Praise allah

129  2019-03-22 by Jdwonder


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Sweden better watch their backs, they got competition now.

someone in the twitter thread said that mayo gussies around nz are wearing hijabs now in solidarity.

Honestly these sheep shaggers should start shagging sheep for real because even that isn't as cucked as they are showing they are to be.

On the bright side, New Zealand has no history or culture outside of its alcoholic natives. Nothing of value is being lost here.

Jesus Christ this is hilarious, the right side won ww2

Shouldnt the lefgt be outraged at cultural appropriation

cultural appropriation

They're being respectful you see.

Although how a woman on TV without a male guardian is respectful, I don't know.

Cultural appropiation is mayo culture. See also: that stupid little maori dance.

God bless Allah.

So fucking cringe. Might as well send a carrier strike group to answerthe NZ question at this point.

Can’t find it, no one puts it on maps.

This is why

NZ banned nuclear weapons and reactors on ships. The USN can't go near that place or else the Kiwis get really butthurt.

They're concerned radiation may cause mutations within the sheep population causing them to evolve into less submissive partners.

A preview of the west in 30 years, insha'Allah.

Inshallah, brother

Women won’t be allowed to work in 20 years. It would offend too many people.

Unironically better than the clown world we're currently in.

Get yer hijabs out for the lads! Oi oi!

Oi cunt ay don’t see yew weahin yuh hijab mate.

Even observant Muslim Col. Nasser (completed Haj) would laugh at her.

Nasser told an East German newspaper in 1964 that "no person, not even the most simple one, takes seriously the lie of the six million Jews that were murdered [in the Holocaust]."[320][321][322]


God he was a centrist. 😍

Muslims are truly the Devil's greatest creation.

lmao this last week has been an accelerationist dream

The NZ shooter was literally an accelerationist.

Yes, we know big brain.

🧕🏻White Sharia is happening 😍

God I can’t wait to beat the shit out of my white hijabi wives

🤔 A symbol of female oppression and subjugation appropriated by a white woman. She's inadvertently becoming a proponent for patriarchal constraints yet she uses it as a conciliatory gesture and symbol of social cohesion while her sycophants remain oblivious to the implications.

Is this peak mayo nonsense?

Mayo Women: telling women to be modest to stop distracting men and to discourage rape is sexism.

Islam: wear a hijab to be modest, not distract men, and discourage rape.


she's kind of fucking it up too, you're not supposed to show your hair.


Imagine if saudis started drinking beer and wearing blue jeans after 9/11. 100% mayo nonsense

Saudis, for what I've heard, drink special type of vodka. And do it during the night, while "Allah doesn't watch".

It's not haram if it isn't made from fermented wheat or grapes.

SO SORRY 4 9/11

Saudis already do both those things.

thesaurusposting then passing it off as an attempt to emulate Jane Austen

Drama mod levels of autism right here

Wearing a hijab is not oppressive for fuck sake.

The Patriarchy is alive and well.

Compulsory 'Cutting of the Rose' when?

Houllebecq was right.

Is that what gwen stephanie was bitching about all those years ago?


Why you don't show this nonsense? which Christian missionaries are doing against Hindus in INDIA ???

what? I... don't get it?

holy shit that twitter is a gold mine.

Western Australia was a mistake

Cannot wait for a tectonic shift to separate that shithole from Australia. Hopefully it takes Darwin and Melbourne with it.

*Eastern Tasmania

they aren't even wearing it right smh white women were a mistake

Yes, mock and insult the people paying respect to people they lost in their community.

paying respect

Imagine being this retarded, even by /r/drama standards.

/u/ComedicSans bwahahahhahahahahhahaha

Rip on us all you want about Freedom Fries and snowballs disproving climate change we never bent over like this.

The new motto for New Zealand is No Vaseline required.

So you do nothing to commemorate the victims of mass shootings except "thoughts and prayers", and wonder why they keep happening? Shocker.

Be American

Get shot

God I can't wait for you non-country to get swallowed by the ocean

Imagine thinking you'll live long enough to see it.

Be American

Get shot

I'm a hibernian you knock-off aussie (aka knock-off bongs)


I apologise. I should have taken your disability into consideration.

Wheelchairs to Omagh


Lmao. That's good.

Thankfully for Kiwi's now they'll at least be able to look forward to 72 virgin's after they get gunned down at church.

Also Islam doesn't look down on animal fucking.

Hard pass. "72 virgins" sounds like the American contingent of /r/drama.

This is on the same level as 'thoughts and prayers'.

Except for the fact the NZ government has, in the last 8 days, banned semi-auto rifles, pistols, and various attachments in the interim, and will urgently review the legislation to impose restrictions on what remains.

Gun laws are usually tweaked after shootings in America (see the bump stock ban), doesn't make thoughts and prayers any more pointless.

This isn't a tweak. There will be no pistols or semi-automatics in the near future.

Crocodile tears make for a great lubricant

Religioncide when

shooter: i want to create further political divide

nz: we better wear hijabs to fight this

Next time there's Islamic terrorism where the victims are white Muslims better do some mayo nonsense. It's only fair.

Stupid femoids don't even cover their hair.

But the whole point is making themselves look good

Any of you righties actually sperging out over this? I see this and I just wish they went with the whole face convering ass thing so I dont gotta expose my weak eyes to kiwi foids.

meanwhile in iran

New Zeallahnd?

White people were a mistake.

This is just fucking embarrassing.

Imagine if Aljazeera journos were wearing berets after Bataclan, it's almost comical.