More Lefty C O P E as /r/australia breaks down with the reelection of the NSW Liberals.

86  2019-03-23 by DayyyTripper


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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based and clean coal pilled

clean coal

One of the funniest memes on human history

Q: What do Armenians and Jews have in common?

A: Apparently genocide and the same facial structure.

She really is an odd looking creature.

The single most out of touch board on Reddit.

Watch them blame muh Boomers and rurals and not West Sydney yet again, just like with the gay marriage plebiscite.

Melbourne gets the first nuke cunt.

not before i take a big fat shit on it

holy hell the Shooters and ON got 6.2% each lmao. For once I wish I wasn't banned from there.

me 2 brother inshallah

Soon brother. Soon.

can you translate this to burger

Western Sydney is a non white conservative area that voted against gay marriage, forward thinking Australian progressives arent sure how to address this.

haha wonderful

It reeks of that "oh they don't know any better" kind of open mindedness, that reminds me of the "white mans burden" way of thinking.

So similar to how in America liberals think that blacks and Latinos are pro-gay marriage.

M*lburnians you dumb cunt.

Also, if ScoMo scrapes home NSW and QLD, the Nightwatchman actually has a chance of batting out the innings, holy shit.

He probably will, i can't imagine QLD staying labor. It just isn't in our nature.

Why is melbourne so insufferable

Like everywhere else in the country, even Adlaide and Prth and qld are 10x better than victorians

Adelaide should have a sign at the city limits reading 'At least we're not Melbourne!'.

They all seem so mad, makes me wish I was smart enough to understand anything goin on in that thread.

nah mate just enjoy watching them froth at the mouth and their shitfits when they don't get what they want

Yeah but the same shitfits would've happened either way.

Interesting results though, Latham's back, the Nationals lost votes to the gun nuts and there's an Armenian premier of the largest state.


The fact that you don't understand Aussoid nonsense does not make you dumb

R/aus is the most out of touch sub in the website. Its like cth but less hogposting and more insufferable victorians who unironically cant handle different opinions and scream at the void endlessly that not everyone gives a shit about transgender racial discrimination act aboriginal communism

Anyone give me a rundown? Australia is too irrelevant for me to know their politics

Aussies on reddit love to think they're representative of the state/country at large. Australia is much more conservative than most would think.

Soooo basically it's like r/politics and America?

Yeah that sounds about right. The image that Australians on reddit love to portray is way off from the reality of the majority of citizens and voters.

IMO Australia is way closer to going full "White Australia" policy than America.

Why do you say that

Say that Australia's closer to going "White Australia" again?

I've lived and worked in AU/UK/US and spent time in Canada, and in my experience Australia is much more ready to go full anti immigration from non white countries. I'm not saying its likely to happen, but if I had my money on one country to enforce it, it'd be on Aus.

Care to provide some anecdotes as to why you came to that conclusion about australia?

Less than 2 decades ago people went down to a beach to bash Arabs

Everyone complains about Asians

Sudanese gangs have been getting a good run recently

Everyone still bashes on abos too

The Chinese that are everywhere also hate Muslims

Tight immigration policy for over 10 years while European countries were busy doing unchecked immigration that caught up to them later

That's interesting. What do you think will happen?

Tight immigration policy for over 10 years while European countries were busy doing unchecked immigration that caught up to them later

Except everything you listed applies even more so to Europe.

Less than 2 decades ago people went down to a beach to bash Arabs

Literal race riots in the last few years between locals and muslims/refugees, such as Corisca, Poland, Italy, and more times I can count in east Germany.

Sudanese gangs have been getting a good run recently. I also read an article that detailed abos grouping up to beat down the Sudanese gangs, guess they were sick of losing the monopoly on bashing people on the street

Huge fights between mobs of Kurds and Turks aren't unheard of. And in Sweden, even refugees throw the occasional grenade at each other.

Everyone still shits on abos too


The Chinese that are everywhere also hate Muslims


Less than 2 decades ago people went down to a beach to bash Arabs

That wasn't just for shits and giggles, though

I wasn't born here but I'm white. I've had people bitch to me about immigrants a million times, sometimes even when I point out that I'm an immigrant I'll get various "yeah but you're the right colour" etc.

Got any anecdotes?

let's not forget that Aussies have their own prison island where they detain brown people forever

True, everyone forgets Bali.

Just like G bay?

It's way sexier

FWIW I seriously appreciate you coming into this thread and translating all these didgeridoo noises into cleartext.

I really do see myself as an online tourist guide don't I.

Imagine a fat, balding, early 30s man with a girly voice. That's your average /r/Australia poster

Honestly all political parties in Aust / Sydney are a joke.

The biggest one being one called Keep Sydney Open or whatever, their policy seem to revolve around throwing money at the entertainment industry for more shitty music shows and making Sydney "vibrant" amongst other petty bullshit, with no indication how'll they help alleviate utility prices, overdevelopment of apartments, ramapant lobbying, etc

Eh, you're kinda missing the context of that. Far from being the largest party, they're kicking up because Sydney has lockout laws meaning you can go into a bar after midnight.

They also have shit tonnes of sniffer dogs at festivals and tough drug policy was one of issues the reelected government ran on

Say what you will about Melbourne, at least you can pop in to Revs at 5am after 20 beers at the footy and shaft pingers to your hearts content.

Fuck off, Melbourne had lockouts a decade ago and the labor thugs introduced the sniffer dogs.


Melbourne hates immigrants so much they don't feel Australia, so I guess you can have that. Oh, and rando raping too..

Fuck off, Melbourne had lockouts a decade ago and the labor thugs introduced the sniffer dogs.

For like 4 weeks before realising it is a completely retarded idea. Only New South Sheepfuckers would continue it for years.

Melbourne hates immigrants so much they don't feel Australia, so I guess you can have that. Oh, and randos raping too..

Ease off on the glass barbies mate, cooking your brain

What's the point of going out all night if you just get raped and murdered on the way home? Or just have to run the gauntlet of racist derros with baseball bats as you wait for a bus with a fucking power cord and no steering wheel?

Good on you but I just happen to care what happens to the state beyond what degenerate shit I can get up to on a Friday / Saturday night.

Literally an cringe anarchy title

It's a reference to this absolute unit.

Liberals are in fact the boomer party. Like at least vote for One Nation or something who are actually tough on immigration and wouldn't have sold out the NBN for Murdochbux.

tough on immigration

In what way?

I had absolutely no idea there was an election going on down there. Say what you want about the decline of the UK but at least everyone outside of bible belt tailer parks notices when they have an election.

i dont get it. are liberals in aus like the republicans in USA ? just lower t levels?