They attacked Traps. Traps.

21  2019-03-23 by ardasyenden


womp womp


  1. This Post -,,,

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literally who with a 600 patreon sub list

36 fucking minutes for a video about why traps is not a slur


it's part of their "culture"

This may sound weird, but seeing videos and people in the anime communities saying 'trap is a slur' bothered me a lot more than your usual SJW fuckery. Just because it was basically a sudden retconning of part of the culture of a hobby I previously thought wasn't as affected by this nonsense. I'm glad it's getting some pushback. I don't give a shit about the trap arguments but weebs should be culled. Imagine caring so much about stupid Japanese children's shows. I get people liking Akira and Ghost in the shell but just look at that youtube thumbnail. Fucking nerds man.

I feel the same way, there’s nothing I feel more disgusted about than weebs showing outrage over someone calling them pedos cuz they fap to drawings of prepubescent girls

Fuck mayocide tbh, weebocide should be a much higher priority

lmao I just got banned from KIA

Anti censorship subreddit bans users

Yet another example of the Horseshoe in Action

What even is this weeb shit?

exactly what you said

Weeb shit

He looked from r/drama to r/KotakuInAction, and from r/KotakuInActionto r/drama, and from r/drama to r/KotakuInAction again; but already it was impossible to say which was which

/r/delicioustraps will not go down without a fight!

I read that as delicious straps (yeah I’m retarded) and wasn’t expecting that at all Jesus Christ

/r/cutefutanari is better

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. As gross as it feels to say I'm with KIA on this one.

Gross trannies are just jealous of qt traps.