Why can't US mayos handle the fact that Burkina Faso is safer than their 98% white town?

47  2019-03-23 by ParticularDrummer


Where mayos go, violence follows.

It's no coincidence that a land-locked country in Africa is safe from the malignant influence from the mayoid.


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Malginant influence from mayos.

Did you know most blacks in America are rape babies from colonialism? That's why Burkina Faso has an extremely low homicide rate and "African"Americans don't.

Even the whitest states have murder rates on par with Myanmar and Bangladesh.

New Hampshire is 95% white with a murder rate of 1.1 per 100,000

Vermont is also 95% white and has a murder rate of 2.2 per 100,000

They are so poor they have nothing to kill for, unless it's a mob lynching with stones and sticks, then, you have to go for it.


that's quite impressive for 13/52s, what gives? why is it so low? maybe mayos could learn something

Only without mayos can we know peace.

Inshallah brother

Gangs are present only when you have rich people (that can pay for the drugs, sex slaves, whatever). Violent gangs are only a thing when you have too many poors (so there is a lack of gang "jobs", which lead to gangs fighting each others).

Burkina faso is too poor to have gangs to start with.

There are a lot of poor African countries with low murder rates, not counting civil wars or ethnic conflicts obviously. It seems to only be a problem in countries with lots of diversity/inequality (South Africa)

The 6th biggest shithole in the world

The homicide rate is on par with Japan, Singapore, and Iceland

That's actually impressive.

I unirocally think that this is what a commie utopia would look like.

A low crime shithole.

Can't be a criminal if you're starving to death.

lying on the street and starve to death.

Ha ! They just brand these people mentally ill and wash their hands off the matter. Even late stage capitalism more or less admitted that.

Thanks to colonialism ackshually.

Burger blacks never had the civilising influence of Euros.

so explain EVERY fucking french spanish or portugese colony?

Nothing is absolute.

Some are doing well, some aren't. This one is poor but non violent.

Compared to burger colonies like Iraq, Algeria is better off.

bruh you have still yet to give me an exapmle

inb4 quebec

they rely heavly on support from the rest of canada

I'm not that knowledgeable like I said. In Faso's case, I think they benefitted from Euros.

I could be wrong.

183rd on HDI, lowest murder rate.

Papa Ted was right.

brb, I'm going to burn all my electronic devices

burkina faso sounds like a town on tatooine

nice science-fiction, but not quite good enough

Probably filled with fucking dugs