Drama Mod Snallygaster has admitted to being a spastic with no "fine motor skills". They're not sending their best, folks!

9  2019-03-24 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


This, but unironically.


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Literally no drama, just foidstalking.

Snally thirstposters out

Is she hot?

You think she'd let the autists here get a photo of her? I'm surprised no ones posted them cumming on that photo of lawlz yet

There was a photo of her according to some of the inside cliquebof this shithole. But it was never posted outside their stupid chatrooms.

Snally are you hot? Plz answer, k thanks.

IIRC her response to this once was basically "lol no".

Do you think she would be?

The sub would be empty. Snally white knights are who need purged.

Team Snally is so 2018. I'm on team Trappy now 😎.

Ngl tremors are a pain

Can’t ever repair my shirts or play FPSs that need super accurate shit

I have no tremors but I still can't shoot shit in siege