Scott Walker reveals himself to be even more delusional than previously thought.

0  2019-03-23 by IDFSHILL


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For any non-political normies here unsure of why this is delusional, it is basically universally accepted that this type of gerrymandering is primarily a Republican thing, and the GOP has especially benefitted from it. It becomes even more absurd when you realize the WI GOP has lost multiple times in court over this, and they've also lost in court over attempts to limit the power of an incoming democratic government, while also rushing through appointments in a lame duck session:

Basically, the exact opposite of what Walker is saying here is true, and massive drama is brewing in WI.

But what about the DUMBOCRAPS???

Why are boomer cons always so fucking retarded

Go away pizzatard.

Bruh. He doesn’t have a job anymore. Let the man daydrink and tweet a bit.

Man shut yo dust ass up Pizza