Personally I use the Daily Stormer as my news aggregate. They never miss anything and are pretty centrist and fair. Drama leans a little too far to the right for me. Sometimes this sub makes me feel unsafe.
If there was a nuclear war and I had a fallout shelter and you and my mom were banging on the door of it, I'd be like "what Marseys have you sent me lately" and we can all guess who would win that contest.
Lol, dogs are every bit as racist as their owners because they take their cues from their masters. This is why, as a Nietzschian, I have no respect for dogs.
I will vote for whatever presidential candidate promises to gas everyone in that sub. Hickenlooper? Warren? Harris? This could be your chance to break out from the pack.
whine whine... some doggies are treated bad because they r pittie bulls but its not fair! pittie bulls are good doggos just like border collies and chihuahuas! all breed hav good doggos and a few not-as-good doggos! same wiff hoomins!! some not nice, but most hoomins are good hoomins!! its up to you to teech yer hoomin to be nice!
I'm just going to state for the record that this is really inappropriate for this sub. You should take this elsewhere. This is just a goofy, fun-loving subreddit full of people and I don't appreciate you coming in here with this kind of bullshit.
I get that this is a bit, because while I get that we live in hell the thought that someone posted this sincerely would destroy my brain, but it's not particularly funny or even good satire. It's just someone mashing an already existing white supremacist argument into pupperspeak. Either do better, or just stop.
Wow, there sure are a lot of standards in this sub where you talk like retarded children
I *just *read that post where the retard compares marvel characters to politians and now I'm knee deep in this shit. I feel nauseous. /r/drama is bad for your health when the autism is too concentrated.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-23
"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-03-23
This is peak Reddit. There is nowhere left to sink to.
1 BoldBaby 2019-03-23
Idk LifeProTips quite literally plagiarized a fortune cookie
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-03-23
I would have bet millions I’d never hear that sentence accurately describe a scenario in my life.
1 uniqueguy263 2019-03-23
1 umar4812 2019-03-23
Which one?
1 allanmes 2019-03-23
this post has redeemed reddit for me, i'm going to b e giggling all day.
1 Bustoyevskiy 2019-03-23
Personally I use the Daily Stormer as my news aggregate. They never miss anything and are pretty centrist and fair. Drama leans a little too far to the right for me. Sometimes this sub makes me feel unsafe.
1 BeanerShnitzel 2019-03-23
Fuck it, I laughed.
1 ReturnOneWayTicket 2019-03-23
What the fucking fuck is that fuckin fucked up fuckin shit?
1 FoxDieEeE 2019-03-23
what the heckin heck is that heckin hecked up heckin crud?????!
1 xthorgoldx 2019-03-23
whine whine
1 gulducats 2019-03-23
Thanks, I hate it. Oof. Yikes. Y’all, how do I delete someone else’s subreddit?
1 HugeBicepsMan 2019-03-23
This is the worst thing I have ever seen.
1 PlumCorruptor 2019-03-23
And that’s a good thing
1 TheLiveGhost 2019-03-23
Is there something more cringier than dogfags?
Meme made by cat gang
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2019-03-23
1 umar4812 2019-03-23
Thank you for not using those dumb cartoon cat reaction images.
1 Redactor0 2019-03-23
Marsey has a name.
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2019-03-23
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2019-03-23
1 Redactor0 2019-03-23
If there was a nuclear war and I had a fallout shelter and you and my mom were banging on the door of it, I'd be like "what Marseys have you sent me lately" and we can all guess who would win that contest.
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2019-03-23
LEAKED footage of me chilling in your fallout shelter 💞😼
1 Redactor0 2019-03-23
I've spent so many months trying to figure out a situation where I could deploy that and you beat me to it! 🤣🤣🤣
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2019-03-23
me rn figuring out my newest Marsey deployment 😼🙈
1 umar4812 2019-03-23
Marsey can choke on my dick
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-03-23
wow heckin puppers never do a racism. only ting doggo do is love fren.
1 Carr10nComf0rt 2019-03-23
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
1 heretobefriends 2019-03-23
Lol, dogs are every bit as racist as their owners because they take their cues from their masters. This is why, as a Nietzschian, I have no respect for dogs.
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-03-23
basierend und rot-pillen
1 Wegwerfkontobelegt 2019-03-23
Basiert und rotgepillt.
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-03-23
I'll trust your translation. I don't speak Jewhate
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2019-03-23
1 Death_Trolley 2019-03-23
I will vote for whatever presidential candidate promises to gas everyone in that sub. Hickenlooper? Warren? Harris? This could be your chance to break out from the pack.
1 arandomloser21 2019-03-23
This reminds me of the "X For Real Justice!!!!" accounts on Tumblr where people would roleplay as Naruto about homophobia or something.
1 loli_esports 2019-03-23
It is highly illogical that 13% of the population commits 50% of the crime unless you look at the surrounding societal factors, captain. -Mod Spock
1 The_Pandemonium 2019-03-23
Mayocide now pls
1 byobombs 2019-03-23
Holy shit lol imagine being able to write out that cringe and not feel the need to kys immediately after you press “post”
1 ineed750bucks 2019-03-23
I forgot, how do people submit snappy quotes?
1 Snowayne2 2019-03-23
ping snappy's daddy
1 FrostBittenSalsa 2019-03-23
u/LightUmbra, you don't do snappy but tbh I'm too lazy to ping the other mongoloid. Do your thing
1 burntnut 2019-03-23
Imagine defending the breed of peace 😂
1 fat_fist_fister 2019-03-23
Lol imagine thinking pitbulls and collies aren’t completely genetically different and then using that to compare humans as being equal
1 LN2482 2019-03-23
this is a masterpiece
1 ForlornGrace 2019-03-23
Where is Kim when you need a little nuclear holocaust?
1 minority360 2019-03-23
The mayo question. Always shut down by the [[[mods}}}
1 80BAIT08 2019-03-23
What the fuck is that sub. Adults typing like that is so cringy I literally can't even.
1 Van-Diemen 2019-03-23
Middle aged women and soylent males.
1 Redactor0 2019-03-23
I can do rare puppers speak, but even I have a limit and they're 500% beyond it.
1 fernguts 2019-03-23
Jesus Motherfucking Christ. That sub was actually awesome for its first few weeks, before the plebs found it.
1 FoxDieEeE 2019-03-23
lol yeah it was totally awesomesauce!!!!!!
1 ArtisanalCollabo 2019-03-23
animal babytalk language is basically texual rage comics.
is there some sort of reddit filter bot but for anyone who posts 'doggo' garbage?
1 Manipulatrix 2019-03-23
1 RunescapeFootModel 2019-03-23
End my life
1 error404brain 2019-03-23
Everything about this is retarded. Great find OP.
1 CTR-Shill 2019-03-23
How do I downvote an entire subreddit
1 wsbking 2019-03-23
Snappy quote pls
1 SvarogsSon 2019-03-23
gonna boop the snoot the fuck out of the next redditor I see (in minecraft)
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2019-03-23
These people are not welcome in /r/familyman, even we have our limits
1 AlrightGinger 2019-03-23
brings a whole new meaning to dog whistling
1 SemperHiFidelity 2019-03-23
I need to get off the fucking internet.
1 The_Funk_Man 2019-03-23
1 Osterion 2019-03-23
Is there a /r/babyshowerthoughts? We need to argue about the race war with baby talk next.
1 rap_gaming 2019-03-23
Its hard for me to imagine anyone typing like that, I just dont get it.
1 BeanerShnitzel 2019-03-23
They're fucking retarded, that is why you don't get it.
1 Ezekiiel 2019-03-23
why have you introduced me to this
1 scalar214 2019-03-23
I love subreddits like these because they remind me that no matter how many dicks I suck, I'll never be that much of a faggot.
1 ReformedCh1ldRapist 2019-03-23
1 BeanerShnitzel 2019-03-23
Get the fuck outta here with that np shit.
1 MarioBuzo 2019-03-23
Regular furry shit.
1 MrGoodieMob 2019-03-23
kill me
1 BeanerShnitzel 2019-03-23
I love the pibble responses to the OP
1 detroitvelvetslim 2019-03-23
Truly a galaxy-brain shitpost
1 I_dontevenlift 2019-03-23
Didnt read caused censored but what the fuck.
1 CPT_Clarnence 2019-03-23
All da good boyes who post in that sub unironically deserve to go sleepy sleep forever.
1 SharonaZamboni 2019-03-23
Cate! Woof!
1 ChipotleMayocide 2019-03-23
Ahhhh what the fuck man
1 Mastodon720 2019-03-23
I bet every single one of these peoole are mayo. Change my mind.
1 finglewing 2019-03-23
holy motherfuck mayocide now after looking at that sub
1 Pinksister 2019-03-23
I *just *read that post where the retard compares marvel characters to politians and now I'm knee deep in this shit. I feel nauseous. /r/drama is bad for your health when the autism is too concentrated.