/Christian/ discusses Autism and Christ

0  2019-03-23 by Feanorfanclub


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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There isn’t really any drama or anything funny here. It’s just people longposting about Christian theology and mental health. Why is this stickied?

Just give me karma so I can sneak into century club and call Gallowboob gay in his home territory

Buddy if you just want karma, I went on a big sperg out a bit ago that could be a high quality drama post. Check my post history. Stickying this crap is only cluttering the sub

cluttering the sub

Oh yeah, since this sub is usually just a regular stream of high-quality and encouraging tales of wholesomeness.

Just post a picture of a foid to /r/pics it you want karma

I'm already in there. Pay me enough and I'll do it on your behalf.

What a drawn out series of autistposts

What dweeb janitor is lurking at 4AM stickying 8ch posts?


This is pathetic. Whoever stickied this needs a ban.

Isn't it past your bedtime? Mom will be mad if she finds out you've been shitposting this late >:-(

Haha Christkeks btfo

Is that what you wanted

Mods are fags.