"Every now and again, I wish I could un-take the (actually societally useful) red pill r/ChapoTrapHouse gave me, but I think we all know the stakes here." - Autism galore as Antifags lament the great burden of the RESISTANCE

43  2019-03-23 by bussysmalls


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Harry Potter is responsible for 99% of this millennial autism tbh.

I think it's HILARIOUS that they're like, "if it weren't for the NOBLE WAR AGAINST FASCISM, I could be... drinking and smoking pot... or cleaning my (presumably filthy apartment)... or watching TV." It's not "oh I could be building something or studying something or volunteering," it's this degenerate lazy wypipo shit. So they're basically admitting they're wastes of space slobs, pretty much proving that they NEED the "resistance" to feel speshul.

These wastes of space KNOW deep down that literally NOTHING would happen tomorrow if they disappeared. They know that they ain't doing shit and that there is not "genocide" coming if they don't stand up and RESIST. They fucking know it deep down, they just wanna LARP the civil rights movement.

>cleaning my (presumably filthy) apartment

Crustacean parent wants to know your location

You're not allowed to type wypipo un-ironically.

It’s not even deep down that they know it, their conviction is about as deep as a petri dish. It’s like when nerds repeat that gay quote about not agreeing with something but willing to die for your right to say it. In reality of course they would sooner forfeit free speech than take a punch in the face from butterbean, never mind give their lives.

I like how they're pretending they're functional members of society

Before you leave an insightful comment, consider watching The Philosophy of Antifa that might answer a lot of questions/misconceptions you might have about antifascists.

Like these Drama raiders have the capacity to sit through an hour video that doesn't contain one racial slur.

He's right tho

why would i want to watch an hour long video that can be summarized with the phrase "but this time it'll be different"

Did they actually attack some orthodox Jewish dude? If so that’s fucking hilarious and a big part of why a lot of people I know aren’t all-in on the #Xtreme Resist.

They get really confrontational if someone is Jewish, even if it’s just some leftie bro that had a bar mitzvah and never went to Israel.

Let's say there's a mentally unstable man who's shooting random people. The police get sent there to deal with this assault. The man has to be tased. Would you argue that because the police used violence to stop a violent man, that they're just as bad as him? Let's have another analogy. A police officer tases a black man because he thought he was reaching for a gun, when really he was just reaching for his phone to pull up a picture and ask him a question. Would you use this and other cases of unprovoked police brutality against police officers, saying that they'll attack anyone who looks at them funny? The police exist to serve and protect. No matter how many mistakes are made, the majority always abides by the right code. Antifa similarly exists to protect and enact justice. I bet that if Antifa were gone for good, we'd have way more Nazis and white supremacists. Just like if we got rid of the police, no one would stop us from shooting people on the street.

You can't be fucking serious m8. P. good bait though.

Based and truth-pilled. It’s over for Orthodox cels, but they should understand.

I just wanted to play video games.

OP triggered as fuck

Post hog faggot.

Host fog paggot

Ya they will run your mongrel ass through the zyclon b shower alright..POS BOOTLICKER

Imagine calling a biracial person a 'mongrel' and making an insulting reference to the Holocaust in order to checks notes "own the Nazis"