The absolute state of r/teenagers. Capecels must be sTOPPED

118  2019-03-23 by Rentokill_boy


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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I hope this is Brie Larson's response

updoot for visibility, gl

What kind of dipshit thinks that posting shit like this on reddit will get him gussy?

Mayo nonsense needs to be stopped

Brie larson, who said "to live life as a woman is to live life on the defense" after a mAN asked for her number, will surely provide gussy for this. There's hope for him though, as his post is so retarded that she might mistake him for a make-a-wish kid or something

Does make-a-wish cater to ultraspergs or incest babies?

If so, he may be in luck

The man that asked her for her number was a TSA agent, that’s like if a cop pulled you over because he was dazzled by your eyes and wanted to get your number.

you seriously tryna justify what she said?

What’s the scary TSA gonna fucking do not let her on the plane??

And you just know he's going to feel distraught when she explicitly says no or doesn't reply. All for some fungtoes. We need censorship

Classic camocucks. Nothing like spending half your time murdering snaggletoothed tribesmen and the other half pestering celebrities who either wish you would take a stray bullet or want to use you for easy good press

Fucking capeshit fans are worse than infidels

I pray to Allah the highest every day that the muftis issue a fatwa against this western drivel.

Then they will be both

I swear I'm more disgusted by proud capecels than the muslims are by pride parades. If you like this sort of thing past the age of twelve you should be deeply ashamed of yourself, not hooting about your emasculation from the rooftops.

Anti-cape jihad when?

Implying she wouldn't just spit in his mouth and rub her fungus stumps on his face

Pouring one out for WPD 😢😢😢

I’m glad that when I was young and stupid, social media wasn’t that huge yet. Because some of the things kids today are doing will definitely come back and embarrass the crap out of them as adults.

Imagine wanting to bang fungus-gussy instead of sexy Spiderman bussy 😍😩 🍆💦

His face is the definition of meh but his ass is a thing of beauty I'm ngl

I would never say the I word, but desperate times call for desperate measures. DM her via Instagram

who the fuck talks like this

"Brie Larson is our favourite fierce feminist icon! Let's harass her on social media to get her to go on a date with lenny from Of Mice and Men"



That's just sad

I hope this gain traction to somewhere like ghazi or GC just to see some legbeards rip him apart.

Kid should take Jenny Craig to prom.

Im with capecels on this one OP is one of the gayest people ln earth

Day of the scissors when?

imagine being a teenager and already being fat

The absolute state of burgerland

imagine being young, handsome, physically fit and strong.

I literally can't

I asked Proxy Paige to prom in 2014.

She never responded lol

Should have asked lisa ann

If he was a black dude who played baskerball, it would have been a slam dunk.

Yeah mate, Brie Larson is totally combing through Reddit 24/7.

Imagine being famous and having to deal with shit like this.

Look how satisfied he is. He really thinks he looks good here. This is what happens when you get false confidence from your mother saying you’re handsome

Bullying should not only be allowed, but made mandatory

His username is his real name. Hes gonna put that on his college application as internet karma.

It’s not even a clever pick up line. MARVEL-ed? Wtf?

Fun fact her name is actually Brieson Larsonie.

Briethony Larstano here

All we can hope is that capeshit starts to die after Thanos Fight Part 2.

Maybe the next big thing will be a return to small setpiece action films with a reduction of CGI to mostly matte effects and wire removal. John Wick and Mad Max proved people are hungry as fuck for that stuff.

He’s been posting that picture everywhere for the past 5 days trying to get traction, and it’s only just caught on

I asked Hitomi Tanaka for prom. Pretty sure her English just isn't that good...

lol he looks like a male version of her already anyways