AITA for calling the police on a weeb and his loli girlfriend?

69  2019-03-22 by SansSoIeiI


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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When I entered I noticed a guy, white, probably late 20s, scrawny, looked like the kind of person who works in IT and saves his money to fly to Thailand twice a year for "sightseeing"

Just imagine projecting this hard holy shit.

To be fair though, largest pedo rings in Asia were led by white men and many got away with it for a long time because some Asian villagers just assumed white people were trustworthy. Go and watch documentaries about it and the locals would say things like they just didn’t think a white person would do such things.

Baste and Muskpilled

some Asian villagers just assumed white people were trustworthy.

The villagers must not study history. Or current events. Or have met white people before.

she looks 12 but is actually 2000 years old so it's not pedophilia

The funny thing is, I read it at first assuming they were at least on the way to thailand and that this was at an airport. They were just having coffee. Lol

I would bet almost anything that this is Yamete trying something new.

Is this /r/Aznidentity LARPing?

if it was the dude white dude had gone to jail

people aren't even trying with the bait anymore

One day the sheer number of bait posts reposted here will bore the shit out of me.

Today is not that day. It's totally a normal thing to do to hang yourself out to dry like that after fucking up so badly. If you believed this post, you probably played a lot of football without a helmet as a child.

Could be real. I seen people in this sub with the same type of thinking, there was some seriousposting a while back that tried to argue that liking Tatlor Swift or Arianna Grande made a person a pedophile. So not even r/drama is safe from unironic retardation.


This is unironically racism, lmao.

Wasn't this exact bait posted there before Christmas?

Yeah this was posted before but they changed up a few things. Don't think I remember the girl being Asian last time.

nah just small. I remember a few hours later someone posted the bait from the guys perspective on /r/relationship_advice.

Foubd Elon Musk's secret account



Over/under 2 hours for the "Yall can't behave?"

AITA bullshit out OUT OUT

To be fair all white in thailand are pedo

This is fantastic reddit bait, hats off to OP

Only the asshole for trying to justify it. You should always call the police on basically every mayo for doing anything, especially if it's weeb shit.

Cops need to earn their money and mayos need to finally be oppressed.

I'm fir anything that makes out the WOT budget

You didn't find him attractive, in other words, and so you decided to harrass him.

This is exactly the kind of thinking used during the middle ages to identify witches. Oh, yeah, she's clearly doing black magic. Just look at her. 25 years old, not even married yet, and she has a boil. Burn her!

jesus christ, this entire sub is just posting obvious trolls from that shitty subbreddit.