Its over for burgercels

271  2019-03-21 by life_is_painful_3


ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

bussy love is also illegal in ghana, so that's one more way it is objectively better than the US.

Yikes. This is a bussy loving ✋safe space✋


not liking bussy

gdp per capita 12 times smaller than burgerland

even using gdp per capita


ofcourse burgerfags value themselves according to how paper they are issued by (((them))).

I know the second line is 8 whole words away, but you should persevere

Easy to stop mofo who couldn’t pass intro to macroeconomics when they say shit like that.

being so autistic you misspell 'spot' as 'stop' while insulting another's intelligence

being gay enough to care about an accidental misspelling

Changing the spelling anyway because you’re a massive faggot who cares about this shit, while pretending to be above it all

you could even use purchasing parity power and it still would be shit

Watching retards pick and choose when they choose to make their stats gross or per capita is funny as fuck.

first time black people ever used per capita in their lives

Why is a big ass hole filled with water an accomplishment for a nation?

We put da wata ova here see

Accomplishments of the great country of Shitholehistan:

-Second best whore in all of Africa

-Big water

haha o look top comment is a alt right seriouspost what fun

Lol how did you infer that I'm alt right from that?

Because 🍊👴👎

  1. your a dumby

  2. asking disingenuous concern-troll questions

  3. not positng bussy

  4. everyone can smell ur virginity


the lake is just a big hole filled with water

t-t-thats just alt-right concern trolling, stop that!!

Lmao, top tier 👌

This guy gets it!


That's something that t_d users accuse people of being. Alt-right detected!

seriousposters out out out

back to /r/neoliberal with you

Meanwhile, California is on fire from lack of water and Michigan doesn't have potable water despite being right next to a giant ass lake of freshwater. Who knew water was so important.

Cali is on fire from a lack of rain and piss poor forestry management.

Michigan is retarded.

Your take is hot.

Me: California doesn't have water and Michigan is retarded.

You: California doesn't get enough water falling from the sky and Michigan is retarded.

Thanks bud


forestry management

retard lol fucking literally believing trumos inane ramblings.

its the levees/infrasrructure etc amd climate change, as well as huge waste

Cali is on fire because God hates profligates.

Michigan doesn’t have drinking water because God doesn’t stop in fly over country.


California has been out of a drought recently. Its been raining pretty often.

This seems like a seriouspost fact based comment. I'm not interested in what you're selling.

Discount bussy

When you seriouspost and are called out for being retarded, and deflect by calling the other person a seriousposter.

Peak jew

You're bad at this.

Because ni**ers

Bruh say with conviction or don't say it at all.

Because niblers

I think it might be automoderated. I tried to call someone a naggerfiggot the other day, and the comment was removed.

What up, my ni🅱️🅱️er.


Talk to the mods that added it to automod.

Be a man and say Nigerian.

Why is a big ass hole filled with water an accomplishment for a nation?

If you want to fill your ass hole, big or small, with water, then don't let me stand in your way... and especially don't let me stand behind you when you're done, either.

Legitimately its a very large and impressive hydroelectric station. Mostly built with soviet aid I think.

I'm impressed that a place that could engineer holding back that much water also let's child slaves fish it for industrial farms.

Why are you being racist to water? It has to live somewhere

The age of Burgerstan is over.

Based Ghana for the new world superpower.

Rwanda is better

Ethiopia is heaven 🇪🇹 ✊🏽


Mods ban this raw meat eater!!!!

Raw meat with sauce is 😋

lol how bout lent meals

tbf Ethiopians don't have a choice, they are always fasting


Astaghfirullah brother but I have to ask...🤢...are you one of them?


Imagine inventing delicious beef tibs but then being like, nah let's eat this shit raw instead. Kiftocels out!

Tibs are sooo good

Those bastards are hiding the real covenant I swear.

Unironically, things are looking great for Ethiopia now since they got their new Prime Minister.

Yeah but there is some racial tension too. Which is weird because things were perfect when I left 5 years ago

Honestly that homicide stat is pretty damning

Because it’s a fake stat.

I can also do that by just closing my eyes whenever someone gets murdered

Even fucking Bangladesh is ahead of USA in that stat, lol. Burgers don't care for all that nonsense as long as they have a God given gun in their hands.


Again for the britbongs furiously sharpening their letter openers in the back.

Non black homicise rates (whites Asians and Hispanics) put us comfortably above both

Ah yes, the American caste system comes to save the day.


Don't worry, britbong. A few more Pakis and you'll be able to have a caste system of your own.


Wrong anglo, cunt.

At least the Pajeets name their castes cool things like Dalit and Brahmins. "Non-hispanic white American" omg lame.

Why name a group that's soon to be extinct?

Except other countries have racial minorities, too. Having minority groups that raise overall crime rates (like, say, Eastern Europeans and Poles in the Uk), and other, more privieged groups with less crime, is 100% normal, not anything unique to America.

Anyway, many countries that have a far higher %age of blacks (like 100%) than America still have a far lower homocide rate than you. Like Volta. Also Rwanda, Somalia, Angola and Cameroon have significantly lower murder rates than America.

So that kinda sinks your "whitey dindu nuffin!!", "it's all because of the blacks!!" theory.

Face it bruh, America's just inherently a shithole. But I guess it couldn't hurt to take some tips from Rwanda and Somalia Or maybe ship in some of thosr objectively, empirically less murderous immigrants from Angola and Kenya, to dilute out all the violent degenerate criminal Americans.

Those countries have a lot less minorities tho


Motherfucker Africa is 100% minorities, stop making excuses


Also u/LongPostBot



Paul Kagame is unironically based as fuck.

Also Somalia. And Angola. The numbers don't lie

You guys should probably ask some of those poor Rwandan asylum seekers for tips on getting Burgerland up to Rwanda-levels of shithole-ness.

Except other countries have racial minorities, too.

It's africa, they murder all their minorities there. Problem solved.

Motherfucker Africa is 100% minorities, stop making excuses

it sure is awesome that our society is so racist nonwhite people are subjected to sub 3rd world conditions

and burgerfats actually Like that! Truly a despicable and animalistic people

Damned right

It's not even the 2ndcels shooting, your chance of being homicided is pretty drastically reduced by just not being black.

And if you are black, start running from other black men on sight.

Lol cope

to be fair how many indian people do you know who can murder someone? Aziz can't even get laid as a huge celebrity, you think he has the ability to kill

Dude Aziz is a fucking betacuck. We’ve got a ton of Chads who are slayin pussy even in middle age

Aziz would be considered uggo in India though.

US would have a crime similar to the Netherlands if you only counted white crime.

mUh bLaCkS. Fuck, you burgers are dense. Stop making excuses and clean up your country, retards.

implying a country with 75 iq high testosterone aggressive population can be fixed lmao, it's gonna happen with the muzzies next

high testosterone

They can't fuck your wife with low T bro

Lynns iq study is fake news and American blacks have higher iqs than any African country

Makes you think

yeah cuz they're like 30% european on average

Wow if you subdivide your population this way and that then the US would have a lower crime rate! Can we pull out men and catholics between the age of 18 and 25 to and compare that to other entire actual countries?

Except who cares because they're part of your country, your country is responsible for creating the environment which currently exists for all members of every ethnicity, and they aren't fucking going away. Stop passing the goddamn buck. There are black countries with lower murder rates than America, geez I wonder how they pull that off given the natural murder rate of melanated skin?

lmao yeah some specific countries that are usually small business hubs have a lower crime rate than america, blacks are more violent, it's their nature

blacks are more violent, it's their nature

The last 120 years of world history beg to differ.

even american fists have twice the homicide rate, proving that the land of the free truly is the land of the ubermensch

Why would I care about a bunch of retarded gangsters shooting each other?

Cope level 100

Does that count the wars it's in the middle of?

Eh, 50% of the murders in ‘Murcia occur in 2% of the counties. If you don’t live in metropolitan shitholes it’s a pretty safe place, especially considering gun ownership is waay higher in the rural areas.

You burgers keep finding different ways to cope. It's amazing.

I mean, it’s not like we have designated shitting shooting streets or anything.

Don't you? I was told you fellas had a lot of them in Chicago, Detroit etc. No-go zones and all

I wouldn’t know, I got my fill of the 3rd world when I was in the Army.

It is a pretty damning... of blacks in America. 13 do 50.

u realize this is in comparison to a nation that is 100% black. Ghana should have 8x the homicides as the USA.

Who is arguing that American black criminality is the baseline for all blacks? Run your argument in reverse and American blacks look even shittier.

The fact remains that not only do American blacks disproportionally commit crime relative to their population size, but they somehow manage to perpetrate a majority of it. But far be it from me to stop you dying on this stupid hill.

It's almost as if homogeneous so societies are more peaceful, regardless of race. Diversity is our strength.

Yeah African countries are famous for their ethnic homogeneity and peaceful cultural relations.

The country has 18 national languages dipshit.

Fake news, they all obviously speak African

Racists btfo by r/drama

Peace is boring.

Peace is boring

Also is you want genocide please come out and say it honestly, all of this 'Geez sure would be nice if it were only white people around in America wouldn't it hmmm?' that you inject into every discussion regardless of topic is getting tiring. I would be more respectful of the Republicans if they would get it over with and just say what's on they're actual mind rather than decades of mumbled passive aggressive shit leading up to, yep, who would've guessed it, he's a nazi.

Africans =/= Black Americans

Yes. Race reductionism is retarded.

Even without basketball americans, burgerland is twice as murderous as frogtopia.

Id sure like to see a list of these 230 countries since there are less that 200 recognized nations in the world.

probably includes territories like Greenland and Bermudas

Includes territories and unrecognized but de facto states like Somaliland etc.

cool show me the list

how much freon do you need to huff to consider Somaliland and ISIL as legit countries

their garabge list of sources seems to be in the order of their claims, UN data was used. The UN only tracks 192 nation states and recognizes 195

both ignorant and incapable of critical thought and Im the retard?

Yeah you are the retard indeed

Their claimed source isnt a Wikipedia article with multiple sources its the UNSD, that only tracks 192 nations, that wikipedia list contains more than 70 nations that dont even track the claimed statistics and the list from the UNODC conviently has massive gaps from some of the most violent countries in the world

do you understand how citations and sources are supposed to work?

do you understand how citations and sources are supposed to work?

Did you forget what sub you're in?

yeah i engaged what appears to be a euro-chapo. i must be the one huffing freon 🤤

Somaliland had long been basically a state, it's just internationally recognized as part of Somali even though the Somali government hasn't had anyone there since the 90s.

ISIS was just some glorified pieces of territory that a warlord controlled during a Civil War. Not comparable. Actually the government of Iraq and Syria was still paying the salaries of all government employees during the entire conflict, ISIS was never capable of taking on those responsibilities.



Remove blacks and it's sub-European.

when you deport all your criminals to another country you'd be surprised how low the homocide rate can be. 300-500 years ago Africa decided to pull a trump and deport their worst people

Ah, that must be why Johannesburg is so much more peaceful than Charleston or Atlanta. Wait a minute.


thats different they allowed the inmates to run the asylum

The United States is substantially more violent than Ghana, but not as violent as South Africa, because genetics are not destiny. Crime is a complicated phenomenon that can't be explained away with "black people lmao"

Alaska for instance has a higher murder rate than Alabama, despite being 3% black

That's the radon gas irradiating their brain muscles.

Burkina Faso is safer than the average mayo town in the US.

That's a great factoid

Burkina Faso has a lower murder rate than Germany, Finland, and Poland. Also any of britbongs seed.

Just ban gun ownership for basketballs. Problem goes away overnight.

Alternately, ship Ghana our basketball population, let them deal with it.

not being an Ivory Coast-cel.

C'est finit

C'est fini* you retard

It's over for illiteratecels

I only speak degenerate Quebecois French

To the poutine with you.

Force him to eat some outbliette while you're at it

It's still written the same way in both, since it's the same language. Though it is tempting I'm not gonna talk shit about Québécois cause you lot are our cousins, only got love for you. You're just an illiterate retard, own up to that shit.

Based. I'm not Quebecois, but the retard stuff was obvious since we all post here.

Lmao imagine being French 😂

Sans rigoler.

Je pratique la MMA depuis maintenant 6 ans, de la boxe en parallèle depuis 7 ans, je pourrai.

Ainsi que la musculation depuis 4 ans, 1m87 pour 86 kg

J'ai une vitesse de fou, et des réflexes identiques à ma vitesse. J'ai juste à l'attendre qu'il me charge, l'esquiver et lui donner des bonnes patates dans la tête. Je le lâcherai pas à la moindre erreur, le redditeur est fini. T'auras toujours des puceaux d'ici pour penser que c'est impossible. Rien n'est impossible avec de la volonté déjà les amis, et de 2) c'est pas avec votre corps de lâche que vous allez faire quoi que ce soit.

N'importe quel homme un minimum entraîné peut vaincre un redditeur avec un couteau déjà. À main nue c'est pas forcément plus compliqué ça demande juste de la technique.

Blah blah blah. I don't speak gay Spanish.

Nunca me he sentido tan insultado en mi vida.

I never insulted you tho. Spanishposters are alright. It's just the frogs I don't like.

>Insinuant que je ne suis pas français.

Ahaha, l'état absolu des amerloques.

😪 mfw frogs start croaking at me

>Imagine knowing spanish but not french.

How is it to be an hairy manlet, beaner ?

I'm not a beaner. 🧐 ¡Castizos son blancos!

Surething, mestizo. 😂😂😂

Imagine not learning a top 10 language.

Number 1 by 2035 !


Nah, french.

*even gayer spanish

Rien de tel qu'un bon plat de pâtes.

It's over for tabarnaquecels


not being a North-center Italiancel

Non è mai iniziata

Naturallakecels BTFO

Based and blackpilled.

When you're at the bottom there's only one direction to go


Based Ghana whoring itself out to China to own the Amerifats

In the early 1990s China built Ghana's National Theatre as a reward for Ghana's diplomatic support during the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989..

The whole infographic also looks like it's made by a student in his free time which it probably is. Still, if it triggers some reaction I'm all for it.

There's actually been a long ongoing war between Taiwan and China where they try to bribe rando small nations into recognizing one or the other as the actual China. If people are paying money then why not.

Supporting Taiwan is a net gain of a horde of seething ricecels


Caring that much what irrelelvent African nations pretend to think

Cancel the mayocide. Even the Oyibo did not sink this low.

Shit, I'd lean back and tell them to outbid one another.

That's what usually ends up happening lol

The white half of Obama ran America.

In the 80s and even 90s Ghana was a fucking mess. But somehow they've gotten their shit together in the 00s and things are looking a lot better.

GDP per capita of $4700


More than enough for a human being and not a fat human vacuum(i.e American).

Yeah that's why you choose to work incredibly hard and live at a very nice and comfortable $4700 level

You're definitely not a neet living off his middle class parents in a successful country or anything :)

yeah, needs some context to make it not look like a shithole., like surroudning countries' gdp

That's pretty good by African standards, however he should've mentioned he used PPP adjusted. However it's nothing compared to based Seychelles a tiny Island that is unironically the singapore of Africa, or botswana, the Sweden of Africa except with lots of AIDS

Not that hard considering they are sitting on a cosy sunny island that Europeans love to make holiday at

Came here to control-F Botswana, thank you

GDP per capita of $4,700 (PPP)

Not a shithole

Is this a bait made by pol?

Low cost of living though

That's why red states always say it's good that they make peanuts

PPP takes into account cost of living. A person with the mean income in Ghana can consume as much "stuff" as an American making $4,700/year.

If you just went purely by exchange rates, the GDP per capita in Ghana is around $1,800.

global peace index

[x] doubt

How many murders happened in Ghana last year?

Let’s ask the world class Ghana Police.



Why are you mdefugees arguing over this like it’s up for discussion? Y’all sound like a bunch of incels

y’all incels


'Yall Yall Y'all Ya'll Yal'l Yall'

Who hurt you, sweaty?

yallposters OUT

Would make more sense if they picked Botswana or Gabon tbh.

From what I know Ghana might be poorer but it is freer and less authoritarian than Gabon, so IMO it still comes out on top.

I'm most likely headed there next fall to volunteer for a few months

Life-fuel for Ashanticels

You would probably start with Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Botswana. I always love rubbing it in the nose of some xenophobic europoor who thinks they're hot shit cus they're cumskins that they're glorious nation has a lower standard of living than fuckin Botswana.

Okay now let's look at human development rankings:



We wuz developed n shieeeeeeeeet



homosexual acts are prohibited in Ghana

out out OUT

Really? Ghana is that shining example disproving his point? Fucking Ghana? Most of you wouldn't even want to travel there alone.

PNG Image, 5337 x 3010 pixels

It's over for VGAcels.