Britbong senior politicians want to get rid of their retarded leader Theresa May via a coup.

28  2019-03-24 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Member that Margaret 'Iron Lady' Thatcher burst into tears when the UK Tories finally told her to fuck off in 1990. She then had dementia and turned into even more of a retard in her last years.

At least Chad Margaret Thatcher got elected twice. This one would literally be burned at the stake already if society weren't so cucked that they stopped persecuting obvious witches. She's going to be fired with her only accomplishments being being elected to a small district, getting lazy disabled people off the dole and killing themselves, and deporting non-white Britbongs.

Nah Thatcher wasn't a Chad. Thatcher got cucked by Blair who got elected and annihilated all of Thatcher's cabinet, then went onto to perform war crimes and escaped punishment completely. Thatcher went onto dementia after she left office and was a laughing stock. Blair became super rich and literally "got away with it".

There are people in Eastern Europe who name their kids Blair

And he fucked Rupert Murdoch's Chinese MILF spy wife too.

Wtf I fucking love Tony Blair 😍😍😍

At least Chad Margaret Thatcher got elected twice.

She was elected three times sweaty, and she's clearly a stacy.

The centrist position right now is to hope that she doesn't get outed and instead brings MV3 to vote again.

The outrage would be unreal.

If she's super-speedy she could probably get MV4 in before 11 April. Pity that parliament seems to have detailed this particular merry-go-round.

This is so stupid.

Okay...lets pretend they get rid of May.

Who is fucking retarded enough to take her place? Sargon of Akkad?

She’s only in that spot because they knew anyone who took it was going to be unliked.

Chris Grayling? Boris? Gavin Williamson? Angela Leadsom? The problem with UK politics definitely isn't an abundance of brains & competence.

Finding an incompetent power-hungry moron in the high offices of state is like shooting fish in a barrel. (In fairness, i'm not sure Grayling is power hungry...)

(My guess: May will stay, after a half-hearted coup to replace her with lidington is scuppered by gove + ERC/DUP/Corbyn)

My perspective is that no one wants to be driving the auto the moment it rides over the cliff.

Until this Brexit is over, one way or an other, May is just a punching bag.

No one is replacing her any time soon.

It's pretty much the only reason she's still there after the disastrous election followed by Grenfell. That would've finished pretty much any prime minister under normal circumstances, especially a tory one. The restraint they must've had to keep their knives out of her back after that...

Gove or liddlesome most likely.

The reason Britain is so shit now is a tragic result of their empire. All the adventurous and strong-willed Anglos left for the colonies leaving behind a murky island of pasty, complacent limeys.

Like any empire

I miss the days when people remembered you could do an actual coup when your country is completely ungovernable and about to fall off a cliff.

Britain hasn't had a coup since the Hanoverians ascended.

Unless you count fat ass Georgie's regency and even that was almost centuries ago.

Maximum drama here would be remainers doing a coup to cancel brexit and then the EU kicks them out anyway because coups are against their values.

I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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