Conservatives cant stand the fact that CEO's can ban whomever they want from their product

22  2019-03-23 by aminbae


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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The fallout of this is going to end in regulation. Not good for dramacoin.

The fallout of this is going to end in regulation.



Any attempt will be laughed out of court

No it wont be laughed out of court. This a publisher vs platform case and the court is conservative at the highest level. Facebook, twitter, and the like are playing with fire. I dont want a regulated net, but its going to happen if these giant social media platforms keep up the bull shit.

This a publisher vs platform case

Elaborate for my entertainment

The gois think they have a right to be heard

Publisher controls the content they put out and has more responsibilities and restrictions, which a platform does not, but doesn't restrict what appears on their platform. It's similar to common carrier status that ISP and telecoms enjoyed as long as they didn't censor content.

Twitter doesn't charge it's users a fee. Users are the product and advertisers are the customers. Also whoops, common carrier for ISPs got thrown out with net neutrality šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

All they have to do is revoke the existing protections given to these sites for user uploaded content and they are fucked.

They'd have to revoke them from every site and that would be the dumbest fight to pick. Also, they'd become even more obligated to police user content if that happened. Cutting off one's nose to spite their face.

No. This is how poorly knowledgeable you are on the topic.

The only sites left would be uncurated hellscapes, the rest of the internet would get shut down from being sued into oblivion by copyright and getting ass pounded by the FBI.

Jack Dorsey is a bitch for censorship anyway magatards or not

Cant make up his mind as to what twitters actual purpose is

He doesnā€™t even make any decisions, when the twitterati ban someone they send him an email saying theyā€™re doing it and he canā€™t intervene

The CEO of Twitter ā€œcanā€™t interveneā€ with bans on his platform? Give me a break

From interviews it seems like he basically does nothing and doesnā€™t want to

In the JRE interview where he brought his lawyer, he said she sends him an email saying "We are terminating this account" and then he gives what input he can.

He really made it sound like he isn't in the driver's seat

He is with his lawyer, who is obviously advising him to deny culpability because of their incredibly biased algorithms. Twitter is going to be in legal battles for years. The man isnā€™t going to come out and say he is responsible for the banning which occurs at a 23:1 ratio against conservatives.

They are lying to you, wake up.

He's also beholden to the investors live that Saudi prince who invested $300 million into twitter, not to mention the government agencies that are no doubt heavily involved with manipulating the company.

I'm willing to bet he has a lot less sway over some of these decisions than you think.

You sound retarded



Anyone watch him and his pajeet hr lawyer get embarrassed by a dude in a beanie on jre


Anyone watch jre



I watched some of it and all I saw an aggressive and loud autist in a beanie repeat the same talking points while getting eviscerated by someone who's actually smart and successful.


Lmao you think a walking HR lawyer repeating pre-recorded lines sounds smart?

I'm sorry your fragile mayo ass can't handle a powerful female POC.

Good. Cuckservatives deserve it. Their entire ideology is in the interests of rich fags like jack.

its their continous hypocrisy thats funny, trying to sue a free service JFL, not paying for it , regulating free enterprise JFL as long as it suits them

LMAO youre going to sue over a free service thats not a near essential service like facebook

maybe if they all paid a monthly membership and not freeloaded like they espouse to... they wouldnt have been banned

The thing is that if Trump canā€™t block people by order of the court it makes a funny dynamic between Social Media companies and the US government that thereā€™s no precedent for yet besides the retarded ruling saying he canā€™t block people from his twitter.

MDEtards and CAutists are SEETHING

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Agendaposters OUT

CEOā€™s can ban whoever they want from their product

Something something gay wedding cake.