r/Hiphopheads discusses "why do we have to be so mean to white people?"

169  2019-03-21 by channing__tatum


If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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Because of mayocide

Read the article. Pretty based of him. Even mentions that he apologized to the bluechecks before but won't ever do it again cause they're a bunch of jackals.

Guy is just sick of idpol, plain and simple.


we truly live in a society

I don't disagree with what he said but it was stupid of him to attach it to some instathot who tries hard to look black, recently asked if she can say nigga and was recorded freestyling about black on black murder among other racially charged things. Like he should have just stopped with Dave Chapelle or mentioned a mayo person who is not retarded

Oh lol I didn't see who yesjulz was. Rip optics, you're right

There's really nothing based about what he said. We are mean to mayos because they deserve it, plain and simple.

Well you got me there

He is not joking imbecile

please reword this in such a way that my feelings won't be hurt, thank you

He is not joking eediot


He was right about apologizing to bluecheck marks being a bitch move.

Hath not a Mayo eyes? Hath not a Mayo hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a POC is?

No. Mayocide now!

Because why not?

Is this woman even racist or is it another "black women screech because men don't like them" scenario?

I dont know if shes racist but shes definitely a dumb instathot saying racially charged shit for attention

You'd think Pizza " Captain of the thot patrol" shill would be up to date on thots

I've wasted 20 minutes trying to find out what the hubbub is all about.

  1. she "insulted black women" by saying black men are into her

  2. four years ago she tweeted a question ("am I allowed to wear that?" for a shirt saying "niggas lie all the time".

  3. these freestyle lyrics

  4. this podcast, I'm not gonna spend 3 hours watching. But according to some very neutral clickbait publications she was dissing some other black women by implying they aren't as successful than her, even though one of them got an internship at some radio.

Sounds to me like this whole thing boils down to envy. She's taking a spot in the hiphop-instathot market from black women, and she's also taking black men from black women. And then she has the gall of not being apologetic about this.

that subreddit is unironically the most racist shit I have ever seen

they did a demo survey one time that found that something like 75% of their users were wh*tes between the ages of 13 and 21. I'm a huge rap fan, and I won't even go there.

although for all the rough, they did give us this diamond

LOL, that makes sense.

I could hear the hipster white boy who thinks he's super deep because he really GETS Childish Gambino through the fucking screen.

The top comment is "dudes been getting ROASTED on twitter." Fuckin 30 year old cracker trying to sound like a black middle schooler.

Praise the mayocide

Omg have you like ever really LISTENED to MF Doom? Shits life changing fambruh

watching Black Panther at the movies

intense fighting scene between protag and antag

slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA BOUTTA DABBED ON"

everyone laughs

black guy sucks his teeth and says, "You aight, white boy"

Hear "He cute" from one of the girls

What was the picture? Looks like the link was deleted.


No, no, no.

That cannot be real...

yeah, and half the posters there were like, "yoooo fam you wildin' but fr doe, you a real one for keeping this up, dab on the haters SKRRT"

that entire sub is just an IRL manifestation of Gob Bluth's black puppet, Franklin.

Internet LARPing is a very strange hobby that I will never understand...

internet larping

What a tard

Forgive me for I am a filthy Mayo


Put some trap ad libs on “It ain’t easy being white” and it could be hiphophead’s anthem

I've never in my life heard an actual black adult refer to "dabbing" on anyone. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "you a real one." I've heard "for real though" here and there but mostly from retards.

But what's the point of even posting this since some angry mayo will surely crosspost me to /r/AsABlackMan any second now so that a bunch of other angry mayo LARPers can say "lmaoooooooooo man he clownin' niggas be sayin 'dab' every damn day in these streets"

Goddamn woke mayos are racist.

It's a few years old now. I guess that kid is an adult now

Well he gets it in the bussy for sure.

The fuck

is he 11 years old?

This was posted in a thread from five years ago, so he’s probably graduated high school by now.

In his defense, he's grabbing black women's asses and getting arrested for drug dealing now

Honorary brother?

Lmao dude shit himself over a linked comment nearly 6 years later

mods have failed us by refusing to mod whodatmiami

You didn't know? That's /u/trappysaruh pre hrt

whodatmiami is a huge fucking legend, absolute chad

You didn't know? That's /u/trappysaruh pre hrt

You can't be racist against wh*tes.

Yeah no shit.

Lol yes, Survey here

I'm gonna go ahead and say those numbers are skewed, it's more like 75% white. I troll eminem fans there often and literally everyone of them is "black".

silly wannabe woke whites and their eminem love.

I always thought Eminem fans were largely felons and/or white trash, I learned something new today

Did your charming acct get suspended?

Yeah man they got me for calling some KIAcel/ruskie a potato asian. I guess that's hyper offensive now. My suspension should be up anytime now though

hey I'm an Eminem fan and I'm latino

Dude leave me alone I'm listening to Macho Man's rap album


everytime you comment under mine I reflexively minimize YouTube and lose my place then I have to start the whole album over again.


although for all the rough, they did give us this diamond

That shit is classic

Also the one where the guy who was dancing in a Taylor Swift video was talking about “the streets will heavily fuck with this”.

Every single subreddit is populated by the same out of shape overgrown mama's boys with beards and IPA tits.

out of shape overgrown mama's boys with beards and IPA tits

I feel attacked rn


I thought that deleted pic would be him dressed up as a school shooter

Sounds like an ally of r/drama to me

We need all the help we can get for the mayocide

This is unironically the best post that ever happened on this website. Five years later and I'm still laughing.

so in other words they’re slightly less white than the rap fan community in general

There's nothing wrong with being mean to white people tbh

Mayocide when 😴😴😴

It's not about mean. It's about being fucking tired of it. It's about being tired of enduring "Can I touch your hair"s, "Tyrone" nicknames, "You speak so well"s, "You're not like the others" type shit. It's about being tired of trying to explain to people what you've been through, or where you come from, and the intricacies involved with that and how you got to where you are today; how you got this well paying job, how you made it out the ghetto, how you left bangin behind, through any form of adversity and being told, "Stuff like that doesn't really happen anymore though."


I've never had a mayo ask to touch my hair. It's probably just a woman thing. I would ask if anyone here has experienced it but there ain't no black women on /r/drama

"Excuse me, do you know the best place for chinese food in the area?" - The horror I face sometimes once a week from Mexicans.

Good god. I have no words, I just want to let you know that I'm here for you. Is there a place I can donate?

Chinos BTFO 😤😤😤

"My inbox is always open"

Do you want sone differential equations to solve? Would that make you feel better? 🤗

Omg sweaty, you are so brave.

I'm a white boy with ringlets and get women and children asking to touch my hair. It's just darkies conflating boring straight-haired mayos finding curls fascinating with racism.

Thats nice they fucking ask, back when i was kid the white girls would just start brushing my shit till i looked like Richard Simmons and the black ones would just walk up and start braiding so tight it felt like my scalp was going to be ripped off. Say shit to either and they act like youre being a dick. I was in my mid 20s before it stopped.

Huh, there weren't any black kids around to braid my hair, but the touching-without-asking shit only happened a couple of times in high school and they always stopped when I bitched them out for it.

It’s just a chick thing. They love fucking with other people’s hair

I hadn't thought about it, but I don't think I've ever touched another man's hair in my entire life. What the fuck

I found that whenever women or minorities complain about something that they say constantly happens to them *because* they're women or minorities, it either literally happens to everyone and they can't see it or it basically never happens to anyone else.

The only reason they think it's unique to them is likely a social bubble, not actually talking to people who experience/don't experience said things, so they can't understand why they happen and it must be racism/sexism.

Dumbest take I've seen in a while

Can I touch your hair?

You can touch the hair on my bussy

Always wanted to touch an assfro.

My favorite racially charged dad joke is to knock on a black dudes head, lean into it and say

"Is this thing on?"

yikes sweaty. Morgan freeman does not approve.

LOL! 🤣👆


grow an afro and watch the game change brother. Used to happen to me all the time back in the day. Shit, some MFs wouldnt even bother asking.

That said... it was a great ice breaker sitting at the bar. heard some version of "it'll give me something to grab/hang on to while you go down on me" more than a few times

🎶 Who's that black r/Drama/ nerd who's a sex machine to all the birds 🎶 🎶 It's FEARtheTWITCH 🎶 You goddamn right

Furthermore, they say that cat FEARtheTWITCH is a bad mother-


But I'm talkin bout FEARtheTWITCH!

Oh, then I can dig it

Lmao. fear the autist

I heard black dudes only eat ass though

Shit, heads used to get clowned on for tossing salad. Idk wtf happened.

there are more black women here than on SRD

we have at least 1

lmao i always hear these talking points but does any of this shit happen after like 6th grade? i went to school in mostly mayo areas with a flew token black kids sprinkled in. i remember hearing this until everyone turned like 11 years old. theres no fucking 25 year olds in offfices asking to touch the new black workers hair. or saying "you speak so well". thats fucking retarded


Microagressions are such a dumb concept.

Someone asks to touch his hair and he's basically under Jim Crowe and fighting the MLK fight.

It's not about mean. It's about being fucking tired of it. It's about being tired of enduring "Can I touch your hair"s, "Tyrone" nicknames, "You speak so well"s, "You're not like the others" type shit. It's about ...


Somebody please pasta this but about SRDines ty in advance

Mayocide isn't mean but a righteous necessity.

Its pretty ironic that black celebs get "cancelled" by white people for not thinking like "black" people. And blacks fall for it. Sad tbh

That's like asking why would you be mean to the devil. The whites should never be trusted

"white people are racist so I'm going to tar them all with the same brush as being racist, that'll fix things!"

Just something I've noticed but a lot of chapocels also post on this sub. Why is this?

I think it’s wrong to assume that we as a culture have lower standards for women and blacks and children because we think they’re more sensitive and weak than white men.

The real reason for the disparity is not because we want to protect some people, its because we hate another.

Mayocide when?

Thankfully these sort of discussions don't come up for me that often in person anymore, I've recently moved out of America, and I'm moving in with my amazing fiancée in Japan next year.

japan is very accepting of black people

I bet he also doesnt understand the slurs they use either

What up, my kokujin?

Wigger sub. I imagine everyone who posts there to be a less talented J-roc.

Daily reminder that rap is the lowest form of music.