Rosa Parks wannabe tries her hardest

209  2019-03-21 by PredSpread


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

The idea of "correcting"/lecturing your bf/gf/spouse's parents honestly makes me feel secondhand embarrassment. What the fuck.

Does anyone remember the reddit bridezilla who sperged out because her BF's dead dad supported Romney and was into cars and called transmissions "trannies" and wouldn't let him keep any of the cars as an inheritance? Fuck that was a good one

I don't care if my father in law called me a nigger, I'd still take free cars tf

He could burn crosses on my lawn and even do an IRL Jussie incident and I'd still suck his dick for free cars. I mean come on, free cars!

This but unironically.

I’d honestly prefer it if he did. Makes it clear where I stand.

Have you got a link? Sounds like a good read

I think this is what they are talking about:

That's incredible

yeah lol and there's even more I'll try to find, she essentially becomes a lesbian, gets kicked out of her house by her ex-fiance because she couldn't pay rent, etc. It's amazing

I'd call this fiction, but I could totally believe that an SRS poster did this.

Hate to call it bait... But then again, Id hate for someone to think I thought of an SRS GIRLZ ONLY club of not being this retarded

"Temple of fucking Misogyny"

Omg I remember reading that awhile back, comedy gold. One of the family members even found the post too!


Wasn't she eventually living in the woods convinced that all men were trying to rape her? (Probably a troll, but a very committed one.)

What was that crazy subreddit where they all hung out?

lmao srswomen

wasn't that the beginning of the worldofwomen saga?

Imagine doing that and then not even helping her clean up lol she doesn’t give a damn about that woman she just wanted to feel like a crusader

God you're a retard. You realize this is bait right? Please go back to wherever you came from.


Lmao she didnt even help the mom. What a retard

Edit: for all the people asking why I didn’t offer to help, are you fucking serious?! How would that do anything except strengthen the sexism of the situation? I’m sorry I’m not going to be trained into being Jr Miss Housewife.


I want to smack her with a mirror.

Imagine being a loudmouth super duper rights activist right up until the point where you could do something as simple as help clean up.

Whoa whoa whoa, that sounds like work.

Activists: black panther we don't do that here meme.

Sounds like every pro-mayocide poster here. So much big talk but not I've yet to see a single angloid get pushed into a shower.

Pffft. She'd probably like that.

Probably because she didn’t want to fall victim to the non-existent sexism she was seeing there. It’s fucking hilarious too, because one of the best ways to get your significant other’s parents to like you is to offer to help with shit like this

An AITA post where all the people putting their two cents aren’t completely retarded????

The shtick with that sub is that 95% of the readers just go there to call people assholes. So basically almost every thread is "YTA". Its just generally we're used to something like this:

OP: My wife wants an open relationship - AITA for wanting a divorce?

CucklordAOC2020: YTA, you should be gargling her boyfriends balls while beating your dick with a cheese grater.

It's actually pretty rare when OP is, well, actually an asshole. So when it does happen, it just makes the retards there look normal for a change.

For reals, enough of the creative writing "AITA for calling out a racist who punched a chocolate american child in the back of thr head?"


I love that instead of the responses to those posts just being like "come on, stop fishing for praise", they instead get earnest answers as if there's any possibility for debate or conflicting opinions

NTA. You did the right thing by defending the wheelchair bound autistic black child from the KKK.

Who are these people and what drives them?


looks like y'all can't behave

He’s a total neat freak. Lol he actually cleans up after me most of the time. I can’t cook to save my life. Sometimes he’ll cook, but mostly we stick to pre-made dinners and take out.

and then

I know right? It’s truly amazing how many dude’s mothers just “love” doing dishes. I must be doing them wrong because it’s not some blissful treat when I do mine.

lmao yeah we know, you lazy cunt.

Someone who brings nothing but a disgusting, weeping gussy to a relationship and is proud of that fact.

The absolute state of heteroids.

millennial whiner can't handle even the most basic chores

Wow what a shock I can't believe it.

I must be doing them wrong because it’s not some blissful treat when I do mine.

You learn to love it cause it has to be done. I "love" doing yardwork.

Yardwork is great as long as you've got a twelve-year-old handy to haul all the brush away.

Nobody loves doing chores but it feels good to do a job well and be a functioning adult. Unless you are a whingy, lazy f*mayo cunt of course.

I don't think she will be dating that dude in 3 months.

How do I turn gay?

Ask american frogs

but mostly we stick to pre-made dinners and take out.

So shes going to be fat and raise fat kids. Wife her up!

Fuck damn, that "take out" part I found the most grating. What is it with people constantly eating take out? Are they millionaires? Are all their appliances broken? Have all the grocery stores shut down in the area?

More AITA 🎣


The patron subreddit of yallcantbehavery

He’s a total neat freak. Lol he actually cleans up after me most of the time. I can’t cook to save my life. Sometimes he’ll cook, but mostly we stick to pre-made dinners and take out.

What's the point of even marrying a millenial foid?


Ram Ranch really rocks!

Ram Ranch 7 is best.

We support our troops!

*White millennial foid.

You people are ridiculous, you don't think you're being a bit dramatic?

Yeah bitch it’s called r/drama for a reason

We're done calling OP a cunt for today.

I wasn't done.

Tfw you never got to call her a cunt.


It's ok, she's sperging out on various other subs.



And they couldn't find the will to flair the post as asshole despite overwhelming agreement because gussy 😂😂😂

wow YTA

If only they could have behaved

She was 100% NTA.

We're done calling OP a cunt for today


Ugh. I'd much rather call her a whore or gussy, but this le leddit mod won't tell me what to do!


Honestly my mom woulda smacked me if I didn't help set the table or clean up. The foid is annoying but that mom is weak af.

I remember when I was a kid and my woke sister decided to bitch about pink and blue jobs because she was lazy and didnt want to do the dishes anymore. Eventually my dad got sick of it so he made her shovel our relatively large driveway after it snowed a ton. She never complained about loading a fucking dishwasher again.

Never mind cooking or doing the dishes. In my house, the men sit and eat first. Once they are done and have left the table, the women can eat if there is any food left.

And if they're bleeding they eat outside in the barn

Not even started

We're done calling OP a cunt for today

Are we?

Gotta white knight for m'lady.

tips fedora

Gotta love the faggot mods stepping in and locking the thread to protect m'lady. Funny how they let the insults fly rampant at the guy who is a homophobe for not wanting to blow himself.

If someone came over to my house and did this I'd treat them like they just took a fat dump on the dining room table. Gussy disgusts me sometimes

I’d bet my left nut this woman is Caucasian.

When she dates her next boyfriend she will have learned from this mistake and never mention it ever again.

But maybe the boys do a lot of other work, and the mom takes breaks. Who knows? We don't, although OP has said that the dad works full time, and the mom is stay at home.

So the dad goes and works his ass off all day, gets home just in time for dinner, eats, and then gets judged by his sons retard girlfriend for finally wanting to go sit down and relax after a long fucking day? Yeah, what a sexist fuck.