Milo goes sugar daddy hunting

339  2019-03-21 by BlacJeesus


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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From goobergate to trump lapdog to prostitution. What a career path!

You forgot pedophile apologist!

Lmao he was literally an alter boy

and he still advocates for man-boy love

He didn't explicitly say he'd put out.

He’s not a prostitute, he’s an escort!

He took out millions of dollars in debt I think.

Does anyone actually believe he was sexually assaulted? Talks about it so flippantly and lies out his ass half the time anyway.

Well isint the entire reason he's called a pedo because he thinks him being rape by boomers when he was a teen made him a better person? He definitely got statuary raped, he's just retarded and probably has or had his own underage black twinks.

Didn't he name his assaulter? You could make a call to his local church and ask information about that priest

Does anyone actually believe he was sexually assaulted?

He's gay, so yes. A startling number of them have suffered from some kind of sexual abuse.

Dude is flying around in private jets, wearing expensive clothes, and paying for his dinners with donated neetbux.

I can’t fault any of these culture warriors for being smart enough to jump into the lucrative career of separating partisan paypigs from their money.

Before he got involved with Gamergate, Milo was a prototypical “social justic ewarriof” who wanted to create “troll watch” databases which banned trolls from the internet. Then, when he saw an opportunity, he became a troll and started griftingn in the exact opposite direction.

I forsee great things for Charlie Kirk

When's his inevitable suicide

Overcoming depression caused by drug problems


When he'll fully realize he is not a twink anymore. He really ruined his face with booze and drugs

And fat.

If you look at his whole trajectory, was there ever a time when you would have even considered him for a moment?

Of course not

He legit looks like Duke Nuke'm in that photo.

And he's all out of bubblegum money.

It's the new Gearbox version.

He just blew, like, a million dollars on designer clothes that he can no longer fit into.

We are watching it live

When's his inevitable suicide

He's gay, not a reddit mod tranny


i think he will take the Andrew Cunanan path

I'm betting he converts to Islam.

He'll do everything except kiss on the lips

That sounds pretty gay anyways

And that's a good thing

Poor Aussies are deprived of this opportunity

That’s the real terror attack

Worse than nining leven

Aussie here, I knew he was broke of he was coming here. This confirms it.

Broke arse

Going to a strip club with a man that’s probably like quadruple my age probably wouldn’t be a good look so I’ll have to pass on this fantastic opportunity

Are you literally younger than 9?


What is important is the physical age, not the mental age, kiddo.




shoe on head

Won't even ask the potential 9yo to post bussy, smh.


remember lads

Subscribe to Darqwolff.

Hottest women alive.

Why the fuck else would he NOT post on r/drama?


Paging /u/DarqWolff

This nigga was in deuxchat the other day

The real question is why would Milo want to go to a strip club? I mean, why would anyone want to go to a strip club, but he’s a Gay™️

He checks ever year just to make sure he's still gay.

Gotta check the potency to make sure Soros isnt making it too strong

Also strip clubs are fun.

they're smelly

That's part of the fun.

What do they smell like? I’ve always had a morbid curiosity but don’t want to spend my money on degenerate shit besides alcohol

Literally only fun if that's the only way you will ever see a woman naked

You've never been to a fun strip club.

Meth zoos

He really like the food

There's actually a strip club in my city that does a really fucking excellent surf and turf platter. My wife and I have eaten there several times.

Not as good as the buffet at my local orgy.

man, they better have a splatter guard on the salad bar

You you not realize there are gay strip clubs?

Probably because its.. a gay strip club?? bussy master race mwaah

Gay strip clubs don't exist?


I've been to a strip club with a gay guy before. His catty comments about the horrible strippers made it a little better.

Why do these guys never pass puberty? Like I had that red pill phase for 3 or 4 years, then grew out of it. But some men go on for over a decade seething like that.

Your entire income does not depend on you spouting this bullshit in public

Is this the new form of teen rebellion?

It is in fact the new punk rock

Teenagers are so fucking gay.

not all of us are redpill faggots, I’ll have you know

Narcissism is a hell of a drug

What lead you to emerge from your phase?

Turning 20

Not unexpected

He got laid?

I feel like every white male has their edgelord contrarian anti-sjw phase, or at least a large number of them. It's a rite of passage, like having yellow fever. The problem is when kids don't grow out of it. Sadly, day after day more of them flood our humble sub. 😔


Some super "serious" academic should write a paper on the phases that young males who spend too much time on the internet go through.

Usually a left wing one then right wing. Not really that complicated tbh

I’ve never had yellow fever. Latina fever on the other hand...

Lol this is just sad

It's very Andrew Cunanan

posting screenshots killed more peoples than hitler

I got a three day ban for screenshot posting. 😔

It's not like I should've linked to Facebook, right?

that's what I do

He shoukd dress up like a soccer mom again so i can call how only for a gangbang

Why the fuck does this guy look like a far cry villain

Because he's a combination of the villains of FC4 and 5.

New Far Cry: eccentric zillionaire (pictured) starts ancap colony that goes to shit because ancaps.

And you play as a chapo poster that comes to the colony and starts a liberation movement using the powers of his white savior complex and requesting hog.

If I offered Milo eleven dollars to post hog I bet he would.

Scratch that, he'll probably suck you off for five

Everyone talks about the mayocide but I'm here waiting for the gayocide.

Same tbh

Day of the Roof when?

Don't insult Bussy lovers like that! 😤

show coming spring 2019



Is Milo a top or a bottom?

He likes BBC so I'd imagine a bottom

Good call

So would it be a gay strip club or...?

Q predicted this

He straight up looks like a nicotine stain. Shit makes me glad I quit smoking cigs

I vote we ban future Milo posts. It's just too fucking pathetic and bums me out.

Bad things befalling bad people—that's my jam

Gross ass milo was his embarrassing midlife crisis

I guess he didn't marry well. He was just looking to hook up with a black dude to deflect criticism and add to his edgelord persona. Big fucking mistake.

He was just looking to hook up with a black dude to deflect criticism and add to his edgelord persona

literally every gay man since the 80s

Understandable, believe me. I would think Milo would have been conniving enough to snag some old dude with money.

thinking long term has never been his strong suit

I guess that is obvious since he had to have been pulling in serious money at one point and now he's broke. God knows what debaucheries and kitsch he blew his money on.

Milo: You said Pizzagate isn't real? I'm gonna make Pizzagate look like a JOKE

He was until his crypto billionaire daddy died last year. Now his bussy is subprime and he's forced to beg on Facebook.

Oh, yeah I forgot about that. I guess Milo wasn't slick enough to weasel his way into the will.


6 Feet Under

volcel if you wouldn't

Wow he’s literally whoring himself out

Lmao how is nobody mentioning the fact he rented a fucking plane for the picture. Not like he chartered one, he just rented a timespot to take a picture outside of it

I hope an Australian wins the bet

Someone please send him to Iran

What is it about Maddox?

First you must answer, do toy want to see an effort post about an internet "humorist" suing everyone in the world for $400m for being called a cuckold and being laughed out of court?

Sure why not. There's drama potential

OH HO HO Well, glad you asked my spicy German friend.

Here is a short video by a silky-voiced fiend for anyone who doesn't like to read.

I tried to trim this down and emphasize the worst, here goes...

Biggest Problem Podcast

Maddox (owner of, early internet pirate bad-ass) and Dick Masterson (owner of, aviator wearing Dr. Phil troll) made a reasonably successful podcast together. Things appeared grand, up until about a year and a half in.

-Dick leaves a friend's wedding with Maddox's ex-girlfriend, who he broke up with three years previous to this event. Maddox at this time has a live-in girlfriend. He proceeds to blow up his Ex's phone with numerous messages confronting her for leaving with Dick.

-The podcast continues for another year, growing more contentious behind the scenes, then Maddox ends the Podcast. He does the final episode on his own with a previously recurring guest (Asterios). He goes out of his way to thank everyone but Dick. We later find out this is when he finds out Dick was dating his ex and he called the show staff minus Dick into a meeting where he tearily said Dick was dead to him for dating his ex.

-Maddox claimed he owed his fans no explanation for the show ending and that his fans should be "thankful" for all the free content he provided and that he owes his fans nothing.

The Goss Chronicles

-They each start their own podcast. Many fans flock to Dick requesting information on why the show ended, having been told to fuck off by Maddox. Dick thanks Maddox for the partnership and attributes the end of the podcast to "artistic differences."

-Randomly throughout some of the next few episodes Dick talks a bit about Maddox, making fun of him with his friend Sean who at this point also works with Maddox.

-Maddox releases a YouTube video to his personal Facebook account wherein he accuses Dick of owing him money (by "withholding w9s" which if you know what they are, is ridiculous), promoting rape culture and claiming his show "maintains a rape list." His evidence of this maintenance is a Reddit thread, downvoted to zero with seven comments telling the OP to fuck off, to an 8chan board that contained a post by an anonymous user entitled "The Dick Show Rape List" containing picture of Hillary Clinton and some of the old show's guests. This video release gets Dick kicked out of UCB.

-Dick releases the accounting books, Dickheads quickly find out Maddox still owes Dick money. The quotation Maddox used to call Dick a rape apologist was Dick stating that everyone should always anticipate the worst and that women should protect themselves accordingly (regarding date rape).

-Maddox tells frequent guests of the old podcast (most notably Asterios) that if they appear on Dick's show they cannot appear on his show. Dick makes no such demand, and he acquires the community's least and most favorite guest, Asterios who then also dumps goss showing the insane behavior of Maddox.

-Dick utilizes the attention from Maddox's hit-piece for his Patreon to climb from $8,000 to $20,000. He dishes out all the "goss" he can think of in response and we just get loads of stories about absolutely insane things Maddox did over the course of the old show.

-In response to Dick's frequent goss releases, the final straw being an alleged breakup letter from Maddox to his ex that Dick has located, Maddox's girlfriend calls the school that Dick's girlfriend works at and tries to get her fired because of who she is dating.

-Dick's GF is granted a restraining order against Maddox's GF by the state of California. Maddox prepared an 80 page document of Dick's tweets claiming that his girlfriend's actions, harassing a third party, are justified, because Dick refers to his girlfriend as a cunt on Twitter. An impressive failure to understand how courts work.

Misc. Shenanigans

-Maddox tries to file a solo claim at the trademark for the Podcast he and Dick hosted. He is slapped down in court, because once again, he has no idea how these things work.

Other things that have happened showing Maddox is a shell of his former self:

-Maddox developed a micro-currency called Madbucks that you are required to use to purchase his new podcast's bonus episodes. He included packages that you could buy for less to gain access to the rest of the bonus episodes. He has not released a new one in six months, for a total of two bonus episodes. For someone who used to rail on this kind of things, he both sold out hard and also failed at selling out.

-Maddox disavowed his book "The Alphabet of Manliness" and claimed it no longer represents him. He went full SJW with it.

I used to be a fan of Maddox and he is what drew me into the Biggest Problem in the Universe. I am now firmly into Dick's camp for the above reasons.

Let's take a break here, take a breather!

The Lolsuit

Then, the unthinkable happens. Maddox files and serves a lawsuit against Dick, Asterios, Dick's company, Asterios' employer, Asterios' employer's legal counsel, Patreon, a Patreon customer service rep, Patreon's general counsel, and a fan who lives in Oklahoma who portrayed a parody Maddox character. It appears the lawsuit is intended to be for $20m, but Maddox's attorney listed this claim under each count making the actual total $387m. All court documents available on

It's been covered by some YouTube Lawyers like Lior and Nick.

Lawsuit highlights:

-An absolutely insane amount of typos and punctuation mistakes. One of the worst drafted legal complaints I have ever seen, impossible to read evidence, unrelated evidence, conclusory claims EVERYWHERE.

-An argument that it is your employer's duty to police what their employees due off the clock, hence their claimed liability.

-A claim for "conversion" which appears to literally be a claim that Dick actually, physically stole his fans.

-An argument that Patreon is liable for...whatever it is Dick is doing because they continually refuse to take down Dick's Patreon.

-Constant references to Dick commanding his listeners to do things, without a single citation of Dick doing or saying such a thing.

-Perjury: One of Maddox's pieces of evidence that Asterios' employer knew "what he was doing" was emails from a "Heather S." at Conde Nast claiming to be a reporter doing a piece of online bullying where "she" attempted to get Asterios fired by appending quotes from Dick's website/book and claiming this is who he associates with. In Maddox's complaint, he references this as something "she" did and that Maddox "had nothing to do with [it]." Maddox would later, unprompted, file an affadavit stating that he was the one who sent the Heather emails, admitting to perjury in his initial complaint. When the defense lawyers pointed this out to Maddox's lawyer, Maddox's lawyer threatened to file sanctions against the defense lawyers.

His case was literally laughed out of court. On the first motion, all claims against everyone but Asterios were dismissed with prejudice due to a lack of jurisdiction (Maddox, CA resident, sued Dick, CA resident and Dick's friends/Patreon, CA residents, in New York), with Asterios' case dismissed without prejudice as the judge wanted to give Maddox time to amend his complaint into something understandable. He never did, Asterios is now dismissed with prejudice. You can read more about Asterios' view here

To this day if you can ever get Maddox to even acknowledge the disaster, he will imply there are other things that Dick did that are TOO TERRIBLE to even say, but also apparently not important enough to include as evidence in your multi-million dollar hurt feelings lawsuit.

If he picks the restaurant he’s in control. Also unclear if he’s paying for your fun with the bid money or whether that’s an additional expense on the winner

He's doing this for you, America.

"Then if you're really cool I'll sleep at your house and eat your food."

"Then I might just basically move in with you because they are taking the flat"

"Then I might just start to decorate the way I like it and call you a feminist if you don't like it."

Is this a front for prostitution?

Why does anyone listen to milo?