r/politics level COPE

41  2019-03-24 by abraham_pimpin


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Based and kinkpilled

So he didn’t delete anything then?

He deleted his email account which I guess counts because it is technically an account

Wouldn't expect anything less from him.

Who knew someone who spent their time on Twitter every second as a political hack would reneg on a deal and weasel a "technically I did it"

This guy is a grifters grifting off of Daddy's twatter.

Oh god it’s like arguing with a Redditor

The most absurd and bizarre timeline ever.

If US would cover costs for mental health issue of only 1% of Twitter users, it would go bankrupt in a month.

make asylums a thing again

make asylums a thing again

They aren't ? 😱

Why ?

America IS bankrupt. 22 trillion spent on sissy cumslut bondage gear for Donald Trump to Submit to his bull Putin.

I don't really feel like making a seperate post about it because there are so many of these threads right now but lefty basedfag Glenn Greenwald has been absolutely rinsing copecels on twitter.

Damn imagine how much liberal boomer pussy the krassenstein guys get

Wow he deleted his email acount, his life is truly over now, i mean it's not like he can't just make another in like 5 minutes right?....Right?

he and his brother definitely have an incest thing going on, they are so touchy feely with one another.

It's that twincest shit. Twins are natural degenerates