Resist Thot in chief Lauren Duca gets hit with friendly fire from Team Woke.

97  2019-03-22 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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prominence rose after writing a fiery essay for Teen Vogue 

politics expert at l the University of Delaware,

will be a visiting scholar at New York University , teaching a course “The Feminist Journalist.”

real power, is on Twitter, where she has, at present, more than 435,000 followers who come for her mix of feminism, centrist political analysis, and sassy clapbacks at her haters.

Burger universities top the rankings yet they do all this. Are your universities radical centrists ?😱😱

Enjoy paying 150 Gs for this "scholar" with her sassy👏 clap👏back.

When did smart people stop entering journalism? Like yeah STEM has always had the smartest, but I thought journalists in the old days were half decent, to the point where yellow journalism wasn't the norm as it is today.

CNN. 24 hr news means idiots rule the roost. The intelligent can't handle such stupidity.

Thus in the land of the retards, the mildly coherent is king.

Plus, banks started paying yuge salaries. I remember some documentary saying that investment banks in the early 60s were small outfits.

People forget that Jon Stewart’s famous “takedown” of Tucker Carlson happened on CNN, not Fox.

The Daily Show (back when it was ok and not too full of itself) used to roast CNN as often as it targeted Fox and Republicans.

Before 2016, it was mainstream reddit opinion that all the major 24/7 news channels were hot garbage. The sudden shift to half of the website fanatically defending CNN and WaPo was very bizarre to watch.

You're right. CNN was despised along with 24 hr news.

Now I guess Orange Man Bad means that Reddit will just go opposite.

I'm sure they'll cheer on Kim Jong if he yells "Fuck Drumpf".

That already happened when Kim called Trump a “dotard” and r/politics thought it was the sickest burn ever.

Endorsing slave labour caps to own Drumpf 😎.

It was pretty much right after Bernie lost the primary too. Has to be the biggest example of astroturfing I've ever seen, hard to believe that default subs used to upvote Breitbart to the front page.

Investment banking and associated finance roles have always paid well.

Of course. However, that documentary said that until the 60s investment banking was small and pay was astronomical.

Plus, banks started paying yuge salaries

Yeah, and corporate law.

As the other guy said, when it became a poverty-tier job and salaries for bankers programmers consultants etc exploded

Journalists now are english majors. Journalism major are idk employmentwise. I think next lowest to history.

Reminds me of how “pre-law” majors had like the 12th highest average LSAT out of all majors

Journalism has shifted from “the best article here the best results” into “the article with the most eyes in it gets the best results”.

So it makes sense that journalism today is full of bloated, over-worded(kinda like this comment), salacious, and speculative articles. It gets the most clicks. Hell, half of it is writing something nutty enough to slap a crazy headline on it

centrist political analysis

Right, centrist like Bernie Sanders?

Bernie isn't like her come on. He doesn't care for reparations for example, isn't an open borders type fellow.

This one on the other hand is a chapotard.

Aren't the rankings mostly related to research, which is different than the generic undergrad education?

I don't know. Never looked into the methodology.

You maybe right but I don't think they ignore undergraduate teaching, of course they do prefer large universities rather than colleges.

However, the burger liberal arts college maybe even more fucked up.

I skimmed and I still wanted to tear out my eyes.


What a fucking mong.

Women are so much goddamned work.

True $100% 🤣 🔥🗽

Transwomen are superior in every way

People need to accept this and just move to grindr, it made my life much easier

There used to be a time in the MGTOW space where they believed transwomen would be better than biological women since they were biologically men and believed that they would be more rational and emotionally stable.

Oh I remember it

Hilarious considering the opposite is true in my experience, but for casual sex purposes it’s just so much less work

That jezebel writer tried really hard to spin petty workplace drama into a career-ending exposé piece.

To this day Karen is still traumatised by bring told she needed to lose weight and fix her roots

Lauren Duca succeeded at the career plan of every modern feminist writer. For outshining their stars and making them feel old and hopeless, she must pay for her uh... her nasty emails, yes, that should do it.

The very first—and most damaging—referred to a Huffington Post writer as an “overweight fake blonde.”

One person who was specifically targeted by the emails sent that night in October confirms that she saw the one about her, was hurt by it, and that the hurt lingers.

this is considered hurtful and newsworthy by foids

In the old days, news was stuff like "Krushchev sends missiles to Cuba to nuke us all in our sleep" and now it's "anonymous foid fatshamed by literally who". I must admit that I have a hard time getting worked up over it.

shut up grandpa

Just let me watch Gunsmoke in peace. 🤠

"Let them fight."

Has anyone else noticed the tendency lately of "journalists" to post their personal squabbles with their coworkers as national news? WTF happened? Can we get a historian to go back and analyze journalism programs in colleges over the last couple decades and explain how in the fuck we ended up like this?

"journalists" to post their personal squabbles with their coworkers as national news?

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who found this ridiculous.

Literally only women go to journo school now.

In the olden days, one just got a degree if one got a degree at all.

Journos should first report news.

Good columnists like Ahmed Rashid, started out as reporters.

Uri Bezmenov says it was all part of the Russians grand scheme to destroy America’s Christian values 🐎 👞 🐎 👞 🐎 👞

russian passive measures are a lot more likely a cause than some religious conspiracy.

It's because it's overrun with foids. Who else would post their drama for the whole world to see?

Yes queen!! Love you!! We need all the SASSY CLAP BACKS we can get!!!

I hate everyone in any way involved in this.

“she saw the one about her, was hurt by it, and that the hurt lingers.”

millennials need to be gassed. Every last one of these worthless, simpering pussies need to be gassed.

How can she write so extensively about something so fucking shit? Some people should never learn to write.

something so fucking shit

So, because Duca is a shit person, she shouldn't have learned to write about it?

Can someone recap what martin shkreli did to this woman to get banned from Twitter

Jesus fuck… rent a goddamn editor to strip out the 60% of that article that’s just useless bloat.

I wish I could turn myself gay so I didn't have to deal with women.

One person who was specifically targeted by the emails sent that night in October confirms that she saw the one about her, was hurt by it, and that the hurt lingers.

bake em away, toys

I just did a rather dry, constipated Duca

I use a tracking service, which shows how often they were opened; the service showed that Duca viewed every email multiple times from her iPhone, her Gmail account, and another mail client.

So you cyber stalked her.

That is creepy as fuck tbh.

in the thousand years since Donald Trump sailed down an escalator and crash-landed with a wet thump in the Oval Office, a lot of Americans have changed, for good or ill. Many of us are more political or more cynical, impassioned or deflated, hopeful or entirely gutted. The time before this presidency can seem impossibly distant.

Imagine being this shook by a national election that has not tangibly changed anything in almost everyone's lives.

We Should Probably Talk About

does anyone else tune out immediately whenever they hear that

Among the stars of the Resistancephere is a man named Lauren Duca, whose prominence rose virtually overnight in December 2016 after writing a fiery essay for Teen Vogue titled “Barack Obama is Gaslighting America.”

click link , get "Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America"

i mean, i already knew her article was about Trump, did this one fuck up and mix Daddy and King Nigger up?

how do you even do that? lol

This is literally just an upgraded version of the shit-tier gossip women like to spread about other females, especially those whom they are jealous of or feel threatened by.

That article is way too long