Mueller report is supposedly coming out soon. Meh

23  2019-03-24 by SadFretful


The AG is trying to avoid releasing the full report. So we'll likely see a showdown over this.


And what is your headcanon for why that is, based fanfiction merchant?

I'm guessing the report contains damaging information on Trump.

Evidence of bank fraud, tax fraud, sketchy connections to Russia.



What lol? I've been saying for months there likely won't be any direct proof of collusion.

We know JR colluded, we know people around Trump colluded, but you can't really do anything to a president without ironclad proof he was involved.

This is about obtaining damaging information for 2020. The GOP decided to play dumb games, they decided to use the federal government and tax payer dollars to attack Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Obama, they did this for years.

Now they're getting a taste of their own medicine and there isn't a god damn thing they can do about it.

Pizza, buddy.

This is called coping.

You seem to keep coping more and more since Friday.

Come on now, buddy, you're not gonna let the cope swallow you up like this, are you?

Break free!

Are you delusional?

I'll seriouspost here

Coping is going "nuh-uh actually here's why I win and this was all good for me, I never lose you actual retard and I definitely never get mad FUCk YOU U FUCKIN RETARD REEEE" when you get BTFO.

AKA, your schtick

What exactly do you think I lost?

this is where pizza does the cope where he makes it seem like he was never ever hoping the Mueller report would end Daddy

You can literally go on my post history and find comments dating back months in which I said "anyone putting faith in that report to bring Trump down is a retard."

Oh yeah? I can go check the post history of /u/pizzashill to confirm that?

Checkmate muahahaha

Yeah, you probably could. I've been saying the same thing for a while.

You probably could

Pizza confirmed for boomer levels of tech knowledge

Or, you have a boomer level knowledge of tech because you can go search reddit post histories, even on deleted accounts.

make it happen then, Elon

Boomer level tech knowledge confirmed: it's already been done.

Correct, I just read all your old comments and found several "Drumpf is finished, DAE the mueller?" posts!

No, you didn't.

Sure did, you'd be able to see them too if you weren't such a boomerbrain!

I could fill a bathtub with all these posts jerking off the report!

I'm day drinking, so I'll let this one go.

Yeah? What's your poison?

and isn't it before noon pretty much everywhere in the western hemisphere right now?

better be a mimosa

I'm drinking rum tbh, it's the only thing I had. To be honest, I am what you could call "zoooted" atm and have been for an hour.

look at a clock and tell me what it says right now you zooter

It's like 11 am.

lol it's kippot all over again

Frist, how fucking dare you.


Why are you trying to C O P E so much my dude? Orange man will most likely stay bad at least 'til 2020.

yeah dummy i know lol

I got to say that your cries of coping seem to be your way of coping. AdvancedCOPING

you're coping by trying to frame me as coping by rightly highlighting pizza's big cope

That is a lot of coping

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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