeans once a month max, what's wrong with that

literally everything you fucking neckbeard.

I can't even grow facial hair, let alone a beard

t. Zhang

Close, more like Elliot Rodger

They probably smell like ass. Hopefully you at least give them a sniff before putting them on to check that you aren't leaving a trail of stank ass behind you wherever you go.

Who doesn't wash their pants?

Combined with people who do not wash their asses, they're just preserving the funk for another day.

God, all of this technology, all of these cleaning products and we're still stuck with people that don't wipe, don't shower, don't wash their clothes, don't brush their teeth and don't use deodorants.

Personally, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and I don't wait to do a laundry wash. If my shirt is sweaty, it's getting washed in the sink or in the shower.

I’ve literally worn my bra for like a week straight. Do you think we secrete out of our boobs like our vagina does, or something?

I wonder what she would think a dude wearing a shirt for a week.

He's a disgusting, lazy, fat slob who is just a misogynist that thinks women should do everything for him.

I wonder what she would think about a man wearing a bra for a week.

if i do it as a stunt an exercise in empathy and write a blog about it, will VICE finally give me a writing gig?

He's getting in touch with his feminine side and getting to experience what it's like for PoC women.

they'd make a tv show out of it and watch it religiously. all foids love that god awful drag queen tv show.


Do you think we secrete out of our boobs like our vagina does

No, I think that your breasts have sweat glands like every other part of your body. Which is true.

That is a hate fact sweaty

Sounds like someone is dating his first girlfriend.

And what's wrong with that?

Because bras are like $40 each. I don't have enough money to spend all that. I have slowly built up a collection of 4, and that's more than most women have.

This girl is just admitting she'd poor lol.

Target has like 20 kinds of bras for like $15 she’s just lazy as shit

Guide to r/amitheasshole

Are you a woman? Not the asshole.

Are you a man? If yes:

Did you annoy or disagree with a foid? You are the Asshole.

pretty much dude like, in the comment section he mentions that the bra actually fkn stinks, and they all just called him a liar. like, it's insane.

jesus dude wtf is it with reddit foids. i see shit like them refusing to shave their arm pits and calling everyone a shit lord for finding it gross, yet i've never met a woman irl who didn't have shaved pits.

same thing with pubes, they all apparently have huge stinky piss stained bushes and you're a pedophile if you dont' want that near your mouth, but once again, never dated a foid who didn't just have a hairless pussy by default.

now they are apparently fighting for the right to never change their fkn underpants and stink all day? i need to get off this website i swear to god.

i see shit like them refusing to shave their arm pits and calling everyone a shit lord for finding it gross, yet i've never met a woman irl who didn't have shaved pits.

I've seen plenty of women like this. One of my sisters is very into tarot and that sort of bs. It is basically a femcel clique.

There's a reason that "legbeards" became the female neckbeard equivalent--shaving really doesn't take much time or effort, but anyone too lazy to shave is going to be too lazy to do a bunch of other basic hygiene shit.

The difference is that the legbeards can claim that the expectation to shave is sexism while unironically calling men that don't shave neckbeards

Yeah but men's beards take a fuck load of work. Trimming, washing, waxing, and combing a beard so it doesn't look like shit is 10x more work than the 5 minutes it takes to shave.

Am I the asshole for not changing my underwear 3 days in a row?

maybe but you defonetely smell like one

I cant wait to trigger you fucks by telling you this.

You shouldn't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. You need to give them time to completely dry out so that bacteria doesn't fester is a damp, dark place.

If you're not going to wash per use, you shouldn't ever wear any piece of clothing two days in a row.

Man, that board keeps proving why gay men are winning in 2019.

This is fucking hot.

Edit 2: according to Google the recommended washing time is after 2-3 wears. This bra reeked. And to all you women saying you wear your bra for months on end, thats obviously disgusting and not normal especially because many of you sound heavy set mentioning letters deep into the alphabet that I didn't know existed.

holy shit fuckin gottem

my fucking sides

God bless him.

lmao, the OP is absolutely based

too many of the fucks on that sub get brow beaten by these retarded comments and fall over themselves to postrate and kowtow for self-gratification


At least spray some febreeze on there, you fucking she-beasts.

YTA Holy shit. Bras don't smell bad after three days dude. Also, HOW MANY BRAS DO YOU THINK SHE FUCKING HAS? You know like all bras are at MINIMUM $30 each, right? Oh. You probably don't. I'm surprised if you've ever encountered a woman before in your life. 3 days is a fucking joke


I ought to log out, I just showered! I'll be back when I'm more smelly again.

Everyone saying he's an asshole is a sweaty, unwashed, overweight foid. Fucking disgusting.

Some people sweat more or feel more comfortable in a brand new bra everyday, some people wear it for weeks on end.

I like how they all have to keep talking this way to appease trannies.

Edit 2: according to Google the recommended washing time is after 2-3 wears. This bra reeked. And to all you women saying you wear your bra for months on end, thats obviously disgusting and not normal especially because many of you sound heavy set mentioning letters deep into the alphabet that I didn't know existed.

hahahahaha mod this man immediately

lmao oh wow women are grotty and messy as shit theres a massive shocking surprise

i like that one thats like "some girls only have one bra!" like thats an excuse for being a mess

what the fuck is wrong with some people? like, i get sometimes you wear your jeans several days, shirts sometimes yeah. but to wear bras for WEEKS ON END WITHOUT TAKING IT OFF? that’s horrifying.

> many of you sound heavy set mentioning letters deep into the alphabet that I didn't know existed.

In case any of you weren't aware, foids are disgusting. Men get a bad rap for being "messy" but women are actually gross. They'll wear the same undergarments for days in a row, go days without washing their hair even after working out, skip showers if they "don't have anyone to impress," and use scented products to cover up BO smells instead of addressing the source. Even top tier 10/10 foids are guilty of this kind of behavior, I've seen it.

No thank you, I'll take a nice, clean bussy any day of the week.

Imagine the smell

Why did the girl that said she washes it everyday get downvoted 🤔

And to all you women saying you wear your bra for months on end, thats obviously disgusting and not normal especially because many of you sound heavy set mentioning letters deep into the alphabet that I didn't know existed.

Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nigga

This guy is furiously jacking it to this creative writing thread of his bra fetish

Edit 2: according to Google the recommended washing time is after 2-3 wears. This bra reeked. And to all you women saying you wear your bra for months on end, thats obviously disgusting and not normal especially because many of you sound heavy set mentioning letters deep into the alphabet that I didn't know existed.


"thats obviously disgusting and not normal especially because many of you sound heavy set mentioning letters deep into the alphabet that I didn't know existed."


OP’s an asshole everyone knows women aren’t human beings who sweat and fart and barf, they’re more like unicorns who poop butterflies and rainbows.