The_Mueller declares war on The_Donald.

144  2019-03-23 by Ghdust2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Yup, they have fucking lost it. The trauma of being conned for two fucking years is probably too much to handle for them.

Playing the long game doesn’t always pay off

Will they dissavow their faggy snoovatar?

They turned into the left wing version of QAnon a long time ago.

All the good right-wing lolcow farms (e.g. Qultists) get banned while the left-wing ones remain. It's been horrible for radical centrism.

Seriously all the best conspiracy theorists have some kind of weird right-wing leaning for some reason.

Left conspiracies: The government is bought off by corporations maaaan. Vaccines maaan. Poison in our food maaaan. Capitalism maaaan.

Right conspiracies: The goverment is colluding with interdimentsional aliens to mutate our DNA through 5G phone network radiation. Also we're not sure vaccines cause autism but chemtrails definitely do. Praise Jesus.

Right-wingers: Soros is behind it and muslims are evil

Left-Wingers: Putin is behind it

Radical Centrists: Soros is Putin

I prefer space aliens because usually it doesn't result in shitty laws.

If it's aliens then they'd be illegal aliens. I don't want no extra-terrestrials taking our jobs.

The big thing is inter-dimensional aliens now. Get your shit together, son.

(Seriouspost incoming)

Probably because outside of The Handmaid’s Tale and maybe Idiocracy very few liberal literature about oppressive big governments exist (as libs love having giant governments). While they may make comparisons to Harry Potter it’s more about character archetypes.

The right however hates big government and has a plethora of writing against big government.

1984 is anti-authoritarian but Orwell was a socialist 😁

That's not exactly a fair view of 1984 -- Orwell was a socialist, but the book was about the USSR, not 'fascism' as many people seem to believe.

That said, I wish Orwell had shot himself during the war (like he claimed he thought about) so he'd never have written that fucking book.

It was about Stalinism an authoratian ideology.

Stalinism, Marxism, Trotskyism, whatever. It's fag-ism, if you ask me.

This but unironically.

(It is a good book.)

Orwell just saw the direction that the Western left was heading. I think it was in The Road to Wigan Pier where he pointed out that socialsts of his time didn't particularly like the working classes or anything they did and the working classes didn't particularly like the socialists. The more things change...

it's a great book if you know you want political nightmares you will never find your way out of. once you read that book you will never trust anyone again. it is an atom bomb for trust.

You are retarded for not knowing about cyberpunk tho.

We pretty live in a cyberpunk dystopia these days.

Left-wing cyberpunk is William Gibson: Corporations are going to capture and disintegrate our governments. Our craving for economic growth created incredible wealth disparity as a side-effect. Cities are going to collapse, the oceans are going to rise. The military experiments on soldiers. But, at least you'll be able to 3D-print pretty much anything.

Right wing cyberpunk is Nick Land: Fucking YES bring it on!

There's plenty of left-leaning anti-government literature. So much that it's essentially become background noise. Our culture has been drifting left for so long that it's really not controversial to criticize the government from a left position. Amusingly, that makes the righties the dissenters from the norm.

Leftoids trust public schools, academics, their elected officials (lol), the media, etc. Rightoids are just a loony but their base doesn't lie within the mainstream.

Also the right believes in demons, which is pretty fun. A good conspiracy theory should be at least a little wacky after all.

“It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea.” ― Robert Anton Wilson, Illuminati Papers

It's pronounced canon

Any time things go liberals' way:

Actions have consequences.

Any time things go conservatives' way:

But why do there have to be two sides???


It’s always good to see two groups of opposing sociopathic incels go at it cause neither got what they wanted.

Yeah what they don’t seem to realize is this is historic.

Is it really tho

Of course it’s historic. Presidents never get investigated for anything, ever. Once again Glubpf has tarnished the legacy of the Oval Office!

Oval Office, more like Oral Office am I right xD

God I love nothing more than for people in Current Year telling us what will most certainly be true 100 years from now.

Hey fuckfaces, you could say retard unabashedly 15 years ago and faggot 30 years ago. Anyone sitting around then predicting that extinction?

Anyone sitting around then predicting that extinction?

People still say those words literally all the time, do a nice thing bring the guys coffee because i'm doing it anyways of course they are going to call me a faggot.

they've just done their best to drive all those guys away from the Democrats/left for some reason, Punk is republican and boring ass man talk.

how dumb do you have to be to think you succeeded in changing in how men talk to other men lmao

Get your fucking shit straight, cumstain. I'm not the one who "succeeded" here. I'm talking about how Outkast thought it was okay to make a song called "Let's Get Retarded" only to get "corrected".

> Outkast

> "Let's Get Retarded"

What did he mean by this?

Fuck you're right lol. It's my birthday and I'm drunk, editing...

Have another one on me man.

Happy exiting from gussy anniversary my man!

Hey fuckfaces, you could say retard unabashedly 15 years ago and faggot 30 years ago. Anyone sitting around then predicting that extinction?

I can still say it, you retarded faggot. Not all of us are beholden to Twitter outrage mobs. If Disney will hire their pet pedophile back there's no good reason the rest of us can't continue to be a barely employable edgelords.

retarded faggot

You hot off /b/ there, champ?

I'm hot no matter where I go, bb. You jelly?

Wyd later?

Chubby girls, prolly.

I used to be in a nu metal band called Barely Employable Edgelords

Weird, my grunge band was called Pet Pedophile.

That's sweet. I used to be in a grunge band called Kourtney Killed Kurt. It was mostly covers of Nirvana songs with white power lyrics.

I much preferred your earlier work in "Kourtney Kucks Kurt" before he shot himself.

believing Kurt Kobain is actually dead

Lol maybe I'm just a massive pussy but I definitely feel more conscious of what I say around people these days. I would be tempted to say I've just been duped by overdramatic rightoids into thinking this but I've definitely seen outrage reactions in person. The sort of language which was common among my my friendship group I quickly realised was completely off limits among some other groups, maybe it had been the case for a while without me knowing. My friend once called out "hey faggot" to me through a window at a house party and some FtM tranny who was there went OFF lol. These days I stop myself before saying "retard" around other people.


As a kid in the 70's we'd go out to recess, and come back after it was over:

Teacher:So what you kids do? Us: Played Smear the queer. Teacher: That's always a fun game.

Future historians (and rational people in general) will look back on this time in the usa and be horrified.

I mean, to be fair, there won't be any future historians. The planet's dying and due to climate migration we'll most likely destroy the planet in resource wars that result in our extinction before 2200.

Might as well stop worrying then and have fun with it

Pretty much.

R A D - C E N

Based accelerationism

due to climate migration we'll most likely destroy the planet in resource wars that result in our extinction before 2200.

Sounds like racist anti-immgriation hate speech!

Here's what I'm thinking.

We've waited almost 2 years for The Mueller Report. Those guys have been working their ass off like nobody's business and we are finally going to see the fruits of the labor. This is the A Team of A Teams when it comes to lawyers and they're about to put out the most consequential report in a century.

We've been waiting on this thing because the conspiracy theories around the 2016 election and it's participants are both insane and credible.

There is reason to believe that not only is our president a criminal many times over, but the evidence they've found to incriminate him will continue spawning a legion of similar task forces. He was but the first.

You think those Panama Papers are the only copy the Feds have of tax avoidance? You think they're only getting evidence of Trump from Deutsche Bank? You think America's Army doesn't understand just how FUCKED this is that Russia is dictating national intelligence?

Nah. You're done.

The Mueller Report is the Lawful American Revolution, and it's being led by war-veteran prosecutors. Everybody's going to jail.

this better be pasta

Jesus christ these people are such fucking losers. I praise Allah everyday that he has blessed me the ability to watch this and laugh daily

They haven't already?

lmao imagine thinking an old white male republican cop is gonna save you from donny goodbrains trump

jesus christ lol

Does anyone remember that subreddit that existed for when Trump lost the 2016 election?

Imagine being a leftist yet basing your entire identity behind a republucan "ally, one of the good ones." Hell their fucking existence is an offshoot of TD. They're the krassenstein of reddit but at least that retard found a way to make money off it.

Trump supporters are going to realize one thing when this report came out - Trump didn't collude with Russia, but he is so fucking retarded that he hired a bunch of asshats that did collude with Russia. He was too stupid to realize all of these people were lying to him, including his own children. Republicans will be triggered like no one has ever been won the face of the planed when they realize thy elected a President that will go down in history as the biggest dipshit ever, exposing them as the dumbest, racist, inbred, dick lickers.

thy elected a President that will go down in history as the biggest dipshit ever

> Implying American democracy isn't descending further into an idiocracy.

Donald is part of the wave of Twitter-bound politicians. Just you wait until you get the Instagram and TikTok politicians.

Yeah - God I hope this country wakes up - but I am preparing my fallout shelter just in case.

I nominate this for "brigaded thread of the year"

The cloud of agenda posting has fallen.

Begun the Cope Wars have.




God liberals are dumb as rocks