Frog police try and censor a video of Muslim men threatening to culturally enrich a Chinese girl.

715  2019-03-22 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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inb4 frog police arrest the chinese girl for racism

/pol/ is running a psypop to get more people to hear about this. Unironically idc because this is extremely fucked up.

I 100% support /pol/ in this endeavor cause this is just fucking warped. Putting down $250 NEET Bux for each of my two bets:

  1. There's a city wide manhunt that results in these dudes being beaten into paste before cops get there and we have a revenge style terrorism attack with either truck or suicide bomb

  2. The next crazy white boy attack is gonna happen in France, to Muslims and possibly muslim supporters as well.

    TBQFH, I hope I'm wrong on either/both cause I really don't want a visit from the FBI over this.

Seeing the comments on the twitter post I think it might be number 2 that happens.

What were the comments on Twitter?

Lot's of ribbiting from the frogs



I don't know what you're ribbiting about. Every western democracy is a white ethnostate with a just a thin veneer of liberal multiculturalism on top of it to distract the subhumans and keep them in their socio-economic lanes.

The entire western left is essentially dedicated to this enterprise. Class mobility is anathema to them, which is why they want every outcome decided on your racial and gender identity.

I don't understand the west. Apparently forced ethnic displacement and segregation is more acceptable/less waycis than forced cultural assimilation.

(the whites are the subhumans right now)

I'm surprised there hasn't been any PewDiePie shooter copycats/retaliations

There was a terrorist attack in the Netherlands last Monday

Just a baby one though. And was it in retaliation to the PweDiePie shooter?

Not sure. The guy was an alleged rapist(went to court for it 1 week prior to his spree) and had a rap sheet a mile long including possible ISIS ties

Yeah I'm not talking about any old loony. I'm talking about someone that wants to copy or get back at the PewDiePie shooter

Oh I figured, was just saying I'm not sure if this guy did this as revenge for NZ or not. Nothing about motive has been released yet IIRC

It was probably planned before that, it happened on a day arranged for a strike for emergency services in Utrecht (maybe not a good idea to let your emergency services slow down and announce it tbh)

Is that what the guy is going to be remembered as? Lmao

No. It was probably planned for the emergency services strike day(when it was carried out) so the terrorist was most likely mad that Aussie shitposting stole his thunder.

It's been a few days. Give it time.

Is that a threat?

it hasnt been 14 days yet, they peak around that time.

White peoples aren’t that stupid. They are genetically evolved enough not to copycat immediately. Funny that. I hope there’s no immediate copy cats after this message. It’s all getting very Orwellian isn’t it? Cup of tea?

What the fuck are you talking about lmfao

Your mum

Is that some obscure and retarded pasta?

N'oubliz pas, Súbscribé â Pewdiepie

Alt-tardies: he doesn't represent us, his goal was to cause division and you're playing right into his hands.


alt-right and alt-light. alt light is facepalming alt right is dancing around bonfires.

The alt right is gonna push away normies if they keep celebriting the KebabDiePie shooter, retards.

They are mad because he blew his load and made them look bad before they could finish setting up the gas chambers. Literally that is there only issue with his actions. How he made them look.

Don't reply to my comments, retarded attempt at a novelty account.

You still got 500 yangbux left in your account tho

Premium Snapchat messages aren’t free. 😔

With my $1000 a month I can get the top tier of so many girls Patreons I'm gonna be swimming in nudes, cya later virgins

Go the jew route and use pornhub cause those premium thots get their shit leaked all the time. This way you get porn and 1000$ dollars.

Implying anything will happen at all

implying native Frenchmen will do anything violent, and not just sit around wearing workout clothing and chain smoking during their 2-hour lunch break

possibly muslim supporters as well


> I hope I'm wrong on either/both


Yeah you really really hope that that does not happen and escalate into a race war and genocide. That's why you're consciously allowing yourself to be used as a tool by the side instigating it.

I hope I'm wrong on either/both


Yeah you really really hope that that does not happen and escalate into a race war and genocide. That's why you're consciously allowing yourself to be used as a tool by the side instigating it.

If this happens, it probably wouldn't escalate into a race war and genocide because he government would realize that shit is fucked up and at least pretend to do something about it (no, not genocide but more money spent on policing bad areas etc).

It's the case where nothing happens except more and more of this shit that eventually ends in genocide.

Putting down $500 neetbux lets get it

log off and go outside

Hopefully this time the perpetrator will be Chinese so our leaders won't feel the need to cuck so unbelievably hard in response.


Nah, The Frenchies are pussies. They've already surrendered their country to the Muslim horde.

What's the difference between 1 and 2?

1 is a revenge attack from muslims, 2 is crazy white boys

There's a city wide manhunt that results in these dudes being beaten into paste

Why do you keep saying this?

Nothing is going to happen. The native population is too cucked to retaliate. Your predictions won’t happen and everything will continue as normal

Is there a cb2 thread where the big problem in this situation is /pol/? Or even better one where they tacitly defend the video to own the cons?

What about blue checks on Twitter, is this not crazy enough for them to condemn? Or are they still focused on the oppression of people thinking captain marvel was meh?

/Pol/ does not care about this bro


This is stage 1. They want to reach stage 2. In stage 3, they get a glorious white ethnostate. Fill in the blank at what stage 2 is for me, please. Do a little thought. You are happily allowing yourself to be used as a tool for that.

Literally my generation are a bunch of drones who just do whatever an AI algorithm tells them too. A fucking blue checkmark has more original thoughts than you and is more aware of the world around them. Christ.

Lol that's a lot of cope. 🤣🤣😂 How is it a bad thing to want a pedofile to go to jail?

Of all the words of tongue and pen, these are the saddest. "/pol/ was right again"

Oh fuck.......that's like unleashing a horde of pissed off, emotionally stunted and sexually frustrated locusts.

Hey don't bring western born male Muslims into this

That’s quite possibly the best description I’ve heard for em yet

Forgot self-pitying, solipsistic, and ungrateful.

God damn, that's an A+ replu

that's an A+ reply

Basically "no u."

Inshallah, brother

Lol it should be a surprise to nobody that incels that have no idea how to get gussy are going on rampages.

Honestly I thought he meant SRD.

Mayo supremacists and AznIdentitarians have the weirdest relationship. It’s like an autistic internet buddy cop thing.

The mayocide should be expanded then.

I thought the mayocide always included asians? Asians consider themselves white.

You say that now,but we both know you’re scared shitless of the power of mayo and mustard combined.

Honorary Aryans lol

plus they really really really hate black people

I was on /pol last night and they were trying to find the best place they could show the clip to piss of Chinese people the most. Weaponized autism at its finest.

I was on /pol last night

Yes, this man here, constable.

I'm behind 7 proxies.

find the best place they could show the clip to piss of Chinese people the most.

Uh...Xinjiang? ;)

I don't think they'll reach that point, but it's simply fucking disgusting that they chose to defend the fucking shitbags who were PUBLICY TRYING TO RAPE A LITTLE GIRL rather than DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB. God I'm so fucking pissed, fucking spineless french destroying their own country, damnit, they are literally protecting two pedophile rapists because of political correctness. God. Fucking. Damnit.


Whatever /pol/'s raids cause this time, these people undoubtedly have it coming. And I hope it's very, very painful.

Several comments were saying the New Zealand shooter did nothing wrong it’s a shitshow in those comment sections. One guy said he would have killed them with his bare hands. To be fair if someone acted like that to my daughter I’m not sure how I would act. Absolutely livid definitely

gonna take a wild guess that you don't have children

I have 3. It’s just I don’t like saying on the internet I would kill someone.

fair point, that is probably wise.

I did some translating into Chinese for /pol/. It was good shit. We're hoping to get it on the front page of ChinaDaily and Global Times by next week.

good work m8

I hope you guys posted it to Weibo first.

Can't post on Weibo without a Chinese ID number anymore.

Post it to weibo and the Chinese image boards

Mhmmmm imagine if the Chinese join in on droning

French Police: "It worked for New Zealand, pourquoi pas nous?"

Scuzzy muzzies, not even once.

Are you gonna flash the OK sign at your trial? Just wondering. It's based and cool to le meme lol XD


It’s over for frogcels

It was over when they annexed Algeria and defacto invited millions of North Africans into their country. Never forget that the French earned their own cultural enrichment and nobody should feel sorry for them.

I mean, agree, but why did you post this in response to what I wrote lol.



I really hope ur not in the US

I do, I would've been about 10 am when he typed that up. Real American heroes are shitfaced before 11. Factz

You can't drink all day if you don't start as soon as you wake up

This but unironically

Harder to get hungover if you never sober up as well

It was 9AM my time when you wrote this, I wish I was drunk

Mate it's 6PM. Get some help.

Jesus, I'm usually drunk by lunch.

Alcohol is bad please open your heart to Christ and stop drowning out his light in the murky darkness of a bottle

murky darkness

Just drink clear lol

Vodka ftw, hey comrade

Oh yeaaahhhh carry on

That's my secret: I'm always drunkposting.

Medium-functioning polysubstance abusers rise up.

Well, that's a good thing. They found a great solution to the mayo problem.

Main reason they annexed it is because the Southern French coast was completely uninhabitable due to Barbary pirates taking up to one million European slaves.

Europeans just made the mistake of making immigration from their former colonies completely free. Everyone else just left and wrote the atrocities out of their history books.

Imagine being dumb enough to think that this was happening until the middle of the 19th century.

What are you saying? The Barbary slave trade ended in the 1830s after French invasion.

Main reason they annexed it is because the Southern French coast was completely uninhabitable due to Barbary pirates taking up to one million European slaves.

Main reason they annexed it was to shore up support for Charles X with a foreign victory!!! (Which failed by the way, as he was shortly thereafter deposed.) Stop making shit up!

That was the pretext they went in on, and that's where they got their public support. I'm sure it was an excuse to conquer but they did end the slavery. Algerians were the first aggressor.

I'm not trying to justify the way the frogs treated Algerians btw.

This but unironically.

Put the fireworks in the outhouse and then acto all surprised when it blew up and everything in the radius of a mile is covered in shit.

FUCK YES, you don't get to have your wacky vacation across North and central Africa, beheading civilians and raping their widowed women, exploiting the countries' natural resources, taking every effort to restrain the people from forming a meaningful government of their own, enforcing your own culture at them by force, and then expect no repercussions for your action.

O France! The day to settle the accounts has come!

The French deserved all the shit that happened to them tbh. Short little cunts Yeet

stupid argument. it was the French government that did that not the people. it's always the governments fault and it's always the people who suffer because of it. most French people fucking hate the state of their country and they know why. I do feel sorry for them. just like I feel sorry for nearly every European who wants to live a good life in his own country but is getting fucked by their government.

It's been over for a while

It never really began, Frances empire was just shithole dumps that no one cares about, their language is gay, their capital is gay (dude city of love lmao), French food is overrated, all wine tastes the same they just make shit up about it being better, they got cucked by the vichy government in WW2 and people won't let them live it down, they eat frogs, the women aren't even that hot, they are bidetcels, they fucked their own country up by inviting in a load of Algerians, the men used to wear faggy wigs and makeup, they eat snails, they have a gay climate, they are bordered with like 4 countries and are open to invasion, terrorists use their country to try out new ways to kill people, there's no good French music, a few countries decided to have a war in their country for no reason, the eifell tower looks like a dick and isn't even that tall, nobody gives a shit about French football, nobody even knows what traditional French sport is, they are drunks, they take like 5 hours to eat dinner, they are lazy, they send wine back if they think it's corked, Astrix and Oblix is shit, large parts of their major cities are third world tier slums, their leader is a manlet who is married to an old lady, they eat too much bread, they are just a shit version of Italy, dude chicken and wine lmao, they say wine like 'waine' and it's gay, nobody knows any of their cities outside of Paris and marseille, the French foreign legion isn't even that good and has no money, they spend millions pissing into the wind trying to maintain peace in the dumps that used to be their pretend empire, their language isn't even the langua franca of the world even though their name is in the term and they are all cunts and I hate them.

This post was made by britbong gang.

Bongs are infinitely worse

I like how Britain is worse in every way you just made fun of France

I like how I know that and I'm choosing to ignore it

Bidets are unironically great.

Then why do all French people smell like shit?

All europoors smell

But they smell bad all over their body EXCEPT their ass. Checkmate papercels

Yessss, It's over for Ano-rectal fistulas from recurrent infections due to unhygienic conditions in the perianal region-cels

nobody even knows what traditional French sport is

Escrima, but for that you need to not be a poor cell.

Also that's a hella lot of C O P E, britbong. Are you unhappy your daughter came back gangbanged or something ?

making Muslim rape jokes in a thread about the French government covering up the sexual harrasment of a five year old girl by Muslims

Wew this is your brain on snails and waine

Buddy, I never miss a moment to dunk on the britbongs, and so should we all.

Yeah that's fair enough, I hate this country and everyone in it too, just not as much as I hate the French. Brexitcide can't come soon enough tbqhwyl.

Yeah that's fair enough, I hate this country and everyone in it too, just not as much as I hate the French.

You sound like a french tbqh.

It's a good thing, inshallah.

Hamdullah brother may Allah's light guide you

Britbong confirmed for kid fucking.

You know who cant dunk on shit? Your grandma bangin manlet president.

Didn't he just dunk on the brits tought of an extension, tho ?

making that post in this thread

wew you must have a very small brain

Britbongs C O P I N G all over my replies.

being french

the eternal cope of being in second place

keep speaking the language of gods chosen people : ^ )

the eternal cope of being in second place

First language by 2035! >:(

keep speaking the language of gods chosen people : ^ )

Hebrew ?

But Parisian has more in common with Africa than f*ance

Also Jews are also gods chosen people much like anglos

But Parisian has more in common with Africa than f*ance

The fact that you ain't saying china only show you never went there, buddy.

Also Jews are also gods chosen people much like anglos


being this much of a brainlet

How does it feels to be part of a country whose last claim to relevance were in 45's ?

Sad thing is that these are all undeniably true. It's over for frogcels

they eat too much bread

No such thing tbh

Pretty sure the Turks win that prize

The most Limey thing in the world is writing a wall of text and thinking anyone cares

Didn't the british and US wear those faggy wigs back then too?

That was to make fun of the French, it was banter.

Can't forget about Paris syndrome. When your country is so overrated it literally sends people into mental breakdowns.

A british guy saying that france has a gay climate is some pretty lmao-tier stuff

We had snow like two weeks ago and now it's warm that's some baller tier shit


Charlemagne didn't get his ballsack stabbed at Tours for this shit.

Charlemagne’s granddaddy Charles Martel fought at Tours.

You are right

If Charles Martel could look at modern western "culture" he would've been like "Fuck it" and just converted to Islam and joined the caliphate on the spot.

Charlemagne is the g30 granddaddy of all Europeans

Is this literally a quote from the Christchurch shooter manifesto? Just wondering.

No idea. I don't think so.

european history is a far right dogwhistle

Lol imagine defending a Karling.

Capetian scum shitposting on reddit. Color me surprised.

How many Carolingian Monarchies do you see today? Now, how many Capetian Monarchies do you see today?

He took a sword to the nuts? Damn, I didn't know that.

"I used to be an adventurer until I took a sword to the nuts".

It's a joke, I don't know if he was injured.

I thought one of the five pillars of islam was marrying nine year olds? It is a sunnah of the prophet after all

uhhh sorry she was 6 sweaty and they didn't consummate until she was at least nine, maybe even ten, so please leave your bigotry at the door

Uh guys lets be honest here, yes maybe The Prophet(peace be upon him) fucked a 9 year old, but Jesus(who didn't exist unless he did something bad) didn't say slavery was bad.

So it's kind of pick your poison

for my money, the answer has gotta be somewhere in the middle


putting the radical in radical centrism

Agnostic fundamentalism

finally a reason to indiscriminately murder i can get behind

Ye, the Christian church has been doing a great job fighting child rape everywhere in the world 😎

Catholic, you mean.

Oh sorry, I forgot that the Catholic church wasn't Christian mb

The Catholics fucked up, not the Protestants, Orthodox, etc..., when you say Christian Church (which doesn’t exist, there is not unified church of Christianity) you throw the blame in them too.

I'm one of the good Christians I swear

🙄 Sorry sweaty, but #notallchristians doesn't work.

The Royal Commission in Australia found all the Christian churches guilty to some extent of child abuse and covering it up.

Could you source me that my dude

Pretty exclusive to Australia it seems.

It was discovered in Australia because there was a royal commission (read: britbong tradition of investigation) into child abuse.

What about other britbong nations?

I dunno, logically it's a problem there too.

Christian religions have a lot of moral power in families, and priests/pastors/vicars etc spend a lot of time with kids unsupervised.

Every other profession that deals with kids has had issues with child abuse because, shocker, pedophiles look for jobs in close quarters with kids.

Christcels are retarded but I'd still rather have them around than muzzies.

Then you're in the wrong sub. We are pro Sharia.

I mean the prophet (PUBUH) did ensalave people and commit genocide which is quite based

He also fucked her thighs for those 3 years

hadith? for research ofc xddd

Google “mufa’khathat”



it's fucking real lmao

Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic republic of Iran, wrote this:

ﻣﺴﺄﻟﺔ 12 : ﻻ ﻳﺠﻮﺯ ﻭﻁﺀ ﺍﻟﺰﻭﺟﺔ ﻗﺒﻞ ﺇﻛﻤﺎﻝ ﺗﺴﻊ ﺳﻨﻴﻦ ، ﺩﻭﺍﻣﺎ ﻛﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻨﻜﺎﺡ ﺃﻭ ﻣﻨﻘﻄﻌﺎ , ﻭ ﺃﻣﺎ ﺳﺎﺋﺮ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻤﺘﺎﻋﺎﺕ ﻛﺎﻟﻠﻤﺲ ﺑﺸﻬﻮﺓ ﻭ ﺍﻟﻀﻢ ﻭ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺨﻴﺬ ﻓﻼ ﺑﺄﺱ ﺑﻬﺎ ﺣﺘﻰ ﻓﻰ ﺍﻟﺮﺿﻴﻌﺔ

Ruling # 12: It is not permission to have intercourse before (her) being 9 years old, be it in nikah (permanent marriage) or temporary marriage. And as for all other pleasures such as lustful touch, embracing, and thighing (ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺨﻴﺬ), there is no problem in it even with a suckling infant.

Tahreer al-Waseelah, vol. 2, page 221-222

9 years old... ...And as for all other pleasures such as lustful touch, embracing, and thighing (ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺨﻴﺬ), there is no problem in it even with a suckling infant.

u/Darqwolff converting to islam in 3...2...1...

That would be the final push for the Feds to cuck him hard.

not seeing the pertinence of this whatsoever, iran was founded maybe a lil after the time period being discussed

Wow that's fucked

Blatant anti-Islam proper gander at least hide it mate.

Is that like a goose in tuxedo?

How do you know she was sweaty?


akshyually the sunnah is marrying 8 year olds, sweaty, get it right

Lmao People in the comments are saying The Kiwi who shall not be named was right.

The Ozzy who shall not be named

Good nickname tho!

Not really a lmao tbh more of a fucking #yikers ☹️

This comment makes me hope that you get cancer, for real.

From the preachy undertone, semi-ironic use of zoomer words, emojis, and overall lack of wit put into it you've done a remarkable job of making me dislike you in just 18 words and an emoji.


And here's one now, right on cue. Dance, monkey! Dance! 🐒

dude I couldn't care less about your political stance, I'm just saying the way you comment you come off like a 55 year old marketing executive who was given the job of shilling for diversity.

Dance, monkey! Dance! 🐒

I'm not a monkey dancing for your amusement, I'm a random passerby saying stop embarrassing yourself.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

That's it. Time to unleash the verbal beatdown. You FUCKED up big time, kid.

At this point I can no longer tell if you're a bottom tier seriousposter or a bottom tier shit poster, either way you're fun to deal with so keep up the good work

What the fuck did you just yiff about me, you little foxboy?

Wow your yeeted him real good daddy

> dude I couldn't care less about your political stance



Zoomers 🥵

You are garbage and if you were removed there would be no loss to the world


You are another Christchurch shooter waiting to happen

You are another ZOG shill waiting for his people to be displaced

diversity is our strength

posting this comment in public freak out gets you autobanned lol

im innocent and am just saying things without seeking any end goal


when i say "diversity is genocide" i am not at all suggesting genocide to reach my desired state of ethnic purity


i have no goals or motivations and am just autistically repeating facts


fucking incels, gosh





lol @ this reddit stalking i am literally shaking

Why are you pro-child rape?

I'm anti-saying-the-Christchurch-shooter-was-right

I don't know what MDEgen is but if they're against women and minorities then they're a-ok with me.

MDEgens are a cancerous growth on the healthy radical centrist society

brenton tarrant

You need to go back.

Who, Brentin Tarantino?

No, Branthony Tantano.

brenton tarrant

Seriousposting is rude.

Steve Irwin.

France especially Paris used to be a top vacation destination for people fulling their romantic fantasies, now it's just a place not much different from third world Sh!t hole. RIP France Tourism

t. Somebody who has never been outside of their own zip code



This, but unironically.

What part is wrong though. I admit I’ve never been to Paris, but according to literally everyone the entire city reeks of piss.

I hope this is bait

Ebically pwn me with stats proving that Paris isn’t a smelly dump, you gay ass redditor

You mad 😡 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Heh, why don’t you just uh... work on that reading comprehension, champ. Next time you write some gay reddit-tier dogshit about France not sucking, I won’t be so gentle with you.

Paris has been a smelly dump for decades. Still gets more toursits than any US city though.

But does it count when 90% of those tourists are Chinese?

Chinese tourists are much better than fateritard tourists tbh, so yes.


>The most visited country on earth

>6th largest economy

>5th most educated population in the world

3rd world country

This is your brain on pol

They said 3rd world shithole and they’re talking about Paris

Paris is unironically great. If you weren’t such a working poor flyover type you’d have some experience of it. The trick to enjoying Paris is to not be a poor loser with a miserly holiday allowance. Also, not be an American wearing cargo shorts...

The trick to any country is being rich you mong. It doesn't undermine his point. I've visited places in Africa where murder occur often enough that I saw 3 people shot less than a few hundred yards from me when I went for tours.

I had a hotel bodyguard and was staying in luxury comparable to 4 star plus in the US. Gorgeous country, lovely rich people culture. The rest of the place outside that mini westernised bubble though is a shithole.

Paris is great if you avoid all the new "Parisians". Well no shit Sherlock!

Let me get this straight: unless the worst part of your city is open to fat and ugly American tourists, the whole thing is bad? Doesn’t that negate all your cities?

What tourist is staying in the shithole parts of a city anyway?

Lol, I’m sorry life has dealt you such terrible cards. Was it the army that took you on your one holiday overseas?

What is funny is that everytime these posts come up a bunch of SEETHING butthurt yanks sperg out because the haven’t been anywhere worth going to and they can’t afford to go even if they wanted to.

First of all I'm British.

I wasn't there with the armed forces, just on holiday to see some cool places.

As for my comments on Paris, there wouldn't be a non-Paris part of the city at least. If I go to France I want to see French people not be surrounded by non-native criminals.

Lol, then you have no excuse not knowing ththat Paris is unironically great.

Its just there, its a train journey. Sad.

Why are you so mad? Why do you hate all Americans? You realize that there are 340 million of us and you cant really generalize that many people, right?

Get the migrant trash out of Paris and it might be a place any reasonable person would want to spend money to go to again.

Sperg out, indeed.

Because this is primarily an American site, and most posters here are Anerican? So any extreme butthurt over travel is generally you guys?

Also when did this sub became white nationalist central? Immigrant trash?

Lol, get a life, get a job, and get a ticket to somewhere other than Cancun, you la creatura

Yeah, migrant rapist, theiving, terrorist trash. They aren't "immigrants" and it has nothing to do with race, you fucking pool noodle. Stop projecting your prejudices onto me.

Playa del Carmen/Cancun has more culture and history than Paris any day of the week. Ironic that you mention that place specifically.


I dont know what that means.

You have you go back,newfriend

That's not even a sentence. Help me understand, goy.

Everywhere is great if you’re rich you fucking massive brainlet

There is other levels beyond rich and poor, you filthy loser. Stop spending so much money on fentanyl

zzzz great shtick, get off the stage dummy

Haha I’ve been on lots of lovely holidays and you haven’t.

I’ve been on twice as many holidays as you faggot, nice try

Lol, doesn’t sound like it. You have this one story about this one time you went to some African country, probably as a mechanic on a gas rig or some basic bitch working class thing, and thats your experience of the world outside Bismark, North Dakota.

That actually sounds cool, nice try again dingbat

How many times can you post this, autist?

I’ve been to Paris a few times....I know what its like. The parts I need to know at least.

The absolute state if this sub that one of the worlds greatest cities with some of the planets greatest sights, is triggering.


i posted it once

greatest cities


planets greatest sights

seriously? what great sights are there?

Omg 😆lol, ok 👌 sweaty 👯‍♂️

You are unsalvageable

Nothing that you couldn't see in NYC.

You sound like one of those faggots who make 150k a year and think they're making big money. You should really consider suicide as an option.

You sound jealous

Stay poor and sad bitch

Oh honey, call me when you make 7 figures and I'll invite you to the country club. That's if they let hoodrich turd nuggets like yourself in.

Country club? Ew, get a load of this basic mayo.

Yes but that's got nothing to do with Muslims

Not really related to muslims, but France has had it’s tourist destinations decaying for some time now.

Dam you're retarded lol


That's like the equivalent of going to Japan and expecting it to be an animes.

Imagine having a cognitive dissonance so strong it makes you mad.

Paris is a gigantic shithole though. The question is whether it has ever been otherwise.

This trespassing is getting ridiculous.

unironically this is why people want to shoot them up, you become desensitized hearing this shit so fucking often and the media will silence it or call anyone who doesn’t want this “diversity” a racist. maybe if they didn’t try to rape children, try to bomb cartoonists, and didn’t treat women like dog shit, people would welcome them here.

seriously what sane person would want to import these stone-age savages? at fucking best they’re outright ignoring all the fucked up parts of their bible and choosing what they interpret as literal and what they interpret as metaphor as it suits them.

i unironically wish the left’s fears of trump were true and we really were shoving these animals into ovens. the more the media ignores shit like this, the more they push the conversation into far-right spaces, feel free to check out voat or 4chan if you’re wondering what people are actually saying outside of safe spaces. at some point something has to give and it really seems like it’s starting to.


seriously what sane person would want to import these stone-age savages? at fucking best they’re outright ignoring all the fucked up parts of their bible and choosing what they interpret as literal and what they interpret as metaphor as it suits them.

ikr? christfags seriously need to gtfo of our country

Fuck Christians, they had their fucking time and it's over now.

now is the age of zoroaster, praise the reckoning of Ahura Mazda

I'm more of a Toyota fan myself.

Unironically great religion, including not burying corpses and leaving their dead for vultures to feast on.

You talkin mad shit for someone in crusading distance.

Do it faggot, I'll nail you to a cross like that Jew you follow.

Muzzies are more backwards than christicucks

> Muzzies ~~are more backwards than christicucks~~ have the balls to actually practice their religion rather than reverting to bland ideological paste when confronted with their own ideology


Why lump Muslims and Islamic Extremists all into one group?

Why lump harmless 4chan shit posters in with a maniac?

Why lump maniacs in with a maniac


I'm a maniac maaaniac in the floor. And I'm dancing like I've never danced before.

Because your garden variety muslim is an Islamic extremist.

Then why aren't my Muslim friends killing me and other people ?

Because they don't have the stomach for it. They won't kill you, but they surely won't complain is someone else does.

This is just one of the examples.
I know that unadulterated Islamic teachings would not be OK with LGBT people. But the positive thing is that there are Muslims that have a welcoming outlook on LGBT people. "Islam" is evolving. So why are we still trying to alienate the good apples? Why should they suffer the consequences of other's actions?


Dude, have you ever been in, let's say, a crowd of people that gets either angry or a little bit unebriated and nobody is there to contain the collective autism?

Why should they suffer the consequences of other's actions?

Because one thing that is common among diasporas EVERYWHERE, especially muslim ones, is the collective "dindu nuffin" if somebody from them fucks up. That's why you have those imams who quite openly recruit for ISIS.

if somebody from them fucks up

If someone from my family/office/religion/school fucks up, do I have to face the consequences?

If I "dindu nuffin", I "dindu nuffin".

Why don't you draw Muhammad in front of them and mention hes a pedophile and see if one of them tries to kill you then.

lol. We've actually talked about it a lot. Haven't died yet. But I get your point. Still, that doesn't mean each and every Muslim is an evil bloodthirsty maniac.

No such thing as a moderate muslim.

Then you haven't met many Muslims.

Wife's from Detroit metro - largest Muslim enclave in the US. I've met enough. They took over the police department. Didnt punish doctors performing Fgm. I've met enough.

I make fun of Muhammad all the time and all they do is make fun of me back

They are your friends until someone puts a jihad on you, sorry to break the news

As a muslim, my life is hard, i can never make long-lasting relationships because as soon as i get to know another person, the ayatoALLAH khomeini puts a Jihad hitlist on them and i am unfortunately forced to slit their throats :(

numbers, historically muslims are peaceful in low numbers, when they get into a sizable number then start the forced conversions and killing of non believers

its just a historical fact dont need to be a /pol/tard to notice it

Ah yes the garden variety "moderate muslim" meme. You truly are mentally handicapped if you haven't figured out that's about as real as a unicorn by now

"Moderate anything" is a retarded thing to mention, if you think about it.

because they both need the same pedophile’s manual to figure out their morality lol is this a trick question?

Islam is a cancerous ideology. Lumping garden variety Muslims and Islamic extremists together is no different than lumping garden variety fascists and Nazis together.


No sane person would look at this video and decides that the solution is to shoot a bunch of innocent Muslims, what’s wrong with this sub nowadays

Pewdiepie mentioned this in his last YLYL, so all the mosque shooters are here.


Great bait post brother!

Unironically calling for Muslim genocide for the actions of a few B-)

This is why we need mayocide.

True Radical Centrist perspective. We need a mayocide and a islamacide. Then, we can enact White Sharia (True Islam has never been tried).


Fuck the frogs goddamn cowards

What is the video?

"On the Quran I'm gonna fuck you" wew lad

Can a baguette person confirm that the translation in the video is right?

I don't trust on fansubs

شخص فرنسي هنا. انها صحيحة 100 ٪.

Ye I can confirm it's accurate

Unironically over for frogcels. Now uncle Xi will violate that sweet baguette busssy.

Day of The Fried Frog Legs needs to hurry up and get here already.

The Chinese need to see this video

CA tier comments in this thread. 🤢🤢

They're just following the example of their prophet and Aisha! Who are you whiteoids to judge their rich and beautiful culture?

zomg it is literally the end of the world that people will not allow us to spread our blood libel with specific intent of formenting a genocide so that we can reach our desired state of ethnic purity


this is literally the end of the world and the worst thing ever


im just trying to spread facts, i have no agenda


like sometimes i go around just listing off digits of pi


sometimes i scream out the gdp of various countries in southeast asia


sometimes i list off fbi crime statistics


there is absolutely no agenda here and it's outrageous to suggest that by distributing this information i am seeking some end goal, literally im just an autist and want people to know random facts with no motivation

Guuuuurl, you need to take it easy.

Go home Chapo, you're drunk.

Okay when you said girl I didnt think like a 10 year old

Jesus Christ.

I can't fucking read french, I don't even know what this tweet says

"We surrender!"

They’re just following they’re leader.

Following the example of Mohammed.

Apparently everyone in here speaks French or is getting the summary from 4chan. What the hell does the post say and what video?

Google translates it as “frog white flag snail delicacy”, not sure what they mean by this

All the /pol/ rednecks trying to speak French in the replies was too much for me

This makes me sick in the stomach. Mohammed married a 9yo and had sex with her at eleven. Yet we can’t even draw a fictitious picture of him. Wtf is wrong with Islam?

What do the police suffer to lose from taking this case? I am having difficulties understanding the reasoning behind their decisions.

Same reason Swedish women will not report sexual assault being perpetrated on their own children by refugees (who they are dating). These people have been brainwashed and are more afraid of being labelled islamaphobic than having their own children molested. Its not sexual assault, its a "sexual emergency". It's not raped and beheaded it's "discovered with neck wounds". And guess what? It's ALL YOUR FAULT.

Still makes no sense.

Same reason Swedish women will not report sexual assault being perpetrated on their own children by refugees

This is more understandable, as I see lots of stories women allowing their boyfriend abuse her kid, because of some love bullshit.

I'm not sure how you understood they're not taking the case "les enquêteurs ont été saisi" means some détectives have bee given the case