/r/Marvel gets a Fresh Start!

0  2019-03-21 by reasonoverfeelin111

/r/marvel gets a Fresh Start!


Posted from a throwaway for obvious reasons.


A couple days ago, I was banned by a known ptyrant over at /r/marvel who likes to try to suppress any opinions and sources that don't follow the left-leaning line. I wrote out a calm, reasonable, and most infuriating to them rational essay about the growing influence of identity politics keeping Marvel in the red.


No surprise, I was banned under the bullshit rationale that I was being “political” and a “comicsgater”.


Well well well, I replied to the ban and talked to a much more reasonable mod who 100% took my side. Unbanned on the spot! It turns out they are just as tired of their SJW mod as the comics community is tired of identity politics in general!


The best part? The absolute best part? This morning, I log in and see that their big, stickied weekly discussion thread has been edited with a Resignation Letter from that mod. Looks like the rest of them finally got tired of being force-fed Kool-Aid!


Things have changed, gentlemen. This is truly a Fresh Start for that sub-reddit and they are now ready to join us in rejecting the identity politics fad. The only hard part now is deciding what gifts to bring. Geeks + Gamers? Ya boi Zack?


I hope I will see you there. :)


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /r/marvel - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  3. <strong><em>Resignation Letter</em></strong> - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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And that is okay, it is not for everyone. The real story is that that sub-reddit has gone so far that Disney itself has stepped in and removed a moderator! They became truly toxic and could not be ignored.

What? Show proof. I wanna see this

That part isn't true at all.

Source: I'm the mod that unbanned him.

Lmao yeah we should totally take a /r/marvel mods word for it.


You're a janitor for the most popular capeshit Disney forum for free? Right....

I have two jobs, neither of which involve working for Disney. It would be nice though. I do this as a hobby.



Well shit Idk what else to call it.

If you liked that post, you should check out r/Familyman.


I wrote out a calm, reasonable, and most infuriating to them rational essay


when libs encounter a rational argument they be like 😱🤬🤯😫🤢🤕😵😪

Can we see your <font weight=bold>rational</font> essay?

Fuck anyone who cares about comic books for any reason.

SJWs deserve to run and ruin that terrible medium.

Holyshit you came to the wrong sub if you are looking for sympathy or empathy or humanity.