Anti-kebab Jew Avi Yemini recorded his interview on the Jim Jeffries show with a hidden cam. Interview airs, predictably edited. So Avi releases his hidden cam footage, including cut footage of Jim drawing/dissing Moohammad

439  2019-03-21 by Ted_UtteredBoast




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He literally says

"We'll edit this bit out, I never look bad in these interviews."

fucking LOL

finally someone uses their jew powers of deception for good

Based Israelite combined with based Aussie is a deadly combination of shitposting.

Can't really be all that based if he edits interviews to make himself look good or not look as bad, eh?

Avi is Australian too, I was referring to him being both.

Fair enough

This is excellent drama

He knows CC is gonna sue him, and he knows the Jew Crew got his back, to sue back.

finally someone uses their jew powers of deception for good

Did they ever use that in a diffirent way?

Jim "I fucked her when she was 17, I plied her with drugs" Jeffries

Lmao source that's hawt shit famalam

What do you gius think of Capeshit round here? Y'all love it, right? Could i post that gif of the Joker saying "And here ... we ... go" and retain my self-respect?

Is jj our guy?

i don't think he's so much a radical centrist as a completely detached sociopath addicted to fame and money, or possibly with some bigtime skeletons in his closet.

So, like most famous people.

So he's our guy.

No one on /r/drama has any fame or money, so I don't know about that.

This ain't the only sub notch is a mod of, he's literally Jesus in his own sub.

Whatever, I'm not trying to go through the effort it would take to figure that out.

One time on another account /u/xnotch replied to one of my comments. 🙏👌

You have a point there. Somehow slipped my mind that Notch was a mod.

I'm famous for a number of things actually, none of them good.

I'm not going to violate my policy of never caring what an Aussie shitposter thinks about anything, but this is based and hilariouspilled.

They're both douchebags

Welcome to radical centrism.

I love how JJ went from „women don’t like shit in their cunt“ to full-blown SJW

Jim "roofies for papoosies" Jeffries

As always Aussies prove themselves to just be the worst.

that's the only way you can survive as an offensive comedian otherwise he would have been cancelled long time ago. Man knows how to play the game

I mean, Bill Burr has stayed away from SJWism pretty well. I saw him live recently and if his special is anything remotely like that there will be a lot of rustled jimmies

Yeah, but Burr's also really good. That's not rwally an option for most of these clowns.

He married a black woman to get that pass.

That's because he relies mostly on standup. He sucks up huge on his animated show and it takes place in another era but he mostly just does standup

Yup. Frankie Boyle another one. If you virtue signal to the left enough you can say what you like.

Jesus christ people on this sub are now using "sjw" unironically.

It's truly over for RC dramacels. Cringeanarchy lite here we come :(

Well, come up with a better word for this kind of behavior.

we could play an anagram game. Rearrange SJW, and you get JWS. Seems like it's missing a vowel, though. Have you got any suggestions?

Shut it down goy!


J... JAWS? We can use the theme song


hAhA yEaH

inshallah brother ☝️

When did he make the change??

He had a bit about guns in America that the left loved, he followed the money.

Almost like it's a fucking act to avoid controversy while retaining some kind of guaranteed audience

This is why anyone who enjoyed The Daily Show or Colbert Report or those Jimmy Kimmel talking to dumb people on the street segments are all absolute retards.

They talk to hundreds of people for hours and pick the most retarded to make their point.

Actually the rewards are the ones just figuring that out, the rest of us realized it when we were about 12.

Flame Rewardant

God damn autocorrect is rewarded.

They also know if they say something funny they can get on TV

Lmao go back to CA dipshit

Colbert Report fan COPE 😂😂😂😂

If you think those interviews last for more than 30 minutes youre a fucking retard

I don't even watch any late night shows. But I know that when you see an interview like this one or a show where they ask random people on the street questions, it's always edited/cherrypicked.

all television is edited you cosmic brain retard

those DS/CR sitdowns are not hours long they are 30 min max

You’re mad lol



How do you know that? Show me your TV show producer loicence!

it's always edited/cherrypicked.

Wow it's almost like it's a tv show? Who would have thought

le merely pretending

Was it shocking for you to figure that out or something?

I always thought they were the worst part of the show and it could do without them, i watched for the real interview / shitting on cable news.

I hope Jim Jeffries gets completely fucked by this so he has to go back to being a poor non-functioning alcoholic and actually starts being funny again (or for the first time tbh).

(or for the first time tbh).

His bit about giving his son autism is one of the funniest things ever.

The story about taking his disabled friend to a brothel was fucking hilarious

So I never watched the dudes stand-up, only knew about him being a cunt sometimes like the op video. But I just went and watched that autistic bit and holy shit it was great. Thanks for mentioning that bit

Ever since Trevor Noah lost that debate to the airheaded white girl Comedy Central policy has been to edit all dialogues to make the host look like they aren’t retareded.

Can I get a link? Would love to see that.

I remember him having some funny bits in the past. It's a shame he went down this road.

I think he defo had funny moments but was never consistent. But it's clear he's doing this for money, it only sucks because he's not even occasionally funny now.

Here is the /r/videos thread about this; Jim Jefferies exposed

They are already heavily coping.


> ELI5 who is this guy?

> A Jewish white supremacist, I'm genuinely surprised he's got so much support on here


Appareantly Jews are now white again.


u/AnnoysTheGoys is there some kind of unreleased schedule (((they))) forgot to send me?

the JJ segment said basically this, if you caught it. something like "what brings nazis and jews together? well HATING MUSLIMS OBVIOUSLY!"

Shapeshifter theory, sometimes they're white, sometimes they're oppressed, but rarely both



bruh what if we make a cool mosaic but it's gonna be of another culture's astronomical sign

bruh what if we tell everyone the exploits of our ethnoreligious messiah but we gonna write it in koine greek

Jews thought they were hot shit fighting back against the Romans, but in reality they were just in a state of post-cuck stress disorder.

Are you confusing Christians with Jews again? Are you complaining about cultural appropriation? Are you a dumb greek?

First generation Christianity was literally just a whacky Jewish cult

Nobody says the retards who followed bar Kokhba weren't Jews

First generation Christianity was literally just a whacky Jewish cult


Nobody says the retards who followed bar Kokhba weren't Jews

I'm just confused why you're all worked up about Judean-Roman relations two millennia ago

I'm just confused why you're all worked up about Judean-Roman relations two millennia ago

I don't understand. Is it not self-evident?

Israel exists and I don't see any Roman empires hanging around anymore

Is this why?

No, you stupid Jew. Romans are boring. On the other hand, a bunch of eternally arsemad Jews willing to wade through literal rivers of their own blood to try and give the Romans the middle finger even though their culture has already been cucked by the biggest cucks around (Hellenes) is the drama that LITERALLY never stopped. I mean come on, it's the whole reason for the diaspora (a wonderful goldmine of raging butthurt for everyone involved) and for the state of Israel today.

Pls share your drugs with me

No, I ran out yesterday. I shall have to go to the doctor's to get some more, but unfortunately I live in the UK so making appointments is an impossibility.


This explains everything

Well I'm also Jewish, so there's that.

A (((chosen))) living in Corbyn's Bongistan? My condolences, bruder

Spare me your condolences, American; the alternative was staying in Poland.

Same here, I'm just glad my great grandparents opted for the longer voyage in the 30s.

There's a reason why our ancestors initially hoped the Germans might be less murdery towards us

We moved in the first big waves -- ya know, with the pogroms. Funnily enough, my great-great-great-grandfather lived in a slum five minute's walk away from where the rich Jew side of my family had their huge imports-n-exports warehouses.

I visited Krakow a while back and the Jewish Quarter was just starting to get all hipster gentrified. I was almost offended but I realized it really was the best revenge

anyone who uses the word 'cuck' just sounds like a weirdo incel teenager

where do you think you are

you're not better than me

its not your fault

Problem is, that guy is a Chad Sephardic. Unlike us Ashkenazicels he's objectively not white. Fuck, the dude's darker than most Shiites.



Lmao cucked mods already deleted it for politics.

This exchange is the best.

A Jewish white supremacist, I'm genuinely surprised he's got so much support on here

A Jewish white supremacist? He’s a brown arab... this world is getting super confusing :(

This is possibly the most cope I have ever seen:

Well Jim, that's what you get for interviewing fascists, they do what they do best: lie and manipulate. Not that you weren't always a problematic pillock, we all know you are. But for this fascist joker to try and turn the tables on ya, well it would be laughable if it wasn't a fascist doing it.

Is that Avi fucker a fascist? Yes he is. Is his stirring up anti Muslim sentiments co-responsible for the worst of his kind taking up arms and doing what he preaches? Yes he is. Did he just waste my time? Yes he did.

I think you don't know what the word fascist means.

>/They tried to outjew a Jew but in the end they got jewed.


Perfect description of what happened.


Goyim will never learn.


Du Hurensohn


Wie hurensohn du hurensohn

Welcome to every interview ever. The Jon Stewart gotcha interviews really opened my eyes to this phenomenon.

I remember when I woke up to the bullshit, it was during a segment on how voter ID is racist to black people. I think it was one of the weeks John Oliver covered the desk.

I was still due to vote for Trudeau a few years later so I was still pretty comfy being a left-of-center young millennial.

But I just remember asking the TV (lol) "...Wait, whats stopping them from getting ID?" then realizing that nothing is, then realizing that the segment is implying that it just is because they're black... And black people are apparently incapable of doing something that every single American citizen is qualified for and has access to.

I would still watch the show until Jon left for good, though.

you should do some research, buddy. “I don’t understand something so the elites are lying to me” is why we desperately need white genocide.

you literally came right here from /r/neoliberal

Instead of fucking around with voter ID laws, burgers should just implement a nation wide standardized ID cards, like all other civilized nations have. How do fuck do people without ID even do any basic shit like set up bank accounts?

Nice try, deep state jew. I'll keep my foreskin AND my state ID.

Why blacks are too stupid to get an ID despite all having ID's already.

it's actually statistically true though

For the record, it does become an issue for blacks when the police start stealing shit from your id. In one scenario, they stole my ID, my shoes and fourty dollars, as well as some clothes. I did get the clothes back, but only because they came and arrested me again.

By steal you mean you got arrested for some crime and they lost your possessions? Lol

No. I mean they beat me up and stole my shit. Lol

Arrested me again Doubt.jpg

shrugs Long as the state's square.

Probably because you kept breaking the law.

Nah, there's a few other ways to piss off the state. I basically kept getting involved with really violent martial arts fights. Eventually the state got on board with the storyline and started with the power creep until I was Batman or something, which left me explaining things to a lot of different law enforcement agencies.

I basically kept getting involved with really violent martial arts fights.

That's a creative way of saying "I kept assaulting people".

Thats what everyone thought, but there we were in the court room for trial arguing about jiujitsu vs karate.

Here's what people don't understand about autism. It's not when you say and do dumb, socially inept shit. It's when you say and do dumb, socially inept shit because you're too busy focusing on the technical aspects of your field of study to properly socialize. My field of study is martial arts.

I get into trouble not because I commit crimes, but because I follow the law to the letter, no more, no less. Autist follow rules. With a focus on martial arts. This leads to a series of socially inept, totally legal and technically advanced brawls. This is how you get the feds questioning you about your martial arts.

The best version of the argument I've heard is that some older blacks in certain states lack the requisite papers to apply for an ID because they were denied them during Jim Crow.

But that only becomes an issue if they require the documents in short order to apply for the ID. If they started at literally any time right now and went through the correct process to acquire missing documents they would be fine. There are supplementary services that the courts can perform to remedy the issue.

But put that all to the side. It's not actually discriminatory in that it targets black people specifically, it merely disparately impacts older black voters. Black people regularly apply for and are granted ID. Old people simply reapply for an existing ID. There's no principle reason that this would be illegal on its face.

Those Daily Show interviews were so clumsily edited that I originally thought that that was the joke. It's pretty sad that anyone could believe otherwise.

The interviewer would ask some "gotcha" question (usually rudely) in close then the tape would cut to five seconds of the interviewee sitting there, apparently speechless. Then the next day, Salon would write some clickbait article about how Samantha Bee "eviscerated" John McCain.

In the kilbourne days, Im pretty sure it was.

Dailyshow was really great until they went political, sadly most are too young to remember the days.

Kilbourne Ultimatum was during the Clinton era when the only thing that divided Americans was the Clinton impeachment. There were no decades-long wars, no LGBT “allies,” and no social media outlets to provide an echo chamber. They still made fun of Fox News by the way.

Those Daily Show interviews were so clumsily edited that I originally thought that that was the joke. It's pretty sad that anyone could believe otherwise.

Seph Meyers made a Metajoke about them by doing Trump Speeches and obviously editing in his own questions.

It's interesting to see how open all hosts are about how scripted and fake their shows are while still being taken seriously by a massive audience.

Wrestling is fake etc.

Wrestling is fake etc.



Seph Meyers made a metajoke about them by doing Trump Speeches and obviously editing in his own questions.

That was an ancient Leno joke (and probably Carson before him).

Even Stephen Colbert made fun of it. I can’t find it. All I can remember is he did a mock interview where someone asked him about Hillary and then was asked about a sea wall and he responded, “Huge dike! Huge dike!”

The Jon Stewart gotcha interviews really opened my eyes to this phenomenon.

Wait until you find out that Borat isn’t a real person.

I didnt say when. although shamefully i didnt realize jon stewart was full of shit until obama was elected, which means i was like 14 or 15.

i was like 14 or 15.

Your critical thinking years. Would you say that Jon Stewart was a big fat phony?

congrats on being the only person to ever not be retarded when they were 13

At 13 I was trying to score weed and get to third base with girls I knew. I definitely wasn't over-analyzing the editing techniques of a fake news show.

do you think 13 year olds dont watch comedy central or something? they are like their main demographic, sorry i watched it for an hour a night, and i didnt over analyze shit, i just watched it and thought to myself that they were being disingenuous.

You aren't a genius for "discovering" that TDS selectively edits their interviews for comedic timing. Were you one of those guys that informed everyone that The Colbert Report wasn't really a pro-conservative television show?

where did i claim to be a genius? in fact i called myself retarded for not realizing what they were doing until i was 14.

Yeah whatever, genius.

your retardation confuses me

The best Daily Show interview was when he had some football player who just released a book on, and Jon tried to be all smug, but the player kept bringing up when Jon was in Half Baked, by asking if he had ever done x on weed. Stewart just kept getting more and more visibly butthurt that this jock was completely belittling him.

I wanna see this clip if anybody knows what urbanwoodser is refering to and can share

This is Comedy Central. Not only did he sign all his rights away before accepting the interview, he’s gonna have to lawyer up bigly for airing their interview without their permission.

Is he protected at all by virtue of being strayan?

I know being a jew will come in handy for that.

But also if he gets fucked for sharing this, oh well, to me it was worth it!

haha suing him for this will make them look so bad.

either way, great job!

Nah, this is that rare case where public policy concerns would basically trump anything. A contract that prevented someone calling out blatant lying representing itself as basically honest entertainment-journalism? I'd do it for free.

Anybody who doesnt speak the same standard English American cable news anchors speak shouldnt be allowed on television. This goes especially for Australians.

Oh no! What is Hollywood going to do?!

literally who x2

Nice little documentary about Jeffries. Had an interesting take on Muslims back in the day.

Unironically watching half an hour long political youtube video-essays

Id honestly rather slowly cut my dick off with a rusty knife

This but unironically?

this, but unironically

The r/videos thread on this is pure progressive coping.

...and it's been removed for being "political".

Jim Jefferies is a fat, unlikeable faggot.

Jim Jefferies is a rapist. He bragged about drugging up a teenager and then having sex with her.

You got a time stamp? I can't put up with that drooling fetal alcohol syndrome looking dude jim jeffries rant on for 25 minutes

Is it hard to believe that someone famous for shitty "You might be a redneck if" jokes turned out to be a racist? lmao

Jim Jefferies hunched over posture is fucking gross dude.

Muslims gonna get Jeffries?


That still doesn't excuse avi "i got here before you did" Yemeni (his name is fucking yemeni for god's sake just accept the fact that you're middle-eastern)

Yemeni means Right Handed and it's from the bible. Has nothing to do with Yemen.

Huh, yameen means “right” in arabic, but i just assumed it meant his grandparents were yemeni jews since that’s a closer meaning

This is honestly going to be some REALLY juicy drama i think, leftist tv show being retarded, drama for comedians making offensive jokes 10 years ago, jews vs muslims, and right vs left. Cant wait

not to mention #metoo because apparently he pumped some 17 year old girl full of drugs and then his little strayan chud

I knew JJeffries was a piece of shit.

You may say that I'm a dreamer.

you can really tell how sold out he is when he says that.

it's like "I don't care, I'll use any of this shit to get what gets me paid."

I literally have no idea who either of these people are, but the Jew needs to post his bussy, God damnit.

Based kike Avi

What a jackass. It looks like he wanted this guy to push anti muslim views, with which he agreed, and then wanted to edit out his own, more extreme, anti Islam rhetoric, while leaving the other guy on the spot.

Well done Avi for calling this buffoon out. Avi is a very cool dude indeed.

Rogancels are having a blast with that shit.

That's amazing drama, good job OP. Can't wait for the mega banter. JJ became a wild righteous twat since fame & daddy election.

Based on the ratings for the Jim Jeffries Show on Wikipedia, this YouTube video has more views than almost every episode.

Oopsie had no idea what slant this sub has...guess now I know

We are kind of overrun with MDEtards ever since their shithole got shut down but we'd like some more lefties to balance it out. You are welcome here as long as you are funny and not a fragile, easily offended pussy. Lots of subs will autoban you for posting here though, even alt-right ones like KiA.

Ah ok, good to know. More so I don't want to have to worry about being banned for innocently participating in another sub. Find it's a good test for subs I don't want to be a part of if they feel the need to ban by association.
Thanks for the heads up ummmm something something drama satire swear word.

Yeah if you want to banter here you might want to use an alt. This sub is an autoban magnet because it's a "brigading" sub. Other brigading subs don't get the banhammer like we do because they just aren't as good at it as we are. They took away our pinging capabilities too which is a damn shame. Enjoy it while it lasts. We are about to hit 100k subscribers and many people here are (rightly) turning into accelerationists who are just waiting for this place to get banned so we will be forced to migrate to new sub without all the restrictions. The reason that it always looks like an alt-right place at first glance is because they have the numbers so they upvote those threads to the top but we like to make fun of rightoids too. By all means talk as much shit to everyone as possible. This is the only place on reddit where you can say pretty much any horrible thing you want and you won't get banned as long as it gets a laugh.

Yeah, that makes sense. I think there is room for a trash all sub as long as people admit it's the point of the sub.
I just got muted for responding to mods on the sub I was banned. Basically said do what you want but not gonna change my dealer...they said they planned on it ...a very iamverybadass response from them. Ah well. I don't alt so guess I'll get use to another ban.
Funny thing is if people actually checked my posts, they likely would agree with most my stuff.....

It's really dumb to do political interviews without requesting to film the entire thing on your own camera as well, it's guarenteed that they'll use editing, going without that insurance has no benefits and only risks.

'Fatwa for Jim J 2019'