Tumblr claims that Antifa are the real victims because they just want to chill at home instead of punching Right wingers

8  2019-03-23 by bobekyrant



"White silence=death"

Those lazy commies would be at home engaging in consumerism. Rightoids are doing them a favor by preventing this.

Trump could NOT actually carry out a genocide towards any ethinic group, America at large would never tolerate it.

But TBH if he was like "Ima put all the Antifa people in a military prison camp that cool?" I bet he could get a lot of us to look the other way

But like literally nothing would happen if Antifa disappeared tomorrow. If anything life would become more peaceful. These people know deep down that this is completely bullshit. They know deep down that they are not what's standing between humanity and genocide. They know they're not helping matters whatsoever, they just desperately need to make themselves feel important.

These are dumb mayos who were raised by a school system that underplayed the accomplishments of HUWHITE DEVILS like soldiers and the people who actually shed blood to end suffering, but treated activist figures like deities. They know that there's no real risk of anything even SORT OF resembling the Holocaust or slavery happening in America, they just want to LARP the civil rights movement.

Finally, before my autism becomes terminal: I think it's HILARIOUS that they're like, "if it weren't for the NOBLE WAR AGAINST FASCISM, I could be... drinking and smoking pot... or cleaning my (presumably filthy apartment)... or watching TV." It's not "oh I could be building something or studying something or volunteering," it's this degenerate lazy wypipo shit. So they're basically admitting they're wastes of space slobs, pretty much proving that they NEED the "resistance" to feel speshul.

