The trailer for the live action Dora The Explorer movie (yes, you heard me right) just dropped.

149  2019-03-24 by Ghdust2


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Where the fuck is swiper.

They couldn't include him for fear it would attack the furries.

I'd say something about furries but my account would probably get suspended again for it.

What? I thought that was only a discord thing

they are everywhere. I swear to God they are literally looking for mean comments about furries and reporting them

Idk what discord you all go on...all I ever run into is range traps.

Literally unwatchable

apparently being played by Benicio Del Toro

Voiced by him. I thought you meant that it was just gonna be Benicio walking around stealing things

I'd watch that

Danny trejo is Boots!?!? Hahahahahahaha.

yeah I look forward to Boots inevitably calling someone a bitch's daughter.

Isa best girl.

No swiping

wtf, your name?

Ummm. Sweaty. I love animals. What else is there to say.

That's not love, Vega

this honestly looks about as good as could be, except that white boy looks way to old for high school lol

and obviously mmmmm cummies in dora

mmmmm cummies in dora

Uh, how old is she in this movie?

Maybe 17, possibly 16 during filming? Let's be honest though, she was cast to get sexually frustrated fathers into the theatre.

Lol them double Ds got her that part

I don't think I'm seeing what you're seeing

double Ds

I don't think you know how cup sizes work.

obviously mmmmm cummies in dora

FBI this pedo comment right here

Hes a filthy leaf we'll need to call the mounties. Does Canada even have wireless network capabilities?

Too cold to lay fibre, so we have to use wireless. Ofc it's 56kbps dialup speed, but still.

Diego looks like Barack Obama

I'm not even kidding

He's a recast because the first Diego started boinking Dora.

For real?

He's definitely a recast, my source for the reason is the ongoing Moner shill threads on /tv/, so take that for what it's worth.

Did he actually?

Latina gussy 😍😚😍

Looks ok, I like jungle movies


The Wiki (, because I have no idea how to format a url that ends in a parenthesis) says "Story by Tom Wheeler.

I like it. But the fake trailer trailer with Ariel winter looks like I’d have made a better movie.

Peak Ariel Winters.

Peak Ariel Winters.

Aged 14

Hey Darqqwolf, you're back already?

That or a yamate alt


Edit: I regret nothing.

Obviously, ya fucking pedo

Would pay actual money to see this.

Ok ngl when they cut to the map that was pretty funny

I don't want to watch the movie, but I do want to bust a nut on Dora now

but I do want to bust a nut on Dora now

Another pedo for the FBI list.

You better watch out or I'll bust one on you too

You can choose dora cutting it off with her knife or me with some sissors.

Nailclippers might be better.

What kind of freak cuts hair with nail clippers?

Thanks bro. I needed a haircut.

Hot af tbh 👀



actress is 18

Shes 17 right now.

Yeah, but she will be 18 someday

All girls will be, if ya think about it

Not the ones that die before they are 18.

good conversation


Looked it up, she's 18 in a month. Also 17 is legal in New York.

Isn't the actress 17?

OK what is up with these mini-trailers to grab people's attention, even I don't have that much ADHD.

It’s so it fits into those “5 seconds before you can skip” YouTube ads.

Dora has a knife

Teaching our children how to get expelled as potential school shooters. 😮😮😮

Looks better than capeshit.

at least its not capeshit

Okay for the first time, I wanna see a child’s movie, it’s epic as hell

my dick says yes but my mind says FBI OPEN UP

What if you're basically the same age as her?

Then you're gay for being underage

I'm a year older

It looks like a better tomb raider.

*Remember: no capeshit. *

Looks like dogshit and WORSE than capeshit imo I mean come on

The fuck was that run from the start of the video? I swear it’s like she’s never ran in her entire life.

spics aren't exactly known for their athleticism are they. there's a reason most of them turn into dumplings in their mid 20s

Delete this

R/Libertarian has entered the chat

so many beaners here we can make ourselves a salad y'all

I wasn't sure if I'd heard you right, thanks for clarifying

They couldn't just leave it at the fall.

dora looks pretty

That's a kids movie everybody realized that, right?

You sure about that?

Hollywood knows what they are doing.

But why tho

I hope people respond, I really want to bone Isabela Moner.

caring about a movie made for kidcels


Capeshit for kids. As if MCU wasn't obnoxious enough already.

Fuck off /tv/

Imagine even getting your reference

If Swiper isnt a white dude with a swastika tattoo imma be very dissappointed in hollywood

its fucking weird how they sexualise someone who's supposed to be a young girl in the film. The actress is underaged too I think ...




Reminds me of the spic revamp of Charmed. Damn.

Way to give away the whole movie!

This thread reading like /r/kotakuinaction 🤨🤨🤨

Dora has some big knockers

Do American schools really have checks like that? Most weirdest part in the trailer for me.

Depends on the school but yes some do. Especially larger schools that aren’t in super rich areas.

so is that the lady from Desperate Housewives hanging out with Battle Angel Alita???

Is Michael Peña officially the "Mexican Guy in Every Role" for Pedowood now?

I fucking hate every braindead millennial out there on a journey of perpetual infantilism who eats this shit up.

Actually looks like Dora. Was Emma Stone not available?


It’s Dolores the Explorasaurus!