
0  2019-03-23 by Grimy__range


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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you're trying so hard.


Yer so edjy.

I love when the little r/politics CopeFlakes come to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Yeah… you might want to do a bit more demographic research there, Johnny TryHard.

Lol go do my research for me Nerd.

This is embarrassing

lmao reddit mods are literally never not giant fags

It's true. I love the cock.

Jesus, do you not see that you're the lolcow in this situation?

You gotta larp a bit to get the fun.

merely pretending to be retarded tee hee

Sounds like your coping :( sorry to hear that, drumpf will get impeached I promise.

j-just joking!

Yeahh im a massive magapede bro

It's okay I'm also a failure to my parents.

I don’t know what to believe anymore. Everyone is coping. Everywhere I look is COPE.

h-h-hey guyzzz I got b& from [x] for owning libtards epic style xddd

This isn't r/subredditcancer, you fucking faggot. Nobody cares.

Dude you got OWNED


Throw the agenda poster down the well!

So my subreddit can be free!

This is a pro Israel subreddit thank you very much.

Ed! Please be cautious! But agreed.

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I got many owned libtard pics I plan on posting up in the future! so happy you guys are so accepting and active on my first owned post!! more coming soon.

Dude there is gonna be SO many posts it's just gonna FLOOD r/drama it's gonna be fucking epic man.


le 2 scoops maymay


and it worked like a charm

Jfc your entire post history is peak-boomerism


Ewww a post history faggot, out out out.

that guy is a sperg but i dont think you are in a position to be criticizing people's post history lol.

ELIDrama : why is there foregone conclusion this report's not going to lead to prosecution when the report's not yet released?

idk I didnt even read it.

Something about sealed indictments vs not? Idk. Either way he prob wouldn’t be POTUS by the time this shit gets rolling.

That seems to be it. The Department of Gussy - i mean 'Justice' >_< - has announced there'll be no new indictments ; but that may be independent of the sealed buss XD findings due to be delivered.

Cope and Based. Just playing the angles because I really don’t care as much as I should. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

What the fuck is this shit? Deported.

Based mods! πŸ’žπŸΊ

Negative on the spergout. OP was cool in modmail.

I think you should have kept this one just as an example pour encourager les autres retards.

I only banned them for a day so they can come back.