Drama user wanders into video game subreddit to talk about the new $60 vampire toy that was just announced. Fun ensues.

15  2019-03-22 by AccomplishedHole


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Grow up dipshit

Kill all gamers.

Wet me pweface this by saying you sound wike a gamew.

Gamews awe faggots.

Now thats outta the way, faggot, i need you to accept a few simpwe weawities in wife, okay? Awwight....fiwst 1) Women hate you. That may be a tough piww to swawwow, but youwe doing God's wowk by being ewiminated fwom the bweeding poow, and i appweciate that, as it weaves mowe vaginas pwivy to my insemination. Kuddos.

Secondwy 2) when i teww you to do shit, its an extention of my genewousity. Do you think id just twust anybody to go pick up a pizza ow cwean the bathwoom? Of couwse not. Uw my speciaw beta-boi and i wuv you fow aww that u do.

Wastwy 3) just wemembew uw a faggot, is aww.

Cheews (not u, just the genewaw weading audience) 🍻


Please summarise. I’m not going to read unironic gaming seriousposts.

I stand up to the tranny menace and demand them to LET MY PEOPLE GO

I don’t know what you’re arguing in that thread because I didn’t read it. But I’m sure it’s absolutely not worth it, r/games posters are brain dead.

Hey! I'm a brain dead 15 year old, and I have never visited the r/games subreddit before this

Every single trans person is a gamer, they are your people. You're a trap, you just dont know it yet

Gamercels want game about vampire. Game had gay vampires but its 2019 and being gay isn't underground enough so now they are the full spectrum of tumblr gender/orientation/ice cream flavour. Gamercels conflicted.

Thx 4 summary.

Samsies! 😹

When are you getting your account back Ed?

Praying v hard for you 🙏.

Not ur personal army faggot

Read the sidebar you idiot:

You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.

Yikes bitch dont sidebar police me fucking shit fuck

It says share drama, not your seriousposting faggotry

go suck on your username

a gamerposter linking to his own thread where he seriouswhines about trannies in video games or some nonsense

/u/trappysaruh can this be stickied as an example of why drama needs to shut down at 100.000

I've always wanted an rpg that let me play as a black tranny lesbian

drama user

gee i wonder who that could be

do you unironically talk about ethics in gaming journalism

I unironically talk about the ethics of my dick in your butt journalism lmao got em

that character bio is stupid as fuck though. it's literally just line after line about how woke that vampire dude is and how much he cares about minorities.

vampires are faggoty shit anyways so anyone who cares about this game is automatically a retard.

By fun you mean a number of people disagreed with you in a civil manner? Holy fuck this post was boring.

Who are you, fagatini?