r/atheism defends deplatforming of atheist to appease muslims

45  2019-03-22 by Bluewhaleswimmer


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Remeber when atheists went out of their way to be edgy?

Hitchens must be rolling in his grave

Reddit used to love that guy because he pissed off all the religious types. I’m sure in 2019 Reddit could cancel 🙅🏿‍♀️ him.

They loved those types Hitchena/Dawkins/Harris until they realized they were actually consistent on their critique of religion and didn’t give Islam a free pass like they’re supposed to do.

I still love them. Even more so because they’re still staying consistent in their critique despite the majority’s attitude. Harris can sound like a pompous dick, but at least he doesn’t cater to morons.

This is exactly what happened.

You dont understand, you just can't go around telling people they believe in stupid, irrational, patently false bullshit, because if you do... you just can't, you fedora neckbeard may may!

Atheists now are just dumb kids who think being an atheist sounds cool but when they’re in their 30s-40s they’ll flock to religion cause they realize that at that point you’re just bored and waiting to die.

Mohammed was a pedophile

Brb joining Islam

That is rich.

Honestly, I can't disagree. There's a time and a place, and right after a slaughter might not be the most tactful time to bring up how Islam is toxic. Wait a month or three.

Honestly, what can good men do against people like this?

Honestly, I can't disagree. There's a time and a place, and right after a slaughter might not be the most tactful time to bring up how Islam is toxic. Wait a month or three.

So next time a van of peace in a European capital takes out a bunch of whites, will this person not want to talk about white privilege for a few months?

TIFU because I needed someone to ELI5 why YTA but wanted someone to CMV that atheists actually are the real ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ TIL