😀😀😀 why the FUCK does chapo get to ping πŸ˜€πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

65  2019-03-23 by nosteppysnek


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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threats of violence? 😴😴😴
pings? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Suicide fuel for the dramatard.

Because y’all can’t behave.

If people wouldn’t have used it so much on voldeboob we would still have it

Telling influencers to not repost is VIOLENCE.

Learn to code.

That attitude of snark and viciousness is why you aren’t a Kang anymore. {Blue Check, Twitter goes wild, screencap featured on Buzzfeed on your Apple News Hub}

Yakub is displeased.


we did start pinging him. then he became a mod and here bullied him relentless for a few hours and the rest of the mods mutinied against him and got him removed

Finally, an image that both the far left and the far right can despise equally.


I'm having trouble parsing the agenda behind the image tbh, it could be pro or anti any of the figures in it.

Mods removed them, but it's obvious they can't handle the power of pinging at all and admins should do something about it for the drama it would cause.

Today on r/the_boomer: Are the Jews friends to all white right wingers, and allies in the coming crusade to gas all the fuckin' libs, or the enemy of the white race and responsible your NEET status?

we probably drove some retards to suicide or some ad company got pissy and threatened to cut off reddits allowance

You'll notice that the representation of Judaism isn't brown. That's probably why.

Because it's literally the flag

By allah return us the pin and return Palestine to the arabs

Cursed image