the absolute madman does it again

175  2019-03-21 by MomentOfXen


Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Sentient af

I’d like a straight answer on this. We are way past what RNG should accomplish, and these rants aren’t that open-ended.

Its almost as if gasp the bot creator has a direct hand in it as he has stated in the past

Thank you. That’s literally all I needed. I’m a new friend and I don’t have time to track shit down.

I think I am just getting tired of everyone saying sentient

Me too. It’s played out and an easy double-tap if your submission isn’t drawing mods, tards, or fugees.


That's more like it.

As in, the bot knows to use a quote for specific titles? Can mods program Snappy to do that? Or is it just the random quote selection of already-entered quotes?



Except when the creator directly intervenes


Search the guys history. He made the claim, not me

Search the guys history.


He made the claim, not me

Well I'm not going to go through any more effort than I already have to verify this so great assume /u/justcool393 personally wrote every snappy comment I guess

Cancellation inbound. For the dog too. 😡😡😡

Nah. Even twitter knows mayocide is the future

This but unironically.


The father you never knew.

So that's why my life is so good

In this moment, I am euphoric. If you've heard him try to seriously debate, this guy is pretty dumb, but as an entertainer, this is delicious

Who the fuck is srebrenica? And why isn't she funny anynore?

based and american schooling pilled

He's ironically not very edgy. He's usually pretty boring and doesn't bring anything new to the table. I kinda like his attitude though and this is pretty good.

Scottish shitposters are pretty mild, theyre just some raunchy cunts you get a beer with. especially with Aussies setting the bar so high.

As of now, there is no one-upping Australia anymore. They're the permanent shitposting capital of the world.

“Y’all can’t behave!”

  • British police I’d imagine.

I don't know who that guy is, but i legitimately recoiled in repulsion when he turned the camera to his face. He looks so unclean.

Count Dankula aka Nazi pug man

advicefriends OUT


Don't tell me you don't like the absurdity of typing out the words "Nazi pug man" to explain someone's claim to fame

He's Scottish, that's natural.

Are scots even human?

I just assumed they were like pugs - the result of a Jewish conspiracy.

The heebs created scots by tampering with the Irish. It's settled then.

The Scot - The stinginess of a Jew combined with the drunkenness of the Irish. It all makes sense!


Roond toow, uhlictric buhgaloo!

I just watched a video the other day of this one, almost on the verge of tears, claiming his life has been ruined and he was forced into the arms of renown Ukip-Britbong-Oswald-Mosely-enthusiast Timmy Tommerson.

This isn't what an oppressed person looks like.

Nor do they have ear-plugs. Fucking hell, that's some real disgusting hipster shit with that and the vile thing through his nose.

Why can't he be satisfied drinking McEwan's export in a shuttered shop doorway and dying from heart failure at age 35 like other Scotchmen?

Pugs are terrible, vile creatures. Our lord and savior has been sent to show us there is limit to how low these evil creatures will stoop.


I don't bloody think Sharia allows it

Who laughs this much at their own animal based edge?

how bout a motherfucker named after le dank maymays? >_<

It's like being an adult named Professor Roflcopter.

@ me next time

-Professor Roflcopter

/u/zachums pug would never do this 😭

Throw him in jail and put the dog down. Only fair thing to do

Put the pug in jail and the Scotsman down.

What is this haggis filled trainspotting extra saying

am I retarded

✊🏿 Black Power ✊🏿

What is he saying?

“Black power”
Can’t wait to see how the woke cops will deal with this one as “racism = not the dictionary definition + privilege” word salad.
The fact that the dog’s black is an added bonus

I mean if we look at this rationaly he should clearly get the death sentence right?

Death sentence for saying “Black power”? There’s a Nobel Woke Prize waiting for him

Something about "block poor" or something idk.

fucking brilliant

I just heard millions of glasses of soy milk hit the floor.

Twitter should be proud he's raising awareness for POC rights #ReperationsNow #FreeShit #FinallyGotAPieceOfThePie #GeorgeJeffersonWouldBeProud

You're really not that funny mate.

The funniest thing about this is just all the twittertards he'll triggered.

I was hoping he'd teach a parrot to recite the communist manifesto.

What about Maddox?

Maddox lost the lolsuit and dick reigns supree

Wait what's the relation between Maddox and this guy?

The dick show podcast is amazing check it out

Its basically r drama but in podcast form

Neat, I will. I really like The Best Debate too tbh, and haven't really followed maddox's drama with the whole lawsuit thing.

Oh boy do I envy you, you're in for a ride.

This is good for Dramacoin.

> Guy who had 15 minutes of fame and then was forgotten does same crazy thing again for attention.


Look at him thinking hes funny as fuck. Pretty repulsive tbh, he looks more liberal than the liberals he hates

Professional Shitposter.

what kind of unkind God would create a world where someone would actually put that in their twitter bio