Guy thinks he is the next Earl of Essex and posts on r/legal advice on how to claim his Earldom.

227  2019-03-23 by FastConstant


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Holy shit, this is good stuff.

I'm inclined to believe his claims to the English aristocracy because so much of his post reeks of the sort of hereditary idiocy that inbreeding brings-about:

I spent a few thousand $ acquiring the certificates from the issuing government authority. I am actually marrying a woman in another country as soon as my passport arrives and I will be relinquishing my citizenship in a US Consulate in that country, most likely, anyway.

His lordship spent "thousands" on fake certificates of nobility, can't even order a mail-order-bride properly, and wants to surrender his US citizenship when he finally meets his internet "fiancée."

I was a little disappointed, however, that the answer to "How do I claim my earldom?" was not "With blood & fire, yr grace."

Even better, his account has a profile picture so we can confirm he looks exactly like the type of guy who pins his life’s value on the remote chance he has claim to a meaningless distinction.

Truly a reddit Gentlesir of the old school, c. 2009.

His hashtags are making me dizzy. Of fucking course he’s a #genealogist, aside from a #mathemagician, #writer, #programmer, #security, and #whitehat.


Reading this word makes me want to shoot myself in the head. There's nothing left for us here.

At least he's not SJW. Phew.

Who would put a profile picture on a reddit account? This is like the concept of poor judgment somehow became a person.

Did he remove his pics? I can't find any.

Even better, his account has a profile picture so we can confirm he looks exactly like the type of guy who pins his life’s value on the remote chance he has claim to a meaningless distinction.

Truly a reddit Gentlesir of the old school, c. 2009.

It would have been (slightly) cheap for him to just buy CK2 and forget about the Earl.

If I don't press my claim, it will be forgotten. I am the true king.

They're knitting neckbeard banners in secret awaiting your return my lord

They cry out for their true Earl!

He is claiming it is a Wikipedia conspiracy to protect the false lineage for the Earl of Essex?

By Jove, the jig is up! All Reddit shall hear of this!!

Don your war fedoras, men.

And of course when you say by Jove, you really mean by me.


I hope Little Lord Fauntleroy v2.0 doesn't forget all us humble burgers when takes over his earldom.

You guys remember the Legal Advice poster who was worried about getting sued about the book he was writing about the Totally Real Gay Affair he had with Prince William? Good times



Yeaaaah I’m going to need to read this.


You've got your answer, OP - locking the thread because otherwise we'll be up all night moderating it.


Imagine caring so much about your fake internet job that you type this

God forbid people have internet conversations while you aren’t actively monitoring them

Removing posts for insulting OPs is pretty reasonable in a legal advice subreddit I'd say



i hope you're prepared for the storm heading your way

Ye scoundrels behaveth as babes. Thy troublesome rabble hast left me no choice but to locketh thy gates, y'all.

Pretenders are a rich and untapped source of drama. They're all crazy in some way and cause a ton of trouble. One of my good friends from high school had a pretender father and her childhood was a wreck because of all of the crazy pretender shit. It was really fun to go over her house and get involved in all of the contrived faux-noble happenings but my pal suffered immensely because of it and it eventually ruined her ambitions and potential.

If it's not too specific, can I ask what level of pretension are we talking about? King, prince, duke, earl? I'm just curious about how far people go in their fantasies.

That's sad to hear. How did it ruin her life?

Her use of schadenfreude as a coping mechanism led her to search for obscure forms of online drama. She later became a /r/Drama moderator and is now pregnant with /u/basicallyadoctor's child.

We should've never abolished mercykillings for severe cases of trauma.

Pretenders are a rich and untapped source of drama.

Sadly a source of drama that has been in great decline since the 18th century. I too fondly remember the all the memes and shit-posting about prince Charles Stuart when he was trying to overthrow King George II.

You mean the offspring of William and Mary were the pretenders. Bonnie Prince Charlie was the rightful heir by God's grace.

reload... reload... reload... reload... reload... reload... reload... reload... BLAM

No Catholic could be the rightful anything

Prot thot

papist rapist

luther goofer

Did you take the opportunity to get knighted?

She can't be ruined if she still has her vagina. Women can get anything they want by using that thing.

Only if he's in the government

"proposed amendment" It's in the first sentence dood. It's only prohibited for the government to issue titles of nobility.

Is he black? If he's black, then he's completely correct, and I 100% endorse his righteous quest for justice.

But if he's a mayo, not interested.

Everyone knows the first britons were black. We wuz earls n shite

wasn't there something about early humans in ireland being dark skinned or something?

i loved the facebook reactions to that

Oh good point. If he's black I'll swear fealty to him.

Does anyone here know about that one amerifat who moved to some random village in Ireland or the UK after tracing his lineage and tried to act like a Lord or some BS like that?

I remember seeing either on a BBC article or YouTube video about it on 4chan like 6 years ago but it was very relevant to this. The guy moved there, submitted his genealogy stuff, got told to fuck off iirc, and was trying to build up support from the villagers there to somehow pressure the government into granting him a title. Everyone there fucking hated him.

God possibly, that fits about the time I'd have read about it.

I could have sworn it was a fat American who'd get ridiculously drunk in pubs wearing all green to act irish and gather support or some shit like that, but I might have mixed 2 things I read around the same time together, maybe something about an American trying to reconnect with his Irish roots by being retarded. Idk I went on /britpol/ (back when it was just a daily thread on /pol/) too much around that time to remember 100% of the hyperborean bullshit I read on there.

This guy thinks hes on twatter his profile has #programmer #gaming #startup

probably some titles of nobility in France as well

You missed like some 200 years of history there, fam

Right? Has he not heard of the French Revolution?

I'm the Catholic Queen of England.

The only way is Essex:

He should probably ring them up, rather than bothering the college of arms.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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There's a whole industry based on selling the idea that you could secretly be a king or a duke or whatever to the sad and desperate. Used to work at Nottingham Castle (now a very dull art museum) and we'd get regular emails and calls, mostly from Americans, with proof of their claim to various titles, including many claiming to have proof of descent from the fictional character Robin Hood (and they'd refer to themselves as descendants of "The House of Loxley" then nicely explain that Robin had been a member of this "noble House").

It's equally sad and hilarious, because they were paying sometimes thousands for meaningless pieces of paper that "proved" their descent, but they were so fucking oblivious and naive you usually ended up laughing when they insist they have a right to the castle and ancestral lands. Even most real titles that arr still active have nothing but a mention in a book noone cares about and an old ring.

I'd take a ring in a heartbeat

I'll take your ring in a heartbeat

Gotta say "I do" first

Consent is unnecessary.

What you've done here is textually rape me. Are you proud of what you've done? I'll have to live with these feelings for the rest of my life now, because of you

Its due to the way geneology works technically after a few 100 years you are related to everyone what matters is direct descent and those people are already in noble circles there are no true pretenders as there is no lack of a true heir for any noble line just because you are descended from a pretender in a crisis before doesnt mean shit as another line was chosen

Yeah, I have a vague idea of how these dodgy companies contrive the appearance of ancestry by exploiting the fact that many aristocrats would have huge numbers of living descendants, coupled with very incomplete records until recently, coupled with outright lies.

But the sad idea that even with a legal claim you'd be able to move to England and take up residence in a stately home or castle and be called milord by all the peasantry and whatever other Game of Thrones shit going through their heads is what gets me. Like the current Earl of Essex is a retired northern schoolteacher. The lands and house were lost a long time ago - most stately homes were demolished a long time ago due to the huge expense of maintaining them, and land sold off. At best, if it turns out this guy is actually the true heir, it'd be a fun story or help you get into bed with an American girl.

Sealand (which is an oil rig in the Channel Islands which claims to be a country) sells noble titles. It probably makes them like £20 a year as a gag gift.

This sounds similar to sovereign citizens, except those guys are usually convicted felons who want to own guns so it makes sense that they would try really hard to figure out how federal law does not apply to them. So it's basically escapism for teaboos I guess, like the middle class Harry Potter fanboy equivalent of being a sovereign citizen

Yeah, I've heard of sovereign citizens on reddit, there's definitely a crossover with them and other fantasists in terms of thinking that if they find the right piece of paper or magic words they can unlock a world that works how they think it should, in their favour.

Why are burgers so obsessed with nobility? Didn't they fight a war so that they could get fat and fuck their cousins without royalty?

Dude has no idea how nobility works. He might have a slight case if the earldom was vacant or some shit. He should have saved his money from retarded genealogical research and instead used it to hire some mercenaries or hooligans and try to usurp that shit. Burgers all want to believe that they are descended from kings when most of them are just descended from 2nd and 3rd sons of retarded potato farmers who didn't inherit shit and crazy cultists who wanted to be able to practice their weird ass variety of Christianity.

Nah it's one potato boy talking shit to other potato boys because he thinks taking pride in being a potato boy somehow negates his shitty blood

v. v. unfortunate

It’s worth a try. There’s a lot of evidence out there to back up the claim that the true Monarch of England is an Australian textile worker called Simon.,_15th_Earl_of_Loudoun?wprov=sfti1

Earl of Louden

Lol Louden Castle got turned into a theme park which got shut down because it was so shit.

It did have qt llamas tho.

Wasn’t it a ruin anyway?

Didn’t know about the theme park though.


Is monarchy centrist ?

Well, I'm a Scottish Laird, so....there's that. Me cousin married into Scottish nobility, and that somehow extended up to and including me dad and me. Not that it means anything to me. I get invited to galas and festivities and stuff, but da and me always decline. Not our cup of tea.

I haven't the foggiest what this actually means regarding titles and claims and shite. Something in there probably to worth or not, can't be arsed to find out. I like my life. Being called Laird's something extra,'s...rather strange.

Go and bring a bunch of black dudes. Turn that fancy shit into a 90s rap video.

Where are you Laird of?

You should invade England with your fellow lairds in the name of the House of Stuart.

Too much hassle. I also kinda like the Iron Queen.

Good find OP!

Apparently, I am distantly related to some Dutch nobility somehow, but I honestly don't care.

It's meaningless to me.

Imagine thinking you are special just because a distant cousin of yours may be descended from some British pretty boy.

I'm like fifth cousins with Beyonce on my mom's side and I've never even gotten free concert tickets or anything, but this Amerifat wants a fucking castle and a title? Fuck outta here

Does he think someone will give him a castle if he produces the right piece of paper and says the right words?

His supposed ancestors had to earn those castles by killing thousands of people and enslaving the rest!

All this effort just so he can live in a castle and own a dragon.

Theres 2 things Englishmen hate

1) The French

2) Yankee dankee doodle fucksticks pretending to be from another country because of a distant relative

3) The French

No hate for the Huns anymore?

The Earl of Sussex is returning home 😍



From his profile.

Computer #Programmer, #Developer, #Writer, #Genealogist, #Historian, #Mathemagician, #Security #Researcher, #WhiteHat, #InfoSec. Discord Address: GCJohnsonChev#8230 Searchable Hashes: #GCJohnsonChev

This guy lives a in world all his own

Americans defending the British Monarchy: BUt It BRinGs In TouRIsM MoNeY.

British defending the British Monarchy: Oh yeah I forgot they still exist.

British Monarchy defending the British Monarchy: Don’t get into politics, keep the peasants happy with nationalized healthcare, and maybe they won’t overthrow us even though they are directly paying for our lavish lifestyles.

There are like 6 people who still draw a salary from the Sovereign Fund, even Beatrice and Eugenie got cut off (which is an outrage btw)

The rest of them get their wealth from their land holdings which they got by murdering the local owners and enslaving the rest in the 11th century.

Your point being what?

The British Monarchy is unamerican

They didn’t earn the initial wealth, the ones who are still rich just managed not to lose it.

Unless you count murder and slavery “earning” it, which is a legitimate argument in the big picture.

So r/Drama/ is now a republican board? S-m-d-h

I didn't say it was the winning argument in my opinion, but I'm saying it's not fair to dismiss it.

Royalty is so weird.

Who don't they just worship whoever has the most money or YouTube followers like normal countries do?

Are we allowed to link his incel Twitter, or is that banned?

... so they are spending thousands of pounds/dollars on research, yet they need to use Reddit's help?