After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability! Incoming Drama from 3rd world countries

18  2019-03-21 by ConnectWar


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Trump's just trolling Omar and Tlaib at this point. How many dimensions does his chessboard have?!

Bibi buys him a bottle of wine and talks to him about how big brained he is for 3 minutes and he can get Trump to air drop bombs on Gaza orphanages

Wow both you and the guy above you are retarded

brised and 🔯-pilled






I was worried for a bit Donald Trump wouldn't have his weekly suck off session with Israel.

Alt-right rednecks Bibi’d The Fuck Out.

Daddy really likes poking that hornet's nest and Bibi hoping for another war to get those poll numbers up and avoid those bribery and fraud charges. No drama quite like holy land drama.

/pol/ on suicide watch


Nice to know that Daddy is for the (((chosen ones))) and not us burgers.

Did you ever wondered how Israel win the 1948 war, I mean it was like 5 countries against a weak made up country and somehow the Arabs lost

Master race

Maybe muslims are really bad at killing people that aren't gay.

Exactly. In fact that's why they aren't gay. They aren't man enough to rape bussy, they have to stoop to gussy.


You mean S*nnis

ohh good lord the 5 of us on this subreddit who will ever reproduce's grand kids are going to be dealing with this mess.

from /ourguy/ to (((theirgoy)))